37 communications avec acte :
- Pons-Branchu E, Sanchidrián JL, Medina-Alcaide MA, Quiles A, Dumoulin JP, Tisnérat-Laborde N, Barbarand J, Nouet J , Valladas H, 2024. Datations croisées par les méthodes uranium-thorium et 14C des voiles carbonatés en grotte ornée. Cas d’étude en Espagne. Datations « absolues » en archéologie : actes du 8e séminaire scientifique et technique de l’Inrap, 3-4 déc. 2024, Orsay.
- Karsenti A, Skonieczny C, Duchamp-Alphonse S, Zhou X, Labidi K, Musial N, Alves A, Leblanc M, Nouet J, Plautre A, Bertrand S, Moreno E, Bartolini A, Kissel C, Bassinot F, 2024. Forcing factors behind primary productivity variabilities in Western Arabian Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum: an important role of mineral dust supplies. EGU 2024.
- Karsenti A, Skonieczny C, Duchamp-Alphonse S, Zhou X, Labidi K, Miska S, Nouet J, Dufaure O, Kissel C, Bassinot F, 2022. Influence of mineral dust inputs on primary productivity in the Northwestern Arabian Sea since the last glacial maximum. 14th International Conference on Paleoceanography.
- Leblanc M, Skonieczny C, Bory A, Bout-Roumazeille V, Miska S, Abraham R, Delattre M, Nouet J, Malaizé B, 2021. Hydroclimate and atmospheric circulation over North Africa through the last two climatic cycles reconstructed from dust deposited off West Africa. EGU 2021 .
- Duteil T, Bourillot R, Visscher P, Gregoire B, Braissant O, Brigaud B, Virolle M, Nouet J, Portier E, Patrier P, Fenies H, Gontier E, Svahn I, 2019. Bioflm exopolymeric substances induce the aggregation of clay and sand in sedimentary environments. M-fed Conference & Workshop 2019, Dijon.
- Lahbib Y, Slama T, Abidli S, Nouet J, El Menif NT, 2019. Analyse microstructural et morphométrique de la coquille du gastéropode marin Hexaplex trunculus prélevé dans les côtes Tunisiennes, Atutax Tunisie 2019.
- Slama T, Abidli S, Lahbib Y, Nouet J, El Menif NT, 2019. Actualisation de la distribution géographique du gastéropode non indigène Siphonaria pectinata le long des côtes Tunisiennes, Atutax Tunisie 2019.
- Gaspard D, Nouet J, 2016. Levels of hierarchy in the organization of calcite secondary shell layers. A modern rhynchonelliform brachiopod: Aerothyris kerguelenensis (Davidson) BIOMIN13, abstract-619.
- Cuif JP, Bendounan A, Chevallard C, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, Sirotti F, 2013. Evidence for physical bonding between calcium and mineralizing matrices through synchrotron-based photoemisson spectroscopy. BIOMIN12, abstract ATM-T08, p. 4 and talk
- Maestropietro F, Godard P, Allain M, Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, Chevallard C, Daillant J, Burghammer M, Chamard V, 2014. Reticulated nanostructures in calcareous biocrystals imaged by 3D Bragg ptychography. Coherence 2014, Evanston IL 60208; 08/2014
- Dauphin Y, Cuif JP, Nouet J, Salomé M, Farre B, Brunelle A, Meibom A, Williams CT, 2013. Chemical mapping of calcareous biominerals: implication on their growth mode. BIOMIN12, abstract ATM-T11, p. 5 and talk
- Nouet J, Chevallard C, Farre B, Nehrke G, Stoetzel E, Nespoulet R, 2013. Evolution diagénétique de coquilles de Mollusques en contexte archéologique : les patelles de la grotte El Harhoura 2 (Témara, Maroc).14è cong. français sédim., Paris 4-8 nov, résumé p. 303
- Quantin C, Nouet J, Massard P, Dauphin Y, 2013. Préservation des phases minérales des os dans les sites archéologiques. 14è cong. français sédim., Paris 4-8 nov, résumé p. 340
- Chevallard C, Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, Bendounan A, Sirotti F, 2013. XPS measurements of Ca-binding energies in macromolecular compounds involved in crystallization of biocarbonates. SOLEIL users’ meeting 2013, 23/24 jan., abstract (PO20) and poster.
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, 2012. Pearls as biomineralization models for layered growth and crystallization. Goldschmidt conf., Montreal, abstract and talk.
