Abstract : Fluids loaded with motile bacteria enter in the category of active matter, a new field currently developing at the convergence of biology, hydrodynamics and statistical physics. Such suspensions were shown recently to exhibit singular hydrodynamic transport properties. In this paper we review some recent results, either theoretical or experimental , on the active fluid rheology. We focus principally on bacteria suspensions and the objective is to provide the basis for understanding the emergence of the singular constitutive relations characterizing the macroscopic transport properties of such an active fluid under flow.
Eric Clement 1, * Anke Lindner 1 Carine Douarche 2 Harold Auradou 3
* Auteur correspondant
1 PMMH – Physique et mécanique des milieux hétérogenes (UMR 7636)
2 LPS – Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
3 FAST – Fluides, automatique, systèmes thermiques