
Benedicto, A., Ramos-Guerrero, E. y Casas, A., 1992. Estructura y relleno de la Cubeta Miocena de Inca (Mallorca). III Congreso Geológico de España. VIII Cong. Latino-americano de Geologia, Salamanca, Espana, Com. Orale, Resumenes, 5, 50-54.

Benedicto, A.., Labaume, P.,  Séranne, M.,  Séguret, M. and Truffert, C., 1994a. Thin-skinned and low angle extensional faulting – A structural model for the Gulf of Lion margin. 6th Conference EAPG & Engineers, Vienna, Austria, Poster, Extended Abstract,  p. 801

Benedicto, A., Séranne, M. and Labaume, P., 1994b. Oligo-Miocene extensional structures in the on-shore part of the Gulf of Lion passive margin. IBS Meeting, Oliana (Espagne), Com. Orale.

Valette M., Benedicto, A. and Labaume, P., 1994. Gravity thrust halotectonics in the extensional Camargue basin (Gulf of Lion margin, SE France). 6th Conference, EAPG & Engineers, Vienna, Austria, Poster, Extended Abstract,  p. 804.

Benedicto, A, Labaume, P., Séranne, M. and Séguret, M., 1995a. Reconstruction of pre-rift Pyrenean relief in the Oligo-Aquitanian Camargue basin (Gulf of Lion passive margin, SE France). Implications on the thermal history of basins. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Nice, Poster, Extended Abstract in AAPG Bull., 79, p.1197.

Benedicto, A., Séguret, M., and Labaume, P., 1995b. Tectonics and sedimentation in a hangingwall syncline basin controled by a flat/ramp extensional fault: les Matelles basin (Gulf of Lion passive margin). 6th workshop International Lithosphere Program, Origin of Sedimentary Basins, Sitges, Espagne, Poster.

Benedicto, A., Séguret, M., Séranne, M.  and Labaume, P., 1995c. A structural model for the Gulf of Lion passive margin: half-graben geometries, thin-skinned and low-angle extensional faulting, and role of the pre-rift structuration. 6th workshop International Lithosphere Program, Origin of Sedimentary Basins, Sitges, Espagne, Poster.

Benedicto, A., 1996c. Modelos tectono-sedimentarios de cuencas extensivas: semi-graben, graben de compensación y sinclinal sobre rampa (margen pasivo del Golfo de León, SE de Francia). IV Cong. Geol. de España, Simposio de tectónica estensional, Halcala de Henares,Espana, Com. Orale, Geogaceta, 23, 106-108.

Séguret M., Benedicto, A.  and Labaume, P., 1996. Rôle de l’érosion dans l’architecture d’un bassin synclinal sur rampe et reconstruction des aires de drainage : Le bassin oligocène des Matelles, marge du Golfe du Lion. Réunion spécialisée ASF-SGF : Quantification de l’eustatisme et de la tectonique,  Rennes, France, Com. Orale.  

Benedicto, A., Séguret, M., Séranne, M. et Sanchis, E., 1997. Validation du modèle tectonique “bassin synclinal sur rampe” par la sédimentation : Bassins des Matelles et d’Alès (SE France). 6ème Congrès français de Sédimentologie, Montpellier, France,  Com. Orale. 

Séguret, M., Benedicto, A., Séranne, M., 1997. Structure profonde de la région du Gard rhodanien, apport du retraitement et de la reinterprétation de données sismiques régionales. Journées Scientifiques de l’A.N.D.R.A.,  Bagnouls sur Cèze, France, octobre 1997,  Poster.

Calassou, S., Rives, T., Ruby, D., Benedicto, A., Legrand, X., Janodet, D., Flament, J.M. and Lecanu, H., 1998. New regard on 3D extensional deformation, 3D structural restoration. AAPG-1998, Rio, Bresil, Poster.

