PhD defense FAST:
1st April, 2022, 01:30pm, Grand Amphi Bât. 530
« Dynamics of bacterial suspensions, from aerotaxis to cluster formation »
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Seminar ISMO:
29th March, 2022, 11:00am, Online + amphi de l’ISMO, Bât. 520
Anna ROSLAWSKA, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
“Plasmon-exciton coupling and resonant energy transfer probed at the sub-molecular level”
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Seminar LPTMS:
29th March, 2022, 11:00am, Salle des séminaires Bât. 530 + Zoom
Fabian ESSLER, University of Oxford
“Integrability meets Perturbation Theory: GHD from BBGKY”