Publications & Communications
Research Articles
- 2024
Farhadova S, Ghousein A, Charon F, Surcis C, Gomez-Velazques M, Roidor C, Di Michele F, Borensztein M, De Sario A, Esnault C, Noordermeer D, Moindrot B, Feil R.
The long non-coding RNA Meg3 mediates imprinted gene expression during stem cell differentiation.
Nucleic Acids Res 52(11):6183-6200
- 2023
Moniot-Perron L, Moindrot B, Manceau L, Edouard J, Jaszczyszyn Y, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Hernandez C, Bloyer S, Noordermeer D.
The Drosophila Fab-7 boundary modulates Abd-B gene activity by guiding an inversion of collinear chromatin organization and alternate promoter use.
Cell Rep 42(1):111967
- 2020
Coker H, Wei G, Moindrot B, Mohammed S, Nesterova T, Brockdorff N.
The role of the Xist 5' m6A region and RBM15 in X chromosome inactivation.
Wellcome Open Res 5:31
- 2019
Llères D*, Moindrot B*, Pathak R*, Piras V, Matelot M, Pignard B, Marchand A, Poncelet M, Perrin A, Tellier V, Feil R Noordermeer D
CTCF controls imprinted gene activity at the mouse Dlk1-Dio3 and Igf2-H19 domains by modulating allele-specific sub-TAD structure.
Genome Biol 20(1):272
* equal author contribution
- 2019
Nesterova TB, Wei G, Cocker H, Pintacuda G, Bowness J, Zhang T, Almeida M, Bloechl B, Moindrot B, Carter E, Alvarez-Rodrigo I, Pan Q, Bi Y, Song CX, Brockdorff N
Systematic Allelic Analysis Defines the Interplay of Key Pathways in X Chromosome Inactivation.
Nat Commun 10(1):3129
- 2017
Pintacuda G, Wei G, Roustan C, Kirmizitas BA, Solcan N, Cerase A, Castello A, Mohammed S, Moindrot B, Nesterova TB, Brockdorff N
hnRNPK Recruits PCGF3/5-PRC1 to the Xist RNA B-Repeat to Establish Polycomb-Mediated Chromosomal Silencing.
Mol Cell 68(5):955-969
- 2015
Moindrot B*, Cerase A*, Coker H, Masui O, Grijzenhout A, Pintacuda G, Schermelleh L, Nesterova TB, Brockdorff N.
A Pooled shRNA Screen Identifies Rbm15, Spen, and Wtap as Factors Required for Xist RNA-Mediated Silencing.
Cell Reports 12(4):562-72
* equal author contribution
- 2014
Cerase A, Smeets D, Tang YA, Gdula M, Kraus F, Spivakov M, Moindrot B, Leleu M, Tattermusch A, Demmerle J, Nesterova TB, Green C, Otte AP, Schermelleh L, Brockdorff N.
Spatial separation of Xist RNA and polycomb proteins revealed by superresolution microscopy.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: 2235–2240.
- 2013
Das S, Cong R, Shandilya J, Senapati P, Moindrot B, Monier K, Delage H, Mongelard F, Kumar S, Kundu TK, Bouvet P.
Characterization of nucleolin K88 acetylation defines a new pool of nucleolin colocalizing with pre-mRNA splicing factors.
FEBS Lett 587:417–424
- 2013
Das S, Cong R, Shandilya J, Senapati P, Moindrot B, Monier K, Delage H, Mongelard F, Kumar S, Kundu TK, Bouvet P.
Characterization of nucleolin K88 acetylation defines a new pool of nucleolin colocalizing with pre-mRNA splicing factors.
FEBS Lett 587:417–424
- 2012
Moindrot B, Audit B, Klous P, Baker A, Thermes C, de Laat W, Bouvet P, Mongelard F, Arneodo A.
3D chromatin conformation correlates with replication timing and is conserved in resting cells.
Nucleic Acids Res 40: 9470–9481.
- 2012
Baker A, Audit B, Chen CL, Moindrot B, Leleu A, Guilbaud G, Rappailles A, Vaillant C, Goldar A, Mongelard F, d'Aubenton-Carafa Y, Hyrien O, Thermes C, Arneodo A.
Replication fork polarity gradients revealed by megabase-sized U-shaped replication timing domains in human cell lines.
PLoS Comput Biol 8:e1002443.
Methods Papers
- 2022
Miranda M, Noordermeer D, Moindrot B.
Detection of Allele-Specific 3D Chromatin Interactions Using High-Resolution In-Nucleus 4C-seq.
Methods Mol Biol 2532:15-33
- 2018
Moindrot B and Brockdoff N
A Unbiased Genetic Screen to Identify Factors Involved in X-Chromosome Inactivation Using a Pooled Bar-Coded shRNA Library.
Methods Mol Biol 1861:19-36
Review, Book chapters, Opinion paper
- 2024
Moindrot B, Imaizumi Y, Feil R.
Differential 3D genome architecture and imprinted gene expression: cause or consequence?
Biochem Soc Trans 52(3):973-986
- 2022
Moindrot B, Noordermeer D.
Open for connections: HiCAR reveals the interactions of accessible DNA.
Cell Genom 2(4):100121
- 2016
Moindrot B and Brockdoff N
RNA binding proteins implicated in Xist-mediated chromosome silencing.
Semin Cell Dev Biol 56:58-70
- 2015
Coker H, Moindrot B, Pintacuda G, Brockdorff N.
(2015) Illuminating Xist.
The Biochemist 37(2):24-27.
- 2013
Moindrot B, Bouvet P, Mongelard F
Chromatin structure and organization: The relation with gene expression during development and disease.
In: Kundu TK, editor, Epigenetics: Development and Disease, Springer Netherlands, volume 61 of Subcellular Biochemistry. pp. 373-396.
Invited Research Seminars and Conference talks
- Oct.23
Chromosomal organization of the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 locus in mouse cells
EpiPHASE meeting. INRAE. Jouy-en-Josas, France
- Jan.21
3D genome organization and sub-TAD structure at two paternally imprinted domains
Meet-EU online event
- June.19
CTCF binding controles the expression of imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 and Igf2-H19 loci by structuring allele-specific sub-domains.
"François Jacob" Conference, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
- Mar.19
CTCF binding controles the expression of imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 and Igf2-H19 loci by structuring allele-specific sub-domains.
GDR ADN, ENS-de-Lyon, France
- Jan.16
Identification of novel factors required for Xist RNA-mediated chromosome silencing.
RNA UK, Lake District, UK
- Nov.15
X-chromosome inactivation - new insights into the primary silencing factors
ENS de Lyon, France
- Apr.12
Probing the links between the high-order folding of chromatin and DNA replication
Institut Albert Bonniot, Grenoble, France
- 2023Genomic Imprinting – from Biology to Disease. Wellcome Connecting Science (UK)
- 2015Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics. Keystone Symposium at Keystone (CO, USA)
- 2012Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics. Keystone Symposium at Keystone (CO, USA)
- 2011Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. EMBO Syposium at l'Isle sur la Sorgue (France)
- 2009Functional Organization of the genomes in the nucleus. INSERM workshop at Saint-Raphaël (France)