PhD in progress
2021- … : Director of Codjo Essou‘s thesis, 50% co-supervision with Miklos Antics, Geofluid (50%), Characterization of reservoirs heterogeneities and hydro-dynamic numerical modelling in geothermal system. Funding by Association Nationale de Recherche Technologique (ANRT), thesis « Convention industrielle de formation par la recherche » Cifre n° 2021/0773
2020- … : Director of Perrine Mas‘s thesis, 50% co-supervision with Raphaël Bourillot, Bordeaux INP (50%), Geothermal energy in siliciclastic reservoirs: Contribution of field analogues and hydrodynamic simulation. Funding by ANR
2019- … : Director of Maxime Catinat‘s thesis, 90% co-supervision with Miklos Antics, Geofluid (10%), Characterization of geothermal reservoirs heterogeneities in Ile-de-France through the development of hydro-dynamic numerical modelling. Funding by the Ile-de-France Region program. Thesis Paris Region PhD 2019 in partnership with the company GEOFLUID
Defended PhD
2019-2023 : Director of Kevin Moreau‘s thesis, 50% co-supervision with Simon Andrieu, BRGM (50%), Characterization of reservoir heterogeneities in continental carbonates – Links between sedimentary facies, microstructural property, diagenesis and petrophysical response. ½ Funding Doctoral contract (Research grants from the French Ministry of Research) and ½ Funding French Geological Survey (BRGM) program Référentiel Géologique de la France, Thesis defended on April 20, 2023.
2018-2022 : Director of Quentin Deloume-Carpentras‘s thesis, 50% co-supervision with Simon Andrieu, BRGM (50%), Sedimentary facies, architecture and diagenetic evolution of the Middle and Late Jurassic of the North-eastern Aquitaine Basin (Dordogne, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne): influence on the development of karstic networks. Funding: French Geological Survey (BRGM Collaboration n°P2789 0), Thesis defended on December 13, 2022.
2018-2022 : Co-Director of Louise Lenoir‘s thesis, 25% co-supervision with Jocelyn Barbarand (25%) and Thomas Blaise (50%), Fluid-rock interactions at the origin of F-Ba deposits at the basement/sediment unconformity of the South-East Paris Basin. Funding CEPHYTEN, Thesis defended on September 14, 2022. Current position: Engineer at 45-8
2017-2022 : Co-Director of Hadrien Thomas‘s thesis, co-supervision with Hermann Zeyen (50%), Influence of sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis on the quality of hydro-dynamic and thermal modelling of carbonate reservoirs: implication in the development of deep geothermal energy in the Paris Basin. Funding: Doctoral contract (Research grants from the Ministry of Research), Thesis defended on July 6, 2022. Current position: Engineer at PANterra Geoconsultants
2015-2019 Director of Maxime Virolle‘s thesis, 80% co-supervision with Eric Portier, Neptune Energy (20%), Origin and spatio-temporal prediction of clay coats in sandstone reservoirs – Contributions of the comparison between ancient reservoirs (Permian to Cretaceous) and modern analogue (Gironde Estuary), funding: ENGIE (CLAYCOAT Program), Thesis of the University Paris-Saclay, defended on June 28, 2019. Current position: Engineer at GINGER CEBTP
2013-2016 Supervision of Simon Andrieu‘s thesis at 50% with Jocelyn Barbarand (Director, 50%), Link between discontinuity diagenesis, sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy: example of the Western France carbonate platform (Aalenian-Oxfordian). Funding: Doctoral Contract (Research Grants from the Ministry of Research and Higher Education n°2013-134), Thesis of the University Paris-Saclay, defended on 7 December 2016. Current position: French Geological Survey (BRGM) engineer
2011-2015 Supervision of Morgane Gigoux‘s thesis at 50% with Maurice Pagel (Director, 50%), Origin of CaF2 fluorite mineralizations of the South-eastern Paris Basin (Morvan, France). Funding: French Geological Survey (BRGM), Thesis of the University Paris-Saclay, defended on July 2, 2015. Current position: Research engineer at the Consortium for Research in Mineral Exploration (CONSOREM), Montreal, Canada