Reimagine physics teaching

we’re waiting for you !

The exhaustive list of the exceptional people who joined the workshop.


  • Adèle Nyitraï

    Is a freelance designer, frequently working with the “Physics Reimagined” team. She developed this very website with Lou-Andreas Etienne, specially designed the workshop.

  • Fabienne Bernard

    Is teaching physics at Institut d’Optique Grad. School, France. She is involved in many pedagogical innovations on modern optics labs or low cost electronics such as Arduino. She co-constructed a course with her students, on how to learn more efficiently with metacognition.

  • Frédéric Bouquet

    Is a solid state physicist, and part of the “Physics Reimagined” team at Univ. Paris-Saclay, France. He develops original teachings, using low cost and project-based learnings. He created open labs using Arduino, where students imagine their own experiments from scratch (and kept it going during lockdown).

  • Jeanne Parmentier

    Is a physicist, head of pedagogical innovation at Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak, strongly connected to research education networks. She developed a math course for students to follow at their own pace.

  • Julien Bobroff

    Is a solid state physicist at Université Paris-Saclay, France. With his team “Physics Reimagined”, he creates outreach and teaching projects with designers.
    He developed several fictional scenarios for immersive labs teachings.

  • Lou-Andreas Etienne

    Is a designer in the “Physics Reimagined” team, where she develops new teachings and outreach with scientists. She helped create new types of project-based teaching on science communication, where she involved design methods such as fast prototyping.


  • Audrey Valentin

    Is a solid state physicist from Université Paris 13 Nord, France. She is involved in various teachings on electronics and computer science. In her classes she developed active learning tools using polls or self-assessment tests. 

  • Benjamin Vest

    Is a physicist in optics from Institut d’Optique Grad. School, France. He develops and puts into practice various innovative teachings in his school, such as streaming classes on Twitch during lockdown.

  • Claire Marrache

    Is a solid-state physicist at Université Paris-Saclay, France. She also works with architects and is part of various innovative teachings related to open labs or climate change. She coaches the university team for the French Physicists’ Tournament.

  • Denis Terwagne

    Is a soft matter physicist at Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, where he created the “frugal lab” to promote research inspired by fablabs, with a low cost approach. He is also a big fan of radical immersive teaching experiences.

  • Francesca Chiodi

    Is a quantum physicist from Univ. Paris-Saclay, France. She co-created reversed class measurement and detection courses with strong experimental component and took part in open labs remote teaching lockdown.

  • François Marquier

    Is a physicist involved in biophotonics for neuroscience at ENS Paris-Saclay, France. He took part in seminar courses gathering scientific researchers and people from private companies to teach students about team work, complex problems and orders of magnitude.

  • Fun Man Fung

    Is a chemist from the National University of Singapore. In his team “Senpai Learn”, he is a specialist of outreach projects and teachings with digital technology. He developed an augmented reality app to train learners’ spatial-visualization ability.

  • Genaro Zavala

    Is a physicist and STEM education researcher at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. He is specialized in research on student understanding and learning and helped develop a full curriculum, based on core challenges in engineering school.

  • Giovanni Organtini

    Is a high energy physicist from the University of Rome, Italy. He developed teachings and trainings with low cost tools at all levels, from teachers to students.
    He wrote a book explaining all you need to know on teaching with smartphones and Arduino.

  • Guillaume Lagubeau

    Is a physicist, now teaching in a French high school, but spent a great deal of time in USACH, a university in Chile. That’s where he helped turn the massive introductory physics for engineering lecture into a focus on learning scientific reasoning, using active methods.

  • Hervé Caps

    Is a soft matter physicist from Univ. Liège, Belgium. He is involved in various pedagogical innovations and outreach activities and created new types of exam to help students collaborate and get better, and not just be given marks.

  • Irene Marzoli

    Is a physicist from UniCam, Italy. She is the local coordinator of an Italian national initiative to promote STEM and innovate physics teaching and learning.
    She developed and tested research-based teaching-learning sequences on quantum physics for high school students.

  • Jean-Michel Courty

    Is a quantum physicist from Sorbonne Université, France. He develops new types of teachings and outreach, that are often based on live experiments or everyday-life physics. He created a full course on open problem-solving for undergraduate students.

  • Jean-Michel Génevaux

    Is a physicist specialized in mechanics and materials at Le Mans Université, France. He created a full self-paced learning course where his 60 students progress at their own rhythm using judo belts !

  • Jens Noritzsch

    Was a nuclear physicist and is now working at Aachen University, Germany to develop Phyphox, an app that collects data from all the sensors in your smartphone. A great way to do low-cost physics experiments, with only a phone needed.

  • Joël Chevrier

    Is a solid-state physicist, teaching at Univ. Grenoble and Valence, France. He collaborates with designers and artists to explore new types of teachings and creations. He was the first to introduce the smartphone as tool for teaching in university.

  • Jonathan Piard

    Is a chemist from ENS Paris-Saclay, France. He is head of a group of interest dedicated to innovation in teaching. He developed a challenge about fluorescence with everyday products to learn photophysics at master’s level.

  • Karsten Plamann

    Is an optics physicist from Ecole Polytechnique. He teaches both in a high level engineering school and in an undergraduate inclusive bachelor’s degree. During lockdown, he taught 1st year optics on Discord.

  • Maëlle Vilbert

    Is a physicist, currently finishing her PhD on medical-related optics at Ecole Polytechnique. She is also a great cello player and gave an outreach conference mixing live music and optics of butterfly wings.

  • Marina Carpineti

    Is a soft matter physicist, much involved in teaching innovation and outreach at Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, Italy. With some colleagues, she imagined a series of physics theatre shows for the general public, which were a great success all over the country.

  • Martin Monteiro

    Is a physics teacher from Universidad ORT Uruguay, specialized in smartphone-physics. There’s more : he’s involved in physics olympiads and outreach activities and has written many articles to help others use smartphones to make physics experiments.

  • Martin Riopel

    Is specialized in didactics at UQAM, Canada. He is particularly interested in ways to maximize physics learning, based on scientific studies and research. He helped develop different serious video games to teach basic maths to children, which proved very efficient.

  • Morgan Chabanon

    Morgan Chabanon is a researcher in mechanical engineering at École Centrale-Supelec, France. He’s a defender of inclusive and active pedagogical practices, in particular by connecting science with society and art. One of his actions, workshops to teach thermodynamics through dance improvisation.

  • Natacha Krins

    Is a researcher and teacher at Sorbonne University. She is currently a resident in the « Labo des défis » where she is developing a head-heart-body project. She co-initiated InPACT (Interdisciplinary Personnel-driven Actions), a new way to envision 1st year master’s internships.

  • Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui

    Is a physicist at university Sorbonne Paris Nord, France. She teaches and develops outreach to spread knowledge about nanomaterials.
    She creating a game-based learning experience for that.

  • Patrice Potvin

    Is specialized in didactics of science at UQAM, Canada. He is developing various research on how to learn better. For instance, he studied how the brain reacts in an MRI when you’re confronted to misconceptions in physics, depending on whether you are an expert or not.

  • Rebecca Vieyra

    Is a prior high school physics teacher, now Associate Director of Global Initiatives for the PhET Interactive Simulations project at University of Colorado Boulder, USA. She co-designed Physics Toolbox, an app that uses mobile sensors to collect environmental data in the study of physics.

  • Ulysse Delabre

    Is a soft-matter physicist from Bordeaux University, France. He developed innovative teachings using smartphone at undergraduate level and wrote a book about it. During lockdown, he created online teachings with students and citizens using smartphones all together.