Professor of Ecology
University Paris Saclay

All these publications are available in researchgate website

2025 and In press
Wallace, B., Bandimere, A., Abreu-Grobois, A., Acosta, H., Akiti, J., Akomedi, M., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Allen, C.D., Ayissi, i., Ricardo, J.A., Barrientos-Muñoz, K.G., Barrios-Garrido, H., Bjorndal, K.A., Vargas, E.B., Broderick, A.C., Peña, R.C., Carreras, C., Ceriani, S.A., Colman, L., Cortés-Gómez, A., Crespo, L., Cuevas, E., Dah, A., Dangenda, D., Groene, A.d., Delgado Trejo, C., Demetropoulos, S., Dias, A., Diez, C., A Dos Santos, N., Dossou Bodjrenou, J.S., Early Capistrán, M.M., Eckert, K.L., Eizaguirre, C., Ekanayake, L., Escobedo, M., Esteban, N., Feliciano, D., dos Santos Fernandes, R., Ferreira-Airaud, B., Foley, A., Fonseca, L.G., Fossette, S., Fuentes, M.M.P.B., Gaglo, J., Gaos, A., Gidsicki, D., Guiffoni, B., Girard, A., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M., Godley, B.J., de Jesus Gonzales Diaz Miron, R., Hamann, M., Hancock, J.M., Hart, C.E., Hays, G.C., Herrera, R., Hochscheid, S., Hoekstra, S., Huerta-Rodríguez, P., Inteca, G., Ishihara, T., Jensen, M.P., Jribi, I., Kale, N., Kaska, Y., Kelez, S., Kelly, I.K., Köhnk, S., Lara, P., Lasfargue, M., Lauritsen, A.M., Gouvello, D.Z.L., Liusamoa, A., Lopez, M., López-Castro, M.C., Lopez-Mendilaharsu, M., Louro, C.M.M., Luna, T., Hof, C.A.M., Mahabir, D., Mancini, A., Manoharakrishnan, M., Marcovaldi, M.A., Martín, Y., Martínez-Portugal, R.C., Mastrogiacomo, A., Matilde, E., Adzagba, B.M., Mbungu, S., Miranda, C., Moncada, F., Morales-Mérida, B.A., Mortimer, J.A., Murakawa, S., Nalovic, M.A., Nel, R., Ngafack, R., Nishizawa, H., Ogou, M., Panagopoulou, A., Patricio, A.R., Buendía, E.P., Phillott, A.D., Pilcher, N.J., Polyak, M.M., Prince, R., Raynus, H., Rees, A.F., Reina, R., Rguez-Baron, J.M., Robbins, A.E., Santana dos Santos, A., Sarti-Martínez, A.L., Schofield, G., Seminoff, J.A., Serrano, I., Shamblin, B.M., Shanker, K., Simpson, T., Stacy, B.A., Stahelin, G., Staman, M.K., Stelfox, M., Stewart, K.R., Taxonera, A., Tucker, A.D., Turkozan, O., van Dam, R.P., van de Geer, C.H., Viera, S., West, L., Whiting, A.U., Whiting, S.D., Wienand, L., Wijntuin, S.R., Wildermann, N., Zarate, P.M., Casale, P., DiMatteo, A., Hurley, B.J., Hutchinson, B.J., Maxwell, S.M., Posnik, Z.A., Rodriguez, I., Mast, R.B., 2025. Updated global conservation status and priorities for marine turtles. Endangered Species Research. In press
Lelong, P., Besnard, A., Girondot, M., Habold, C., Priam, F., Giraudeau, M., Loc’h, G.L., Loc’h, A.L., Fournier, P., Fournier-Chambrillon, C., Fort, J., Bustamante, P., Dupont, S.M., Vincze, O., Gros-Desormeaux, J.-R., Martin, J., Bourgeois, O., Lepori, M., Régis, S., Lecerf, N., Lefebvre, F., Aubert, N., Frouin, C., Flora, F., Pimentel, E., Passalboni, A.-S., Jeantet, L., Hielard, G., Louis-Jean, L., Brador, A., Giannasi, P., Bellenoue, P., Etienne, D., Lecerf, N., Chevallier, P., Chevallier, T., Meslier, S., Landreau, A., Anaïs, D., Maceno, M., Larcher, E., Maho, Y.L., Chevallier, D., 2025. Exploring fibropapillomatosis dynamics, severity and demographic implications in juvenile green turtle foraging grounds. Ecohealth. doi: 10.1007/s10393-025-01701-5.
