Seminar Mechanics FAST/LISN:
7th December, 2022, 11:00am, salle de conferences, Bât. 507 (unusual day)
Rodrigo Mendez Rojano, Cornell University
“Mathematical Modeling of Thrombosis in Medical Devices: the interplay between fluid mechanics, biochemistry, and data driven methods”

8th December, 2022, 02:00pm, salle des séminaires, Bât. 530
Anaïs Abramian, Institut Jean de Rond d’Alembert
“Vibrated granular matter / Cohesive granular matter”

9th December, 2022, 11:00am, salle des séminaires, Bât. 530 (unusual day)
Virgile Thiévenaz, INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand
“Pinch-off of complex suspensions drops”

PhD defense ISMO:
5th December, 2022, 02:00pm, Auditorium D. Descartes, UVSQ Versailles et visio
Mai Vuong
“Degradation mechanisms of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems : the case of polymer conjugate and metal-organic framework”

Seminar ISMO:
6th December, 2022, 02:00pm, Amphi de l’ISMO, Bât. 520 et visio
Pedro Henrique Rezende Gonçalves, ISMO
“ARPES investigations of the topological states in TaTe4 and NbTe4”
Link  / Contact

Seminar LPS:
– Quantum matter:
5th December, 2022, 02:00pm, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510 et visio
Juan Carlos Cuevas, University of Madrid
“Interplay between superconductivity and magnetism at the atomic scale: Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states”

8th December, 2022, 04:00pm, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510 et visio
chönenberger, Université de Bâle
“Search for the Fractional Josephson Effect in Topological and Nontopological Materials”
Link  / Contact

PhD defense LPS:
6th December, 2022, 02:00pm, Moyen Amphi, Bât. 510
Ansgar Graf
“Aspects des systèmes multibandes: Géometrie quantique, bandes plates et fermions multiples”

8th December, 2022, 09:30am, Amphi Blandin, Bât. 510
Alexandre Bernard
“Signatures de topologie d’ordre supérieur dans des nanostructures de bismuth par mesures de transport« 

8th December, 2022, 02:00pm, Amphi Blandin, Bât. 510
Marie Corpart
“Evaporation de gouttes sur des fibres”

Seminar LPTMS:
6th December, 2022, 11:00am, Salle des séminaires, Bât. 530+ Zoom
Elisabeth Agoritsas, EPFL
“Towards a unifying (mean-field) picture of driven disordered systems”

Seminar LuMIn:
8th December, 2022, 11:00am, Amphi sc.071, Bât. Bouygues de CentraleSupélec
Mohamed Chaker, INRS Québec, Canada
“Pulsed Laser Deposition: a flexible tool for the synthesis of advanced functional materials 