X Ray Diffractometry

The platform is equipped with a D8 – Advance diffractometer (Bruker) dedicated to phase identification in polycrystalline samples.

Special features:

  • Sealed tube with Cu anode
  • Bragg-Brentano geometry for powder reflection analysis
  • Programmable divergence slits
  • Sollers slits
  • Automatic motorized anti-diffusion knife 
  • Spinner
  • 60-position autosampler
  • Parallel beam geometry with Goebel mirror and collimators for reflection micro-diffraction analysis
  • Collimators for micro-diffraction (sizes available: 500 µm, 300 µm, 100 µm)
  • Multimode detector Eiger2 R (500 x 1000 pixels) (Dectris Ltd.)
  • Motorized X,Y,Z stage and localization camera
  • ICDD/PDF-4+, Diffract.EVA, Diffract.TOPAS licenses

Application on powders:

Bragg-Brentano geometry with anti-diffusion knife and autosampler, detector mainly used in 1D mode.

This configuration enables phase identification and semi-quantitative analysis of large sample series, on: 

  • slides after specific treatment (ethylene glycol, heating) for clay phases characterization
  • conventional sample holders for large quantities of powders
  • single-crystal silicon holders for micro-quantities.

Applications in micro-diffractometry:

Parallel beam geometry with collimator, motorized stage, location camera, detector used in 1D or 2D mode.

The detector can be positioned vertically or horizontally (maximum gamma aperture of 30°), and works even with large, oriented crystallites. The motorized stage coupled to the localization camera allows the acquisition of spots, transects or maps of objects precisely located in the sample.

User Chart: 

By using this instrument, the user undertakes to respect the general principles of fair use/re-use of data (ERIC DARIAH Data Re-use Charter). Intellectual property rights to results obtained on samples entrusted to the platform by an academic organization, and not involving any inventive activity on its part, remain with that organization. Users must adhere to the terms of DARIAH, in particular:

  • A single citation format for the use of data (article, book or symposium/conference), which may only be used with the explicit agreement of all participants in the work, and must include an exhaustive list of authors. 

The data produced will be made available to the scientific community, if they have not been used after 5 years.

This instrument has been co-financed by the Ile-de-France Region as part of the “Natural Heritage” major area of interest (DIM MAP).