Thermo-gravimetric Analyser

The TGA 4000 thermogravimetric analyzer consists of a microbalance coupled to an oven, which enables the variation in a sample’s mass during heating-induced transformations to be monitored.

  • Temperature range: 30°C to 1000°C
  • Powder weight required: from 5 mg to 200 mg
  • Under controlled atmosphere (nitrogen) or ambient air.

Principle of analysis :
The sample is placed on the weighing module in an alumina pod, under an inert atmosphere (nitrogen), then heated according to a programmed temperature profile (single gradient, multiple steps, etc.).

Several characteristics can thus be determined: oxidation kinetics, degradation or phase change temperatures, moisture absorption or desorption, quantity of organic/inorganic compounds, decomposition point, etc.

Analyses carried out on the instrument :
Monitoring of mineralogical transformations
Quantification of mineral phases
Quantification of organic phases

Thermogravimetric curve of hydrocarbon degradation