[In progress] 3D outcrop modeling of the deltaic Roda Sandstones using drone photogrammetry
A digital outcrop model of the deltaic system of the Roda Sandstones (“Y body”, Early Eocene, South Pyrenean Basin) has been realized using drone photogrammetry. It is then interpreted thanks to the Virtual Reality Geological Studio (VRGS) software.
It enables to trace sedimentary and stratigraphic surfaces, digitize sedimentological sections acquired during the fieldwork, paint facies, and georeference sample points etc… It is also possible to extract quantitative data: dip data, various measurements, even in inaccessible zones of the outcrop.
This step is crucial for the understanding and the reconstruction of the prograding sand bodies within the study of the heterogeneities in a fluvial-dominated and tidal-influenced delta. The digital outcrop model and the interpretation elements will then be used as a base to build a static geological model filled with facies and reservoir properties (porosity, permeability).
First results will be presented at Vienna during the EGU General Assembly 2023:
Mas, P., Bourillot, R., Brigaud, B., Deschamps, R., and Saint-Bezar, B., 2023. From 3D digital outcrops to fluid flow reservoir simulations in a deltaic system: An integrated approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-565, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-565