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I'm a lecturer at Paris-Saclay University involved in different teaching units



L1 - 1st year undergraduate

  • Explorer un Environnement Professionnel
  • Many students arriving at the University do not have clear career plans or clear ideas of their future job. In this teaching unit, we help them defining the job they'd like to do later. They learn where / how to find information about academic paths, and practicals details about their potential future job.


L2 - 2nd year undergraduate (Biology)

  • Genetics, Molecular Biology and bioinformatics
  • In this course, the student will learn the basics replication and transcription, as well as how they are controlled in the cell. They will also learn basic genetics, both in bacteria and eucaryotes. This course is composed of lectures, tutorials and practicals. I'm involved in the tutorials and the practicals.

  • Lab internship
  • 2nd year undergraduate student have the opportunity to do a two-months rotation in lab. At the end, they write a report and have a short defense to present their internship and their results. I'm involved in the marking of the reports and defense.


L3 - 3rd year undergraduate (Life Sciences and health)

  • Practical in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • This is a two-weeks practicals, centered around the beta-galactosidase. The student will both clone lacZ gene, express and purify a recombinant beta-galactosidase, and characterized its enzymatic properties. I'm involved in the molecular cloning step.

  • Bioinformatics
  • Centered around the Ebola glycoprotein 1 (GP1), the students explore its evolutionarry conservation accross various epidemics, its molecular structure. The main aim is to familiarise students with the use of various bioinformatical tools.


M1 - 1st year postgraduate (Life Sciences and health)

  • Core course
  • In this course, the student will acquire detailed knowledge in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and Genetics / Molecular Biology. I'm only involved in the latter with a data mining practical.

  • Epigenetics
  • This course will deepen the notions of epigenetic mechanisms and trans-generational transmission of epigenetic information. I'm involved in the lecture on X-chromosome inactivation and the study of 3D-genome organization, as well as in a few tutorials (X-chromosome inactivation, 4C-seq/Hi-C and prion properties)

  • Lab internship
  • 1st year postgraduate students have the opportunity to do a few-months rotation in lab. At the end, they write a report and have a short defense to present their internship and their results. I'm involved in the marking of the reports and defense.

  • Yeast Molecular Biology practical (this teaching unit does not exist anymore)
  • This course is a two-weeks practicals. It focuses on stress adaptation in yeast, using two mutants as experimental models. This students will learn how to obtain/characterize mutants, test their response to thermal stress, make use of a gene rapporter system, do a western-blot and some sub-cellular microscopy.


M2 - 2nd year postgraduate (Genetics, Genome and Evolution)

  • ncRNAs and epigenetics
  • This course consists in a series of conferences around ncRNA and epigenetics mechanisms, mostly by researcher of the Paris area. Active learning sessions are set-up the day before to lay the groundwork for upcoming conferences.

  • ChIP-seq and Big-Data workshops
  • ChIP for various histone modifications and RNA-pol II is done using Podospora anserina chromatin. The IP are validated by qPCR and converted into Illumina sequencing libraries. The Library are sequenced and analysed by the students.

  • Lab internship
  • 2nd year postgraduate students have a mandatory 5 monts lab internship. At the end, they write a report and have a short defense to present their internship and their results. I'm involved in the marking of the reports and defense.

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