Lageat, G., Benedicto, A., Vergély, P.,  Pagel, M. and Rives, T., 2000. Failles en segments : une vision de terrain en 3D. Réunion Sciences de la Terre, RST 2000, Soc. géol. Fr., Paris, France, Résumés, p.167.

Flotté, N., Sorel, D. and Benedicto, A., 2001b. Cross-sections through the Corinth-Patras detachment fault-system in the northern Peloponnesus (Aegean Arc, Greece). EGS 2001, Nice, France, Poster.

Molinaro, M., Benedicto, A.,  Vergély, P.  and Calassou, S ., 2001. Syn-sedimentary deformation in a turbiditic complex, Clare basin (Ireland). EGS 2001, Nice, France, Poster.

Soliva, R., Benedicto, A. and Vergély, P., 2002. Connexions de segments aux zones de relais de failles normales et implication au risque sismique. Réunion Sciences de la Terre, RST 2002, Soc. géol. Fr., Nantes, France, Com. Orale, Résumés, section II.

Benedicto, A., Rives, T. and Soliva, R., 2003. Segmented faults and fault seal evaluation. EAGE 2003, Fault and Top Seals, Montpellier, France, Poster.

Soliva, R. and Benedicto, A., 2003c. Can normal fault segment linkage increase seismic hazard? EGS 2003, Nice, France, Poster.

Benedicto, A., Labaume, P., Micarelli, L. and Carrio, E., 2004. Deformation mechanisms in extensional fault propagation folding involving carbonate rocks: the Pyrgaki fault, Corinth Rift (Greece). Réunion Sciences de la Terre, RST 2004, Soc. géol. Fr., Strasbourg, France, Com. Orale.

Plagnes, V., Flotté, N., Benedicto, A.,  Frank, N. and Blamart, D., 2004. Paleofluids and fault interaction: origin and timing of fault-related calcite mineralization in the Corinth Rift (Greece). International Workshop on the Application of Isotope techniques in Hydrological and Environmental Studies. UNESCO, Paris, France, Com. Orale.

Bussolotto, M., Invernizzi, C., Benedicto, A., Micarelli, L., Plagnes, V. and Deiana, G., 2005. Constraints for evolution of the Gubbio fault zone: preliminary results from micro-structural, cathodoluminescence, fluid inclusions and stable isotope analysis. Atti Ticinesi di Scienze della Terra Workshop, Roma, Italy, June 2005. Com. Orale.

Bussolotto, M., Micarelli, L., Benedicto, A., Invernizzi, C. and Deiana, G., 2005. Deformation features of the Gubbio fault zone (Italy). Anual meeting GIGS, Spoleto, Italy. Com. Orale.

Micarelli, L., Benedicto, A. and Wibberley, C., 2006. Structural evolution and permeability of fault zones in highly porous carbonate rocks. Geol. Soc. London, Grande Bretagne, January 2006. Com. Orale.

Benedicto, A. and Schultz R.A. Stylolites in limestone: magnitude of strain accommodated and scaling relationships. AGU. December 2007. Poster.

Baqués, V., Travé, A., Benedicto., A. 2008. Relación entre circulatción de fluidos y brechificación tectónica en la cuenca neógena del Penedés (NE Península Ibérica). VII Congreso geológico de España, Las Palmas, 2008. Com. Orale.

Belaid, S., Baqués, V., Travé, A., Benedicto., A., Plagnes, V. 2008. El Carso de la falla del Vallés-Penedés (NE de España). VII Congreso geológico de España, Las Palmas, 2008. Poster.

Romaire, I., Benedicto, A., Travé, A., Baqués, V. 2008. Mecanismos de deformación e interacciones fallas-fluidos en contexto extensivo: las fallas del Arboçar, cuenca del Vallés-Penedés (NE de España). VII Congreso geológico de España, Las Palmas, 2008. Poster.