Girondot, M., Krueger, C.J., Cléomène, C., Tran, Z., Chevallier, D., Janzen, F.J., 2024. Thermal reaction norms of leatherback marine turtle at nesting beach. Animals (Basel) 14, 3050. doi: 10.3390/ani14213050. ResearchGate link.
Morales-Mérida, B.A.; Pilcher, N.J.; Girondot, M. How old is a turtle? Challenges in interpreting age information in sea turtles. Ecologies 2024, 5(4): 502-511, doi: 10.3390/ecologies5040031. ResearchGate link.
Chevallier, D.; Maucourt, L.; Charrier, I.; Lelong, P.; Le Gall, Y.; Menut, E.; Wallace, B.; Delvenne, C.; Vincze, O.; Jeantet, L.; Girondot, M. et al. The response of sea turtles to vocalizations opens new perspectives to reduce their bycatch. Sci Reports 2024, doi:10.21203/ ResearchGate link.
Bourgogne, H.; Oremus, M.; Mangeas, M.; Vidal, E.; Girondot, M. Innovative monitoring scheme at remote, scattered nesting aggregation reveals a major loggerhead turtle rookery in New Caledonia, South Pacific. PLoS One 2024, 19, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0299748. ResearchGate link.
Chevallier, D., J. Fretey, J. Lescure, and M. Girondot. 2024. First record of Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880) in the waters of Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles). Animals (Basel) 14(4):596. doi: 10.3390/ani14040596. ResearchGate link.
Girondot, M., A. Dejoie, and M. Charpentier. 2024. The mystery of bimodal nesting seasons in marine turtles. Ecological Modeling. 490, 110653. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110653. ResearchGate link.
Lelong, P., Besnard, A., Girondot, M., Habold, C., Priam, F., Giraudeau, M., Le Loc'h, G., Le Loc’h, A., Fournier, P., Fournier-Chambrillon, C., Bustamante, P., Dupont, S. M., Vincze, O., Gros-Desormeaux, J.-R., Martin, J., Bourgeois, O., Lepori, M., Régis, S., Lecerf, N., Lefebvre, F., Aubert, N., Frouin, C., Flora, F., Pimentel, E., Pimentel, M., Siegwalt, F., Jeantet, L., Chambault, P., Hiélard, G., Arqué, A., Arthus, M., Louis-Jean, L., Brador, A., Giannasi, P., Etienne, D., Lecerf, N., Chevallier, P., Chevallier, T., Meslier, S., Landreau, A., Macéno, M., Larcher, E., Le Maho, Y. & Chevallier, D. 2024. Demography of endangered juvenile green turtles in face of environmental changes: 10 years of capture-mark-recapture efforts in Martinique. Biol. Conserv., 291: 110471. ResearchGate link.
Fuentes, M.M.P.B.; Santos, A.J.B.; Abreu-Grobois, A.; Briseño-Dueñas, R.; Al-Khayat, J.; Hamza, S.; Saliba, S.; Anderson, D.; Rusenko, K.W.; Mitchell, N.J.; et al. (75 authors) Adaptation of sea turtles to climate change: will phenological responses be sufficient to counteract changes in reproductive output? Global Change Biology 2024, 30:e16991. doi: 10.1111/gcb.1699. ResearchGate link.
Diffusion des connaissances
Girondot, M., 2024. L’art de la squelettochronologie : outils et limites chez les tortues marines. Naturae In press.
Girondot, M. Be careful with your predictions about sea turtle sex ratios. SWOT Report 2024, XIX, 9. ResearchGate link.
Caro, A., Catteau, S., Cesarini, C., Claro, F., Ferlat, C., Fretey, J., Gambaiani, D., Girard, A., Girondot, M., Martinez, A., Miaud, C., Moisson, P., Sénégas, J.-B., Thévenet, C., 2024. Loggerheads nesting in France mainland and Corsica in 2023: an exceptional year or the beginning of a new story?, International Sea Turtles Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand.
Girondot, M., 2024. TSD Workshop, International Sea Turtles Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand.
Scott, K., Girondot, M., Berumen, M.L., 2024. Will the coral-reef-eater hawksbill sea turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata, still present in the next century: A worldwide meta-analysis of temperature dependent sex determination, European Coral Reef Symposium – ECRS 2024, Naples, Italy.
Scott, K., Girondot, M., Cochran, J., Berumen, M., 2024. The making of males in a feminizing environment: an assessment on the Arabian Peninsula, International Sea Turtles Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand.
