Quantum Design

Quantum Design ? The framework.

After a previous project about superconductivity, physicists specialists of quantum physics have once again worked with a design school, the ENSCI-Les Ateliers, this time about quantum physics. Students were asked to imagine a new way of showing quantum physics and describing its laws and strange behaviors to make them more accessible to large public. Quantum physics was also a source of inspiration in order to reimagine new tools, new objects and new uses, even new methods. The creations issued from this project are bridging outreach, art and design.

This project was developed in collaboration between the students of the workshop “Design and Research” of François Azamboug at the school of design ENSCI-Les Ateliers, and the physicist Julien Bobroff (Physics Autrement, LPS, University Paris -South). The quantum design project is a partnership between the ENSCI-LES ATELIERS and physicists from université Paris Sud and CNRS. It was supportes by la Diagoale Paris-Saclay, the institut de Physique of the CNRs, université Paris Sud and the Société Française de Physique.


ENSCI-Les Ateliers