Permanent Staff
G. Allard-Trippé
Chemist EngineerCNRS - gaelle.allard at
E. Cassette
CNRS Researcherelsa.cassette at
E. Deleporte
ProfessorEcole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay - emmanuelle.deleporte at
JS Lauret
ProfessorEcole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay - lauret at
C. Mayer
ProfessorUVSQ - cedric.mayer at
L. Rondin
Associate ProfessorUniversité Paris-Saclay
Non Permanent Staff
Ines Ben Yedder
PhD StudentPhD on the levitation of nanoparticles in vacuum.
T. Campos
PhD StudentThesis on hybrid perovskites solar-cells
C. Elias
Post DocOptical properties of nanographenes
Hugo Levy-Falk
PhD StudentThesis on the photonics with hybride perovskites
Thomas Liu
PhD StudentThesis on the optical properties of graphene quantum dots
Damien Raynal
PhD StudentThesis on the optical levitation of nanoparticles in vacuum
Laure Scherrer
PhD studentThesis on Photovoltaic devices. EDF - ENS Paris-Saclay partnership
Than Trung Huynh
PhD StudentPhD on the photophysics of nanographenes
Interns (update:01/06/2022)
Inès Ben-Yedder (Master), Lauren Hurlay (Master), Ernest Ruby(Master), Sudhan Bhadade (Master), Pranav Ticku(Undergraduate), Pierre Champagnac (Undergraduate), Léo Maumet (CS)