Seminar LPS:
21st November 2023, 13:30, Amphi. Blandin, Bât. 510
Thierry GIAMARCHI, Université de Genève
» “Vous avez dit bizarre ?” : one-dimensional quantum physics »
24th November 2023, 11:00, Moyen Amphi., Bât. 510
Alexandre Ciaccafava, iSm2, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille UMR7313
« Taming gas-converting metalloenzymes: (spectro)electrochemical insights »
Seminar LPTMS:
21st November 2023, 11 :00, Salle des séminaires du FAST et du LPTMS, Bât. 530
Cyrille Hamon, Laboratoire de physique des Solides
» Colloidal design of nanoparticles and hierarchical nanostructures »
23th November, 2023, 9:00, Grand amphi, Bât. 530
Vincenzo Schimmenti
“Temporal and spatial correlations in earthquake dynamics: physical modeling and data analysis”
PhD defense LuMIn:
20th November, 2023, 10:00, Amphi Dorothy Hodgkin, ENS Paris-Saclay
Gia Long NGO
“Manipulation of solid-state single-photon emitters by deterministic coupling into polymer-based photonic structures”