Morales-Mérida, B.A.; Morales-Cabrera, A.; Chúa, C.; Girondot, M. (2023) Olive ridley sea turtle incubation in natural conditions is possible on Guatemala beaches. Sustainability. 15, 14196. doi: 10.3390/su151914196. ResearchGate link
Chevallier D, Girondot M, Péron C, Martin J, Bonola M, Chevalier J, de Thoisy B, Kelle L, Le Maho Y, Gardel A, Anthony EJ (2023) Beach erosion aggravates the drastic decline in marine turtle populations in French Guiana. Regional Environmental Change. 23, 116. doi:10.1007/s10113-023-02105-3. ResearchGate link
Girondot M, Barry J (2023) Computation of the distribution of the sum of independent negative binomial random variables. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 28, 63, doi:10.3390/mca28030063 ResearchGate link
Fretey J, Read T, Carron L, Fontfreyde C, Fourdrain A, Kérandel J-A, Liardet V, Oremus M, Reix-Tronquet M, Girondot M (2023) From terra incognita to hotspot: The largest South Pacific green turtle nesting population in the forgotten reefs of New Caledonia. Oryx . 57(5): 626-636. doi: 10.1017/S0030605323000108. Supplementary material. ResearchGate link
Girondot M (2023) Nouvelle méthodologie d’analyse bayésienne du report des voix et de l’abstention lors du deuxième tour des élections. Comptes Rendus Mathématique 361: 243-256. doi: 10.5802/crmath.401 ResearchGate link
Gônet, J., Bardin, J., Girondot, M., Hutchinson, J., & Laurin, M. (2023). Deciphering locomotion in reptiles: application of elliptic Fourier transforms to femoral microanatomy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad006. ResearchGate link
Tello-Sahagún, L. A., Ley-Quiñonez, C. P., Abreu-Grobois, F. A., Monsinjon, J. R., Zavala-Norzagaray, A. A., Girondot, M. & Hart, C. E. 2023. Neglecting low season nest protection exacerbates female biased sea turtle hatchling production through the loss of male producing nests. Biol. Conserv. 277, 109873. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109873. ResearchGate link
Gônet, J., Bardin, J., Girondot, M., Hutchinson, J. R. & Laurin, M.2023. Unravelling the postural diversity of mammals: contribution of humeral cross-sections to palaeobiological inferences. Journal of Mamalian Evolution. 30: 321–337. doi : 10.1007/s10914-023-09652-w. ResearchGate link
Gônet J, Bardin J, Girondot M, Hutchinson JR, Laurin M (2023) Locomotor and postural diversity among reptiles viewed through the prism of femoral microanatomy: palaeobiological implications for some Permian and Mesozoic taxa. Journal of Anatomy 242: 891-916 doi 10.1111/joa.13833. ResearGate link
Diffusion des connaissances
Girondot, M. 2023. The temperature-dependent sex determination patterns of Mediterranean marine turtles: What we known and what we still don't know. MedTurtle Bulletin, 4, 12-20. ResearchGate link
Girondot, M. (2023). Minimum data standards perform to the maximum. State of the World’s Sea Turtles XVIII, 10-11.
Akomedi M, Diaby T, Ayissi I, Raynus H, Soro G, Koumbo Tagagoum U, Girondot M, Girard A (2023) First regional census of the olive ridley nesting in Atlantic Africa reveals West-Central Africa is hosting the largest olive ridley turtle breeding colony in the Atlantic 41th International Sea Tutles Symposium, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Fretey J, Read T, Girondot M (2023) From terra incognita to hotspot: The largest South Pacific green turtle nesting population in the forgotten reefs of New Caledonia 41th International Sea Tutles Symposium, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Girard A, Barnier F, Claro F, Girondot M (2023) A synthetic indicator based on nesting trend to inform the general pubilc about the status of sea turtle in France and its overseas territories International Sea Tutles Symposium 41, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Morales Mérida A, Girondot M (2023) Life-history of Lepidochelys olivacea model: A case study of Guatemala’s populations 41th International Sea Tutles Symposium, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Scott K, Cochran JEM, Girondot M, Berumen ML (2023) Nest shading implications on the thermosensitive period, sex ratio and incubation time at Red sea turtles rookeries International Sea Tutles Symposium 41, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Salvat-Leal I, Cortés-Gómez AA, Romero D, Girondot M: New method for imputation of unquantifiable values using bayesian statistics for a mixture of censored or truncated distributions: Application to trace elements measured in blood of olive ridley sea turtles from mexico. Animals (Basel) 2022, 2022(12):2919. ResearchGate link
Monsinjon J, Guillon J-M, Wyneken J, Girondot M (2022) Thermal reaction norm for sexualization: the missing link between temperature and sex ratio for temperature-dependent sex determination. Ecological Modelling 473: 110119. ResearchGate link
Girard F, Girard A, Monsinjon J, Arcangeli A, Belda E, Cardona L, Casale P, Catteau S, David L, Dell’Amico F, Gambaiani D, Girondot M, Jribi I, Lauriano G, Luschi P, March D, Mazaris AD, Miaud C, Palialexis A, Sacchi J, Sagarminaga R, Tepsich P, Tomás J, Vandeperre F, Claro F (2022) Toward a common approach for the GES assessment of marine turtle species within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.790733. ResearchGate Link.
