To the invisible and beyond !

How to make invisible with physics? Answer with a stop motion and stamps! (sorry it’s in French)

The stop-motion (in French) :

The two-voices live conference (sorry in French) :

The stamps images :

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Backstage :

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This project was carried out by Camille Debard in the team “La Physique Autrement” (LPS, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS). It has benefited from the support of the “La Physique Autrement” Chair supported by the Paris-Saclay Foundation and supported by the Air Liquide group.


Thanks to the Educational Experimentation Center of the Villebon-Georges Charpak Institute for its welcome.

Thanks to Thomas Gredin from the IUT d’Orsay techlab for his help.

Thanks to Benjamin Vest from IOGS for his expertise.


Thanks to Elsa, Lucille, Jonathan for their bright ideas, to her Simon for his precious help and the music, and to all the members of the team Lou-Andreas, Julien, Frédéric, Iris, Agathe, Marine, Adèle and Valentine.


graphisme et illustration, Hear (Strasbourg)