Bruno Le Pioufle

Professor Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay

CNRS FR3242 / Institut d’Alembert (Director)

University Paris-Saclay 
ENS Paris Saclay 
BIOMIS (group leader)
4 avenue des sciences
91190 Gif sur Yvette, France 

room | pièce 3S20, d’Alembert Institute
phone | tél. ++ 33 (0)1 81875560
send an email

Main research themes

B. Le Pioufle have been working since 1997 on the conception of bio-medical purpose microsystems. His main scientific concerns are 1) the conception of microfluidic biochips for the monitoring of membrane proteins and ion channels and 2) the conception of microfluidic biochips for the cell handling and treatment.

He spent two years from 2005 at University of Tokyo, working in collaboration with S. Takeuchi on the conception of parallelized biochips for the screening on ion channels. He is currently developing this activity within ENS Cachan, developing microfluidic architectures including artificial lipid bilayers for the electrical monitoring of eukaryote or prokaryote ion channels.

Beside this activity, he is also working on biochips for the cell treatment. He is working on cell handling on a chip using dielectrophoresis, cell electropermeabilization on a chip and organ on chip.

B. Le Pioufle is author of more than 70 journal papers, 112 conferences papers and 5 patents.


1997: Accreditation to supervise research , University of PARIS sud
1991: Ph.D., University of  PARIS sud
1986: “Agrégation” in Electrical Engineering (degree necessary to teach in high schools and universities in France).

professional experience 
since 2007: Professor at ENS Paris-SaclayInstitut d’Alembert,
2005-2007: Director of LIMMS/CNRS IIS,UMI 2820, University of Tokyo
1999: Professor à l’ENS de Cachan, 
1997-1999: CNRS researcher at LIMMS, University of Tokyo, Institute of  Industrial Science, laboratory of Professor Fujita

last publications