Travé, A., Baqués, V., Benedicto, A., Cantero, I., Romaire, I., Belaid., S. 2008. Interacciones entre deformación y geofluidos en contexto de tectónica extensiva. VII Congreso geológico de España, Las Palmas, 2008. Poster.

Missenard, y., Rocher, M., Vergely, P., Casteleyn, L., Robion, P., Cushing, M.E., Bertrand, A., Benedicto, A. Differential fracturing pattern in clay/limestone alternations and fluid circulations in the Maltese Island. 2nd International Conference on Fault and Top Seals – From Pore to Basin Scale. Montpellier, France, 21 – 24 September 2009. Poster.

Cavailhes, Soliva, Benedicto, Schultz, Wibberley. Are cataclastic bands fluid barriers or conducts? Insight from the analysis of redox fronts around cataclastic shear bands in porous sandstones from Provence, France. 2nd International Conference on Fault and Top Seals – From Pore to Basin Scale. Montpellier, France, 21 – 24 September 2009. Oral. Com.

Baques, V., Trave A., & Benedicto, A. Relationship between fluid flow and tectonic brecciation in the extensional neogene basin of the Penedes (NE Iberian Plate). I FC2 (Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates) Alliance Annual Meeting. ExxonMobil Research Company. London, 2008. Poster.

Baques, V., Trave, A. & Benedicto, A. “Karstic processes associated to the Penedes Basin normal faults (NE Spain). II Annual Meeting. ExxonMobil FC2 (Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates) Alliance. Houston (EEUU). 31 Agosto al 3 de Septiembre, 2009. Poster.

Baqués, V., Travé, A., Benedicto, A., Labaume, L . Multi-episodic fault movements and karstic fills along the Vallés-Penedès fault, Coastal Catalan Ranges, NE Spain. 2nd International Conference on Fault and Top Seals – From Pore to Basin Scale. Montpellier, France, 21 – 24 September 2009. Poster.

Baqués, V.; Travé, A.; Cantarero, I. (2010).  Evolución diagenética en el sector occidental de la falla del Vallès-Penedès (Cadenas Costero Catalanas). Presentació comunicació,  XLVIX Sesión Científica de la SGE (Gandesa, Tarragona). Geogaceta, Gandesa, ESPANYA.

Benedicto, A., Williard, E., Tensi, J., Soliva, R., Belaid, S., Parize, O., André, G., Nolf, J.L., Stein, G. 2010. Upper Cretaceous extension in the Eastern Mongolian Gobi: the Unegt-Zuunbayan basin. ABSTRACT & Oral Com. International Conference. Mechanisms of Mesozoic Continental Extension in Eastern Eurasia, Orléans December 2-3, 2010. Oral Com.

Soliva, R., Schultz, R.A., Ballas, G., Tabeada, A., Saillet, E., Wibberley, C, Benedicto, A. The relationship between deformation band properties, tectonic regime and burial in porous sandstone. EGU 2011. Oral. Com.

Ledru, P., Benedicto, A., Hocquet, S., Sleznzva, V., Roy, R. Geology of Uranium roll-front type deposit in Kazakhstan. International Conference in Geology, Tectonics and Mineralogy of Central Asia. St. Petersburg, VSEGEI, June 6-8, 2011. Oral Com.

Baqués, V.; Travé, A.; Labaume, P; Benedicto, A., Soliva, R. (2011).  Differences between Neogene pre-rift and syn-rift karsts from petrological and geochemical analysis of their infillings. Presentació comunicació,  VII Congreso del Grupo Español de Terciario. Valencia, ESPANYA.

Baqués V., Travé A., Cantarero I., Benedicto A., Labaume P. (2012). Pre-rift and syn-rift karstic features in a single normal fault: Penedès Half-Graben, NE Iberia. Proceedings, Geofluids VII – International Conference. IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison (France), June 6-8.

