Seminar Mechanics FAST/LISN:
23th November, 2022, 02:00pm, Salle des séminaires FAST-LPTMS, Bât. 530 (unusual day)
Camille Duprat, LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique
“Aggregation and wetting of soft gel fibres”
PhD defense FAST:
24th November, 2022, 02:00pm, Petit Amphithéâtre du Bât. 530
Misa Ishimura
“Films liquides tombants cisaillement par un écoulement turbulent de gaz à contre-courant confiné: stabilité, modélisation et experiences”
Seminar ISMO:
22th November, 2022, 11:00am, Amphi de l’ISMO, Bât. 520 et visio
Helgi Rafn Hróðmarsson, Laboratory for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory
“Universal PAH fragmentation: The search for common carbon ancestors”
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Seminar LPS:
– Quantum matter:
21th November, 2022, 02:00pm, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510
Emmanuel Flurin, SPEC
“Single electron spin resonance by microwave photon counting”
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– Condensed matter theory:
22th November, 2022, 11:00am, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510
Gian Marcello ANDOLINA, Collège de France
« Can deep sub-wavelength cavities induce Amperean superconductivity in a 2D material? »
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24th November, 2022, 11:00am, Moyen amphi, Bât. 510
Andreas BILL, Department of Physics & Astronomy, California State University, Long Beach
« The quantum state of superconducting-magnetic proximity systems with Zeeman exchange and itinerant ferromagnetism »
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– Soft matter:
25th November, 2022, 11:00am, Moyen Amphi, Bât. 510
Marco Faustini, Collège de France
“Porous materials made by confined self assembly of colloids: from electrocatalysis to photonics”
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Seminar LPTMS:
22th November, 2022, 11:00am, Salle des séminaires, Bât. 530+ Zoom
Martin Evans, University of Edinburgh
“Interacting Persistent Random Walkers”
Seminar LuMIn:
25th November, 2022, 11:00am, Amphi V, Centrale-Supelec
Alex Fontana, Institut Néél, Grenoble
“Study of thermal properties of micro- and nano-resonators through heating”
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