Abstract: We compute the phase diagram of a one-dimensional model of spinless fermions with pair-hopping and nearest-neighbor interaction, first introduced by Ruhman and Altman, using the density-matrix renormalization group combined with various analytical approaches. Although the main phases are a Luttinger liquid of fermions and a Luttinger liquid of pairs, we also find remarkable phases in which only a fraction of the fermions are paired. In such case, two situations arise: either fermions and pairs coexist spatially in a two-fluid mixture, or they are spatially segregated leading to phase separation. These results are supported by several analytical models that describe in an accurate way various relevant cuts of the phase diagram. Last, we identify relevant microscopic observables that capture the presence of these two fluids: while originally introduced in a phenomenological way, they support a wider application of two-fluid models for describing pairing phenomena.

Lorenzo Gotta 1 Leonardo Mazza 1 Pascal Simon 2 Guillaume Roux 1
1 LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques
2 LPS – Laboratoire de Physique des Solides