Bonnetti, C.; Cuney, M.; Bourlange, S.; Malartre, F.; Benedicto, A.; Liu, X. Etude des sources de l’uranium dans le bassin d’Erlian (Chine). Journées de l’Uranium d’Orsay, SGF, 2011. Oral Com.

Giné, A.; Saint-Bézar, B.; Benedicto, A.; Wattinne, A.; Gregoire, A. Tectonique dans le bassin d’Unegt (Est Gobi, Mongolie) : bandes de deformation, migration d’hydrocarbures et minéralisations d’Uranium. Journées de l’Uranium d’Orsay, SGF, 2011. Oral Com.

Soliva, R.; Schultz, R.A.; Ballas, G.; Taboada, A.; Saillet, E.; Wibberley, C.; Benedicto, A. The relationship between deformation band properties, tectonic regime and burial in porous sandstone. EGU 2011. Oral Com.

Ballas, G., Soliva, R., Benedicto, A., Fossen, H., Skurtveit, E. Structures and mechanics of shear enhanced compaction bands (Provence, France). EAGE 2012. Oral Com.

Ballas, G., Soliva, R., Sizum, J-P., Benedicto, A. The role of cataclasis in shear and compaction bands on water flow in porous sandstones (Provence, France). EAGE 2012. Oral Com.

Soliva, R., Ballas; G., R.A. Schultz, A. Taboada, C. Wibberley, E. Saillet & A. Benedicto, Strain Localisation in Porous Sandstone as a Function of Tectonic Setting, Burial and Material Properties. EAGE 2012. Oral Com.

Ballas, G., Soliva, R., Sizum, J-P., Benedicto, A. Impact of deformation bands on subsurface fluid flow (Provence, France). EGU 2012. Oral Com.

Ballas, G., Soliva, R., Taboada, A., Benedicto, A. Tectonic regime and strain localisation in porous sandstones (Provence, France). EGU 2012. Poster.

Giné ,A., Benedicto, A., Saint-Bezar, B. From drain to seal of deformation bands and faults in the Unegt basin (Mongolia). EGU 2013. Oral com.

Giné, A., Saint-Bezar, B., Benedicto, A., Combinaison des analyses morphologiques et geochronologiques des zircons pour les études de provenance. Sources de la Formation uranifère Saindshand (Mongolie). ASF Nov. 2013. France.

Giné ,A., Saint-Bezar, B., Benedicto, A., Etude de provenance de la Formation uranifère Saindshand (Mongolie). SGF Dec. 2013. France.

Benedicto A., Blain M., Zerff R., Doney A., Gaco D., Quirt D., Robbins J., Richard Y. (2014). Kiggavik (Nunavut, Canada): lithostratigraphy and regional geological structure, new insights. GAC MAC, May 2014, Frederickton.

Giné, A., Saint-Bézar, B., Benedicto, A., Barbarand, J., Gautheron, G., Leprêtre, R., Pinna, R. Tectonic evolution of the Unegt-Zuunbayan basin (SE Mongolia) constrained by apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Thermo 2014 – Chamonix Inter. Conference. September 2014. Oral com.

Jeanneret, P., Goncalves, P., Durand, C., Quirt, D., Ledru, P., Benedicto, B., Trap, P., Marquer, D. 2014. La zone de Transition Wollaston-Mudjatik est-elle le lieu de pré-concentrations métamorphiques d’Uranium dans le socle pré-Athabasca ? Journées de l’Uranium d’Orsay, SGF, 2014. Oral Com.

Edward, A., Bethune, K., Benedicto, A., Quirt, D. Structural analysis of a fault from a drill-core in the EE U-deposit, Kiggavik, Nunavut, Canada. Saskatchewan Open House conference. 3-4 Dec 2014. Poster.

Robbins, J., A. Benedicto, D. Quirt, P. Ledru. Does Lithology Play a Role in Uranium Deposits? Exploration Experiences in Nunavut, Canada. AAE Technical Meeting on Uranium Deposits, Wien, 29 Sept – 1 Oct, 2015.

