Seminar LPS:
18th March, 14:00, Moyen Amphi., Bât. 510
Ivana Petkovic (C2N)
« Signature of anyonic statistics in the integer quantum Hall regime »
Seminar LPTMS:
19th March, 11:00, Salle des séminaires du FAST et du LPTMS, Bât. 530
Fabrizio Minganti (EPFL Lausanne)
« Criticality, computing, and chaos in open quantum systems »
Seminar ISMO :
19th March, 14:00, VIDEOCONFERENCE only
Romain Basalgète (Laboratory Astrophysics Group of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
« Physical and chemical processes in molecular ices in the interstellar medium »
Abstract and contact to ask link