My research aims to reconstruct the evolution of basins, from paleo-environments, paleoclimates to diagenetic processes. I link diagenetic processes with sedimentary facies and stratigraphic geometries to develop conceptual models for predicting reservoir quality of rocks. This research is based on an approach that involves the analysis of natural geobodies from field geology to petrographic or geochemical micro-characterization. I work on the characterisation, origin and spatio-temporal prediction of the chloritisation process in sandstones. I developed the in situ U-Pb dating of carbonates by laser ablation coupled with mass spectrometry in order to date the age of sedimentation and diagenetic processes. Within the framework of the UPGEO research project that I lead, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and involving eight partners, I investigate how to optimise the use of geothermal reservoirs and how to develop new uses for sedimentary basins in the context of energy transition (geothermal energy, energy storage). The methodologies at the heart of this ANR project, carried out in collaboration with my mathematician colleagues, will enable the improvement of the upscaling of geological modelling between punctual laboratory analyses and their representation at the reservoir and basin scales. I am actually principal investigator of 6 research programs including a collaborative project funded by ANR and I currently supervise 6 PhD students on these research topics.
2020-2024 Principal Investigator of the research project ANR UPGEO UPscaling and heat simulations for improving the efficiency of deep GEOthermal energy ANR-19-CE05-0032-01
2021-2024 Principal Investigator of the research project Characterisation of reservoir heterogeneities and numerical hydrodynamic simulation in geothermal systems. Association Nationale de Recherche Technologique (ANRT), thesis “Convention industrielle de formation par la recherche” Cifre n° 2021/0773, collaboration contract
2019-2022 Principal Investigator of project Région Ile-de-France GÉOMOD Characterization of geothermal reservoir heterogeneities around Paris through the development of a hydro-dynamic numerical modeling – Paris Region PhD 2019 in collaboration with the company GEOFLUID, collaboration agreement n°2019-0309
2021-2023 Principal Investigator of collaboration agreement n°2019-0164 with GEOFLUID Characterization of the heterogeneities of geothermal reservoirs in Ile-de-France through the development of a hydro-dynamic numerical model
2018-2019 Principal Investigator of project IDEX Paris Saclay (ANR-11-IDEX-0003) Geothermal water circulation in heterogeneous aquifers
Reservoir, diagenesis and U-Pb geochronology
2019-2022 Principal Investigator of project BRGM Référentiel Géologique de la France n°2019-0157 Characterization of reservoir heterogeneities in continental carbonates – Links between sedimentary facies, microstructural property, diagenesis and petrophysical response
2018-2021 Principal Investigator of collaboration agreement n°P 2789 with BRGM Sedimentary facies, architecture and diagenetic evolution of the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the north-eastern edge of the Aquitaine Basin (Dordogne, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne): influence on the development of karst networks
2015-2020 Principal Investigator of collaboration agreement n°P04980 with ENGIE and NEPTUNE ENERGY : program CLAYCOAT : CLAY COATings in shallow marine deposits to improve reservoir quality prediction
2019 Principal Investigator of research project U-Pb dating of syn-sedimentary calcite cements: implications for knowledge of early diagenetic processes and radiometric calibration of Jurassic marine series, TelluS INSU-CNRS, SYSTER