Grare, A., Benedicto, A., et al., 2015. Uranium ore in the Thelon basement: the structural control on the Kiggavik deposits. Saskatchewan Open House, Saskatoon Dec. 2015.

Johnstone, D., Bethune, K., Benedicto, A., and Quirt, D. 2015. Lithostratigraphic and structural controls of uranium mineralization in the Kiggavik East Zone, Centre Zone, and Main Zone deposits and their potential extensions to the northeast. Saskatchewan Open House, December 2015, Saskatoon.

Grare, A., Benedicto, A., Ledru, P., Quirt, D. 2016. Structural controls on the Kiggavik basement-hosted unconformity-related uranium deposits (NE Thelon area, Nunavut). Gac-Mac 2016, Abstracts Vol. 39, Whitehorese, Canada. June 2016.

Johnstone, D., Bethune, K., Benedicto, A., and Quirt, D. 2016. New lithostratigraphic insights of Kiggavik deposits. Gac-Mac, Whitehorse, Canada. June 2016.

Quirt, D., Benedicto, A., 2016. Application of lead isotopes in uranium exploration at Kiggavik (NE Thelon area, Nunavut). Gac-Mac 2016, Abstracts Vol. 39, Whitehorese, Canada. June 2016.

Benedicto, A., Roy, R., Grare, A., Quirt, D. 2016. Integrated targeting for fault-related basment-hosted uranium deposits : lessons from geologically-constrained 3D gravity inversion modelling and lead isotope geochemistry at the Contact prospect (Kiggavik area, thelon Basin, Canada). Journées de l’Uranium d’Orsay. Orsay (France), Novembre 2016. Oral presentation.

Grare, A., Benedicto, A., Lacombe, O., Travé, A. 2016. Geology and structural controls at the Contact prospect, Kiggavik uranium project (NE Thelon area, Canada). Journées de l’Uranium d’Orsay. Orsay (France), Novembre 2016. Oral presentation.

Johnstone, D., Bethune, K., Quirt, D., Benedicto, A., Ledru, P. 2017. Lithostructural controls of U mineralization in the Kiggavik Main and Centre Zones, north-central Rae craton: A record of long-lived tectonism and ground preparation for U ore systems. In Gac-Mac 2017, Abstracts Vol. 40, Kingstom, Canada. June 2017. Oral presentation.

Quirt, D., Millar, R., Benedicto, A. 2017. Lead isotopes in exploration for basement-hosted uranium deposits at Kiggavik, Nunavut. In Gac-Mac 2017, Abstracts Vol. 40, Kingstom, Canada. June 2017. Oral presentation.

Grare, A., Benedicto, A., Ledru, P., Quirt, D. Structural controls on the Kiggavik basement-hosted unconformity-related uranium deposits (NE Thelon area, Nunavut). In Gac-Mac 2017, Abstracts Vol. 40, Kingstom, Canada. June 2017. Oral presentation.

Benedicto, A. Structural controls on uranium deposits in the Athabasca and Thelon basins (Canada): similar or different? Journées Uranium d’Orsay. Nov. 2018. Oral presentation.

Plagnes, V., Quirt, D., Benedicto, A., Mahoney, J., Ledru, P. Hydrogeological modelling and groundwater geochemistry for uranium exploration in the Athabasca Basin (Canada). Journées Uranium d’Orsay. Nov. 2018. Oral presentation.

Grare, A., Lacombe, O., Mercadier, J., Benedicto, A., Guilcher, M., Trave, A., Ledru, P., Robbins, J. Origin of fault-related physical seals and their control on unconformity-related uranium mineralization: a case study in the Kiggavik area (Nunavut, Canada). Journées Uranium d’Orsay. Nov. 2018. Oral presentation.