- Nouet J, Baronnet A, Nerhke G, 2011. Organisations microstructurales et compositions biochimiques des couches lamellaires croisees des coquilles de Mollusques. 13è journées Fr. Biol. Tis. Mineral., 25-27 mai, poster and abstract
- Nouet J, 2011. Were limpets (Mollusca) used as dietary resources by Middle Paleolithic littoral populations (El Harhoura 2 cave, Rabat – Temara, Morocco) ? Journée de restitution AIR archéométrie, 25 nov, CNRS, abstract (p. 3) and oral presentation
- Dauphin Y, Cuif JP, Farre B, Nouet J, 2011. The multiscale organo-mineral interplay in calcareous biominerals. 11th Intern. Symp. Biomineralisation « BIOMIN 11 », abstract, p. 15
- Farre B, Brunelle A, Nouet J, 2011. Chemical composition of the nacreous layer of Pinctada margaritifera and structural position of specific molecules. 11th Intern. Symp. Biomineralisation « BIOMIN 11 », abstract, p. 39
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, 2011. What pearls tell us about biomineralzation. 11th Intern. Symp. Biomineralisation « BIOMIN 11 », abstract, p. 18
- Nouet J, Baronnet A, Howard L, Nerhke G, 2011. Sub-micrometric granular units within mollusk crossed-lamellar shell layers: example of Nerita undata (Gastropoda, Neritopsina). 11th Intern. Symp. Biomineralisation « BIOMIN 11 », abstract, p. 70- best poster award.
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, 2010. The layered growth and reticulated crystallization of the coral fibers. Geochim.Cosmoch. Acta, 74, 12, supplt 1, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A199.
- Baronnet A, Grauby O, Nouet J, Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, 2010. The Ca-carbonate bio crystal status in mollusk seashells revisited. Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta, 74, 12, supplt 1, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A54.
- Nouet J, Dauphin Y, Farre B, 2010. Occurrence of lipids in the crossed lamellar layers of molluscan shells. Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta, 74, 12, supplt 1, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A766
- Dauphin Y, Cuif JP, Nouet J, Farre B, 2009. Structure, composition et modalites de cristallisation des coquilles de Mollusques. SFµ-2009, symposium : Mineraux/biomineraux et environnement Abstract and poster (missing in the abstract volume)
- Cuif JP, Baronnet A, Dauphin Y, Farre B, Nouet J, Perez-Huerta A, Williams CT, 2008. Unexpected crystals in pearls. 2nd EuroMinSci Conf., Giens, 31 March- 02 April, abstract and oral presentation.
- Nehrke G, Nouet J, 2008. Structural details of foraminifera tests revealed by an etching technique. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 10, 02268, 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-06191.
- Dauphin Y, Dufour E, Nouet J, 2008. Nanostructures of the aragonitic otolith of cod (Gadus morhua) – environmental implications. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 10, 03110, 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-03110.
- Nouet J, Bassinot F, 2008. Cristallinité et teneurs en Mg des tests de Globorotalia tumida (foraminifère planctonique) par diffractométrie X sur poudre : effets de dissolution. RST Nancy, 21-24 avril 2008, p. 52 (abstract and oral comm.).
- Nouet J, Bassinot F, 2008. The effects of post-deposition dissolution on the crystallinity and Mg/Ca content of calcite from planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia tumida. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 10, 02552, 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-02552.
- Nouet J, Cuif JP, Pradel P, 2007. Differential crystallization of high-magnesian calcites in the cortical spicules and axes of the red coral (Corallium rubrum) correlated to the biochemical compositions of their mineralizing matrices. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 9, 02273, 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-02273.
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, 2007. Nano-crystallization within chemically active glyco-protein hydrogel layers: a possible origin for the long-standing vital effect enigma in the Ca-carbonate skeletons. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 9, 02268,1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-02268.
- Nouet J, Bassinot F, 2007. An estimation of intra- and extrareticular Mg in biogenic calcites using X-ray diffractometry and ICP-AES. The Oceans in the Earth System, Int. Conf. & 97th annual Meet. Geol. Ver., Bremen, abstract and poster, p. 176.
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Ball A, Farre B, Nouet J, Salome M, Williams CT, 2007. Diachronic superposition of distinct crystallisation domains: a parallel between coral and mollusk skeletogenesis. The Oceans in the Earth System, Int. Conf. & 97th annual Meet. Geol. Ver., Bremen, abstract and poster, p. 64.
- Dauphin Y, Cuif JP, Farre B, Nouet J, Salome M, Susini J, Williams CT, 2007. Diversity of the intracrystalline organic matrix of molluscan shells. Frontiers in Mineral Sciences, 26-28 June Cambridge UK, poster and abstract, p. 73-74.
- Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Nouet J, Salome M, Susini J, Williams CT, 2006. Distribution des polysaccharides sulfatés par les coraux par microXANES: nanostructure des strates de croissance et diagenèse de coraux triasiques à l’échelle submicronique. 21ème RST, Dijon, abstract et oral comm., p. 248.
- Dauphin Y, Cuif JP, Nouet J, Salome M, Susini J, Williams CT, 2006. Le S, marqueur des phases organiques des biominéraux carbonatés: apport du µXANES chez les Mollusques.RST, Dijon, abst / oral., p. 248-249.