May 6 – 10, 2024
Seminar ISMO: 7th May, 14:00, Amphitheatre de l’ISMO, Bât. 520 Ileana-Alexandra Pavel-Licsandru (IPHC, Faculté de [...]
Seminar ISMO: 7th May, 14:00, Amphitheatre de l’ISMO, Bât. 520 Ileana-Alexandra Pavel-Licsandru (IPHC, Faculté de [...]
Seminar LPTMS: 30th April, 11:00, ONLINE Berislav Buca (Niels Bohr Institute) "Eigenoperator thermalization" Link HDR [...]
Seminar LPTMS: 23th April, 11:00, Salle des séminaires du FAST et du LPTMS, Bât. 530 [...]
Seminar LPS: 2th April, 13:30, Amphi. Blandin, Bât. 510 + Zoom Séminaire général : Jean-François JOANNY [...]
Seminar LPS: 25th March, 14:00, Moyen Amphi., Bât. 510 SMQ Seminar : Philippe Joyez (SPEC) "The [...]
Seminar LPS: 18th March, 14:00, Moyen Amphi., Bât. 510 Ivana Petkovic (C2N) "Signature of anyonic [...]
Turning on the heat with spins and their transport across interfaces in heterostructures Hari Srikanth [...]
Seminar LPS: 14th March, 11:00, Moyen Amphi. + Zoom, Bât. 510 Hermann FREIRE (Federal University [...]
Simuler la matière condensée avec de la lumière Mme Jacqueline BLOCH Ce [...]
Seminar LPS: 4th March, 14:00, Moyen Amphi., Bât. 510 M. Kapfer (C2N) "Programmable twist angle [...]