Gônet J, Laurin M, Girondot M (2022) BoneProfileR: the next step to quantify, model and statistically compare bone section compactness profiles. Paleontologica Electronica 25: a12. doi: 10.26879/1194
Omeyer LCM, McKinley TJ, Bréheret N, Bal G, Balchin GP, Bitsindou A, Chauvet E, Collins T, Curran BK, Formia A, Girard A, Girondot M, Godley BJ, Mavoungou J-G, Poli L, Tilley D, VanLeeuwe H, Metcalfe K (2022) Missing data in sea turtle population monitoring: a Bayesian statistical framework accounting for incomplete sampling Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 817014. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.817014.
Morales-Mérida, B. Alejandra, Colum Muccio, and Marc Girondot. 2022. Validating Trends in Olive Ridley Nesting Track Counts in Guatemala in the Light of a National Hatchery Protection Strategy. Oryx 1-7. DOI: 10.1017/S0030605322000382
Merle M, Filée J, de Oliveira J, Almeida CE, Mougel F, Bastide H, Girondot M, da Rosa JA, Harry M (2022) Genome size variation in the Rhodninii tribe of Chagas disease vectors. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 107: 211-215 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0394
Roost T, Schies J-A, Girondot M, Lelong P, Martin J, Siegwalt F, Jeantet L, Bonola M, Benhalilou A, Murgale C, Andreani L, Jacaria F, Campistron G, Hielard G, Arqué A, Régis S, Lecerf N, Frouin C, Lefebvre F, Aubert N, Pimentel E, Lafolle R, Thobor F, Etienne D, Gresser J, Bouaziz M, Allenou J-P, Desigaux F, Larcher E, Larcher C, Curto AL, Befort J, Lepori M, Meslier S, Landreau A, Habold C, Robin J-P, Maho YL, Chevallier D (2022) Fibropapillomatosis prevalence, distribution and etiology in immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles). Ecohealth 19: 190–202. doi: 10.1007/s10393-022-01601-y.
Siegwalt F, Jeantet L, Lelong P, Martin J, Girondot M, Bustamante P, Benhalilou A, Murgale C, Andreani L, Jacaria F, Campistron G, Lathière A, Barotin C, Buret-Rochas G, Barre P, Hielard G, Arqué A, Régis S, Lecerf N, Frouin C, Lefebvre F, Aubert N, Arthus M, Etienne D, Allenou J-P, Delnatte C, Lafolle R, Thobor F, Chevallier P, Chevallier T, Lepori M, Assio C, Grand C, Bonola M, Tursi Y, Varkala P-W, Maho YL, Habold C, Robin J-P, Chevallier D (2022) Food selection and habitat use patterns of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Caribbean seagrass beds dominated by the alien species Halophila stipulacea. Global Ecology and Conservation 37: e02169 doi 10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02169
Cortés-Gómez AA, Miguel C, Girondot M (2022) Time to sound the alarm on the silent threat of inorganic pollutants. SWOT Report XVII: 10-13
Girondot M, Pilcher NJ (2022) The virtual turtles project: a solution to monitor marine turtles without marine turtles ISTS 40, Perth, Australia (Poster)
Gônet J, Bardin J, Girondot M, Hutchinson JR, Laurin M (2022) Unravelling the locomotion of reptiles: contribution of femoral microanatomy and paleobiological implications EAVP2022. European Association of Vertebrate Paleontology, Benevento, Italy
Girondot M (2022) Session: Résultats de recherche 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M, Monsinjon J (2022) Session: Menaces émergentes 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M (2022) Pollution thermique. Session: Menaces émergentes - 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M, Gaspar C, Monsinjon J (2022). Session: Menaces émergentes - Autres menaces émergentes (éolien, lumineuse, érosion et chimique) 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M (2022) Comment évaluer l’impact d’une menace. Session: Menaces émergentes - 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M (2022) Modèle démographique : les données nécessaires pour les paramétrer. Session: Indicateurs et minimaux standards - 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M (2022) Avantage et danger de l'utilisation d'Excel : comment vous pouvez perdre toutes vos données sans vous en rendre compte ! Session: Bases de données - 4e colloque du groupe tortues marines France, La Grande-Motte, France
Girondot M, Mourrain B, Chevallier D, Godfrey MH (2021) Maturity of a Giant: Age and size reaction norm for sexual maturity for Atlantic leatherback turtles. Marine Ecology 42(5):e12631.
