National Research Agency (ANR)
UPGEO “UPscaling and heat simulations for improving the efficiency of deep GEOthermal energy” (ANR-19-CE05-0032-01), 4-year funding, 1 Feb. 2020-31 Jan. 2024, Collaborative Research Programme (CRP), 8 partners, generic call for projects 2019, Axis 2.1 “Sustainable, clean, secure and efficient energy”, grant amount: 689 k€ including 2 thesis and 2 post-doc salaries
Two other related projects will further UPGEO’s scientific objectives, which aim to propose solutions that optimize and explore new areas to promote the deployment of deep geothermal energy in France.
Ile-de-France Region
GEOMOD “Characterization of the heterogeneities of the geothermal reservoirs of Ile-de-France through the development of a hydro-dynamic numerical modeling” funded by the Paris Region PhD 2019 program in partnership with the company GEOFLUID, collaboration agreement n°2019-0309 GEOFLUID/University Paris-Saclay, 2019-2022, amount of the grant: 160 k€ including the funding of the thesis salary Maxime Catinat (beginning of Oct. 2019).
IDEX Paris-Saclay
“Geothermal water circulation in heterogeneous aquifers” project funded by the “Paris-Saclay Initiative d’Excellence”, a state aid managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-11-IDEX-0003), #CDE-2019-002257, grant amount: 19 k€.