Seminar Mechanics FAST/LISN:
19th May, 2022, 02:00pm, Salle de conferences, Bât. 507
Colin Leclercq, ONERA-DAAA Meudon
“Mean resolvent operator of a statistically steady flow”
Seminar LPS:
Soft matter:
20th May, 2022, 11:00am, Moyen amphi
Guillermo Gonzales Rubio
“Seed-mediated growth, analytical ultracentrifugation, and femtosecond laser irradiation for controlled colloidal gold nanorod fabrication”
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Condensed matter theory:
19th May, 2022, 11:00am, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510 + Zoom
Bernd Braunecker, University of St. Andrews
« Subgap states and their topological classification at ferromagnetic and spiral-ordered magnetic chains in two-dimensional superconductors »
Link / Contact
Seminar LPTMS:
17th May, 2022, 11:00am, Salle des séminaires Bât. 530 + Zoom
Pietro Rotondo, Infn Milano
“Universal mean field upper bound for the generalisation gap of deep neural networks”
PhD defense LuMIn:
19th May, 2022, 09:30am, Amphi Peugeot CentraleSupelec
Syrine Gueffrache
“Dynamique du champ proche optique et génération des dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène par des nanobâtonnets d’or sous irradiation lumineuse ultrabrève”