Abdelrazek, M., Benedicto, A., MacKay, C., Slugoski, D., Frostad, S., Ledru, P. Journées Uranium d’Orsay. Nov. 2018. Oral presentation.

Abdelrazek, M., Benedicto, A., et al. (2019). First insights on permeability development associated with uranium-rich mineralization of the Spitfire orebody, in the Patterson Lake corridor in Western Athabasca. AGC-AMC-AIH conf., 12-15 mai 2019, Québec, Canada.

Cruset, D., Vergés, J., Albert, R., Gerdes, a., John, C. M., Benedicto A., Cantarero, I., Travé A. (2019) Fluid flow evolution of the southern Pyrenees inferred from clumped isotopes thermometry and U-Pb geochronology. Goldschmidt conference, Barcelona, Spain, August 18-23-2019.

Cruset, D., Canterero, I., Vergés, J., Benedicto, A., John, C. M., Gerdes, A., Albert, R., Travé, A. (2019). Tectonically-induced oil migration in the south-eastern Pyrenean foreland basin. 34th International Meeting of Sedimentology (IAS) Rome 10-13 September.

Benedicto, A., Quirt, D., Robbins, J. Lead isotopes in exploration for basement-hosted structurally controlled uranium deposits. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona August 2019.

Patrick, L. Benedicto, A., Poh, J, Robbins, J. Implications of a New Tectonic Model on the Role of Pre-Athabasca Basement-Hosted Fault Systems in the Formation of the Unconformity Related Uranium Deposits. Saskatchewan Geological Open House meeting, Saskatoon, December, 2019.

Ledru, P., Chi, G., Benedicto, A., Poh, J., Mercadier, J. and Robbins, J. Critical elements to qualify unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin (Canada) as a Mineral System. 36th International Geological Congress. Delhi, India, March 2020.

Plagnes, V., Benedicto, A., et al. Hydrogeological modelling applied to mineral exploration. EGU2020-22496. Vienna, 3-8 May 2020. Oral com.

Munoz-Lopez, D., Benedicto, A., Cruset, D., Cantero, I., John, C.M., Ramirez-Perez, P and Travé, A., Episodic evolution of a carbonate thrust zone in the southern Pyrenees. In TSG virtual meeting (Tectonic Studies Group of the Geological Society), January, 2021.Munoz-Lopez, D., Benedicto, A., Cruset, D., Cantero, I., John, C.M., Ramirez-Perez, P and Travé, A., Episodic evolution of a carbonate thrust zone in the southern Pyrenees. In TSG virtual meeting (Tectonic Studies Group of the Geological Society), January, 2021.

Muñoz-López, David Cruset, Jaume Vergés, A. Benedicto and A. Travé, 2021, Source and spatial distribution of fluids during folding in the Sant Corneli-Bóixols anticline (Southern Pyrenees). MedGU, 1st Mediterranean Geosciences union, Annual meeting, Istanbul 25-28 November 2021.

David Cruset, Irene Cantarero, Jaume Vergés, A. Benedicto, A. Travé, 2021, Exhumation of the SE Pyrenean fold and thrust bekt inferred from fluid geochemistry. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology.

Julien-Sicre, A., Guinoiseau, D., Baqués, V., Travé, A., Saint-Bezar, B., Despinois, F., Benedicto, A. 2022. Distribution of metals in the waters of the geothermal systems of the Vallès Trough (NE of Spain): geological controls. In Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals, International Conference. May 18-20, 2022 – Paris / FRANCE.

P. Ledru, A. Benedicto, J. Poh, and J. Robbins, “Implications of a new tectonic model on the role of pre-Athabasca basement-hosted fault systems in the formation of the unconformity related uranium deposits,” in Open House 2019. Abstract Volume, Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, p. 4, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, 2019.

Julien-Sicre, A., Guinoiseau, D., Baqués, V., Travé, A., Saint-Bezar, B., Despinois, F., Benedicto, A. 2022. Poster MDGEU.

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