
About me

I received the engineering degree in computer science from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) and the master degree in Mathematics Vision and Learning (MVA) from the Ecole Normale Supérieur (ENS), Cachan, in 2005. My PhD thesis in applied mathematics from the University of Provence, defended in 2008, was axed on sparse time-frequency decompositions.

I am now an associate professor at the University of Paris-Sud. After 12 years in the Inverse Problem Group of the L2S Lab, I am now with the A&O Team of the LISN. My research focuses on Inverse Problems and structured sparse approximations, with applications to source separations, M/EEG, etc.

Theoretical Contributions

solving inverse problems thanks to sparse synthesis and optimization
Mixed norms, time-frequency synthesis, proximal descent, iterative thresholding, Bayesian models, Nonnegative Matrix Factorization


  • M/EEG source localization
  • Blind Source Separation
  • Signal Restauration/Deconvolution
  • Classification