Abstract : High-resolution coherent X-ray diffraction experiment has been performed on the Charge-Density Wave (CDW) system K0.3MoO3K0.3MoO3. The 2kF2kF satellite reflection associated with the CDW has been measured with respect to external dc currents. In the sliding regime, the 2kF2kF satellite reflection displays secondary satellites along the chain axis which corresponds to correlations up to the micrometer scale. This super long range order is 1500 times larger than the CDW period itself.

Vincent Jacques 1 David Le Bolloc’H 2 N. Kirova 2 Sylvain Ravy 3 Jean Dumas 4
1 LAC – Laboratoire Aimé Cotton
2 LPS – Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
3 SSOLEIL – Synchrotron SOLEIL
4 MagSup – Magnétisme et Supraconductivité
NEEL – Institut Néel