Abstract : An electron optical column has been designed for High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Microscopy (HREELM). The column is composed of electron lenses and a beam separator that are placed between an electron source based on a laser excited cesium atom beam and a time-of-flight (ToF) spectrometer or a hemispherical analyzer (HSA). The instrument will be able to perform full field low energy electron imaging of surfaces with sub-micron spatial resolution and meV energy resolution necessary for the analysis of local vibrational spectra. Thus, noncontact, real space mapping of microscopic variations in vibrational levels will be made possible. A second imaging mode will allow for the mapping of the phonon dispersion relations from microscopic regions defined by an appropriate field aperture.

Marian Mankos 1 Khashayar Shadman 1 Raphaël Hahn 2 Yan Picard 2 Daniel Comparat 2 Olena Fedchenko 3 Gerd Schönhense 3 Lionel Amiaud 4 Anne Lafosse 4 Nick Barrett 5
1 Electron Optica Inc.
2 LAC – Laboratoire Aimé Cotton
3 Institut für Physik [Mainz]
4 ISMO – Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay
5 LENSIS – Laboratoire d’Etude des NanoStructures et Imagerie de Surface
SPEC – UMR3680 – Service de physique de l’état condensé, IRAMIS – Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay