26–27 September 2024—Plateau de Saclay

JDSE 2024

The 9th edition of the Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering (JDSE) is a great opportunity for master students and young researchers to present recent research results. Receiving feedback and sharing your initial research results presents a chance to expand your knowledge and presentation skills. Keynote presentations by researchers from academia and industry are included for you to start building your professional network. This event is co-organised by Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) and Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IPP). 

We invite second-year master students and first/second-year PhD students from UPSaclay and IPP to present their current research at the Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering (JDSE). Ongoing works with preliminary results are welcome and highly encouraged.

Topics of Interest include, but are not restricted to

  • Applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning (NLP, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics, Audio Processing…)
  • Theoretical Machine Learning (statistics, learning theory, optimization,…)
  • Data mining and Big Data analytics
  • Databases
  • Semantic Web
  • Applications of data science (biomedical/biological data, physics, chemistry, image, audio, video,…)
  • Data Privacy

Important Dates

Submission deadline: August, 25th 2024
Notification to authors: Sept, 13th 2024
Registration: Sept, 19th 2024
Conference: Sept., 26-27 2024
 All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (UTC-12)

Submission Format
Submissions must be in the form of an extended abstract and must adopt the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The template and a sample submission are given below. We accept submissions in PDF format, in English, consisting of 1 to 3 pages and containing an abstract, the context and research problem, the proposed approach and the implemented or considered contribution. A list of keywords and references is required. Master students are encouraged to contribute even if only preliminary results are available at the time of submission.

Paper template link: https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines

Submission Example: https://jdse-paris.github.io/jDSE2019/assets/JDSEtemplate.pdf

Submission link: https://openreview.net/group?id=JDSE/2024/Conference

Reviewing process
The scientific program committee will review the submitted extended abstracts and will select a subset of them for oral presentations (in English) and others for poster presentations.