Alan Rajendran a soutenu sa thèse de l’Université Paris-Saclay le 18 décembre 2024
“Microfluidic devices for vascularized liver organoids :
Towards the ‘liver on chip“
Alan Rajendran a soutenu sa thèse de l’Université Paris-Saclay le 18 décembre 2024
“Microfluidic devices for vascularized liver organoids :
Towards the ‘liver on chip“
Congratulation to Sakina, who succeeded to get a young investigator ANR (ANR JCJC) about microalgae:
MicroPiloting: “A microfluidic system for predictive interaction
models of bacteria and microalgae cells”
Congratulations to Izadora Fujinami-Tanimoto who defended her PhD on september 13th, 2023!
“Biomarkers detection using a nanopore integrated with a microfluidic device“
Our group is involved in an ANR project about the on-a-chip study of cholangiocyte tube: the PERCHOL project This is connected to our liver-on-chip research. The project will started on January 2023.
Manon Boul a soutenu sa thèse le 19 novembre 2021, ENS Paris Saclay
A new ARN project DILI on CHIP (Drug Induced Liver Injury study on a Chip) is starting from Nov 2021