FTIR Microspectroscopy

Principle of analysis:

FT-IR microspectroscopy allows non-invasive determination of the composition of a sample, in solid, liquid or gaseous phase.

The technique is based on the identification of vibrational frequencies of chemical bonds. In molecules, the various bonds vibrate at specific frequencies, which are a function of the atoms making up the bonds, and their surrounding environment.

Each bond has several vibratory modes (symmetrical stretching, anti-symmetrical stretching, shearing, agitation, etc.): at given frequencies, the bond will therefore enter into resonance, absorbing a large part of the energy provided by the infrared beam.

Each peak in the FTIR absorption spectrum is therefore characteristic of the vibratory mode of a particular type of bond. Simple or even complex molecular assemblies can thus be identified from their spectral signatures. In some cases, structural information can even be provided.

The platform is equipped with a Frontier Spectrometer, coupled to a Spotlight 400 Imager (Perkin-Elmer).

Spotlight 400 Imager:

This microscope is equipped with a multi-pixel MCT detector in imaging mode (spectral range: 4000 to 700 cm-1) and a single-pixel MCT detector in spot mode (spectral range: 4000 to 550 cm-1). It enables fast, non-invasive, resolved hyperspectral mapping of solid samples.

Hyperspectral mapping of a concretion with several carbonate phases (green: calcite; blue: magnesian calcite; red: magnesite) 

Several accessories are available:

  • Transmission mode: 6.25 µm resolution, thin samples (10-15 µm)
  • Reflection mode: 6.25 µm resolution, polished surfaces
  • ATR imaging mode (Germanium): resolution 1.56 µm, maximum field 500×500 µm

Frontier spectrometer:

  • Several accessories are available for powder analysis:
  • Transmission module for K/Br pellets
  • DRIFT module (diffuse reflection)
  • ATR diamond module.

The ATR module, in particular, allows non-destructive characterization on small quantities, without any specific preparation. It is ideally suited to large sample series.

ATR module (Diamond) for powders analysis.

User Chart: 

By using this instrument, the user undertakes to respect the general principles of fair use/re-use of data (ERIC DARIAH Data Re-use Charter). Intellectual property rights to results obtained on samples entrusted to the platform by an academic organization, and not involving any inventive activity on its part, remain with that organization. Users must adhere to the terms of DARIAH, in particular:

  • A single citation format for the use of data (article, book or symposium/conference), which may only be used with the explicit agreement of all participants in the work, and must include an exhaustive list of authors. 

The data produced will be made available to the scientific community, if they have not been used after 5 years.

This instrument has been co-financed by the Ile-de-France Region as part of the “Natural Heritage” major area of interest (DIM MAP).