Since 2019 Director “teaching Programs” of the Graduate School Geosciences, Climate, Environment and Planetary Sciences of the University Paris-Saclay
2018-2021 Director “teaching Programs” of the Earth Sciences Department
Since 2017 Elected Member of the Executive Committee (Assessor College B) of the Consultative Commission of Specialists of the University of Paris-Saclay (CCSU), section CNU 35-36, Member of this Commission 2013-2021.
2015-2019 Elected Member of the GEOPS Laboratory Council – UMR8148
Since 2014 Co-Head of the communication unit of the GEOPS laboratory
Since 2014 Elected member of the Council of the Department of Earth Sciences
Since 2015 Member of the CESSUR Thematic Committee 5, TelluS, CNRS program, review of 6-7 national research projects of CNRS
2015-2019 Nominated member of the National Council of Universities section 36
Since 2012 Secretary and webmaster of the French Jurassic working Group (GFEJ)
Principal Investigator of 22 scientific programs since 2011
Selective call for national or regional projects (10 funded projects)
2020-2024 Principal Investigator of the research project ANR UPGEO UPscaling and heat simulations for improving the efficiency of deep GEOthermal energy ANR-19-CE05-0032-01
2021-2024 Principal Investigator of the research project Characterisation of reservoir heterogeneities and numerical hydrodynamic simulation in geothermal systems. Association Nationale de Recherche Technologique (ANRT), thesis “Convention industrielle de formation par la recherche” Cifre n° 2021/0773, collaboration contract
2019-2022 Principal Investigator of project Région Ile-de-France GÉOMOD Characterization of geothermal reservoir heterogeneities around Paris through the development of a hydro-dynamic numerical modeling – Paris Region PhD 2019 in collaboration with the company GEOFLUID
2019-2022 Principal Investigator of project BRGM Référentiel Géologique de la France n°2019-0157 Characterization of reservoir heterogeneities in continental carbonates – Links between sedimentary facies, microstructural property, diagenesis and petrophysical response
2018-2019 Principal Investigator of project IDEX Paris Saclay (ANR-11-IDEX-0003) Geothermal water circulation in heterogeneous aquifers HT
2012-2019 Principal Investigator of 4 research projects, including 3 TelluS INSU-CNRS, SYSTER (2019), Action MARGES (2017), CESSUR (2012) and 1 interdisciplinary CNRS program PACEN (2012)
2012 Principal Investigator of the « Attractivité 2012 » research project of the Université Paris-Sud
Contracts of collaboration by mutual agreement with company (12 contracts)
2021-2023 Principal Investigator of collaboration agreement n°2019-0164 with GEOFLUID Characterization of the heterogeneities of geothermal reservoirs in Ile-de-France through the development of a hydro-dynamic numerical model
2011-2021 Principal Investigator of 3 collaboration agreements with BRGM
2013-2020 Principal Investigator of 2 collaboration agreements with GDF-Suez and ENGIE program CLAYCOAT in 2013 and 2015-2020
2012-2015 Principal Investigator of 4 contracts Vermilion Energy (2015), Lundin (2014), ROCAMAT (2013), Cambridge Carbonates Ltd (2012)
2011-2012 Principal Investigator of 2 collaboration agreements with Andra