Seminar Mechanics FAST/LISN:
7th April, 2022, 02:00pm, Salle de conférences du LIMSI Bât. 507
Aakash PATIL, Computing and Fluids Group, Mines ParisTech
“Deep Learning Assisted Predictive Modelling of Turbulent Flows”

Seminar ISMO:
8th April, 2022, 03:00pm, Online (day & time unusual)
Richard ZARE, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA
“Can Water Microdroplets Act as Electrochemical Cells ?”
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Seminar LPS:
Condensed matter theory:
7th April 2022, 11:00am, Moyen amphi Bât. 510 + Zoom
Jasper VAN WEZEL, University of Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
« The non-Hermitian split skin effect and localization of topological edge modes »
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Quantum matter:
4th April, 2022, 02:00pm, Amphi Blandin Bât. 510 + Zoom
Wolfgang BELZIG, Université de Constance, Allemagne
« Higher-dimensional topology in multi-terminal superconducting structures ».
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Seminar LPTMS:
5th April, 2022, 11:00am, Salle des séminaires Bât. 530 + Zoom
Tomaž PROSEN, University of Ljubljana, Slovénie
“Random Matrix Spectral Fuctuations in Quantum Lattice Systems”