Girard A, Bréheret N, Bal G, Mavoungou J-G, Tchibinda J-F, Makaya F, Girondot M (2021) Unusual sexual dimorphism and small adult size for olive ridley sea turtle are linked to volumetric geometric constraint. Marine Biology. 168, 7: 1-11.
Morales Mérida, A., Helier, A., Cortés-Gómes, A.A., Girondot, M. (2021). Hatching success rather than temperature-dependent sex determination as the main driver of Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) nest density in the Pacific Coast of Central America. Animals 11:3168.
Cortés-Gómez, A., Romero, D., Santos, J., Rivera-Hernández, J.R. & Girondot, M. (2020) Inorganic pollutants in live vs dead nesting Olive Ridley marine turtles in the Mexican Pacific: introducing a new way to make statistics in ecotoxicology. Science of the Total Environment, 761: 143249. DOI:
Monsinjon, J., Girondot, M. & Guillon, J.-M. (2020) Comment on Carter AW, Paitz RT, Bowden RM. 2019. The devil is in the details: Identifying aspects of temperature variation that underlie sex determination in species with TSD. Integrative and Comparative Biology 59:1081-1088. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 60(6):1347-1350. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icaa139.
Z. M. Le Gouvello, D., Girondot, M., Bachoo, S. & Nel, R. (2020) The good and bad news of long-term monitoring: an increase in abundance but decreased body size suggests reduced potential fitness in nesting sea turtles. Marine Biology, 167, 112.
Siegwalt, F., Benhamou, S., Girondot, M., Jeantet, L., Martin, J., Bonola, M., Lelong, P., Grand, C., Chambault, P., Etienne, D., Gresser, J., Hielard, G., Arqué, A., Régis, S., Lecerf, N., Frouin, C., Lefebvre, F., Aubert, N., Vedie, F., Barnerias, C., Thieulle, L., Guimera, C., Bouaziz, M., Pinson, A., Flora, F., Benhalilou, A., Murgale, C., Maillet, T., George, F., Eggenspieler, J., Woignier, T., Allenou, J.-P., Louis-Jean, L., Chanteur, B., Béranger, C., Crillon, J., Brador, A., Habold, C., Le Maho, Y., Robin, J.-P. & Chevallier, D. (2020) High site fidelity of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) to their Caribbean foraging grounds revealed key marine conservation areas: Evidence from satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture. Biological Conservation. 37:108742. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02169
Laloë J-O, Monsinjon J, Gaspar C, Touron M, Genet Q, Stubbs J, Girondot M, Hays GC (2020) Production of male hatchlings at a remote South Pacific green sea turtle rookery: conservation implications in a female-dominated world. Marine Biology 167:70.
Chevallier D, Mourrain B, Girondot M (2020) Modelling leatherback biphasic indeterminate growth using a modified Gompertz equation. Ecological Modelling. 426: 109037.
Abreu-Grobois FA, Morales-Mérida BA, Hart CE, Guillon J-M, Godfrey MH, Navarro E, Girondot M (2020) Recent advances on the estimation of the thermal reaction norm for sex ratios. PeerJ 8: e8451.
Chevallier D, Girondot M, Berzins R, Chevalier J, de Thoisy B, Fretey J, Georges J-Y, Kelle L, Lebreton J-D (2020) Survival and pace of reproduction of an endangered sea turtle population, the leatherback Dermochelys coriacea in French Guiana. Endangered Species Research 41: 153-165
Morales-Mérida BA, Contreras-Mérida MR, Girondot M (2019) Pipping dynamics in marine turtle Lepidochelys olivacea nests. Trends in Developmental Biology 12: 23-30
Bonola M, Girondot M, Robin J-P, Martin J, Siegwalt-Baudin F, Jeantet L, Chambault P, Etienne D, Gresser J, Hielard G, Arqué A, Régis S, Lecerf N, Frouin C, Lefebvre F, Sutter E, Vedie F, Barnerias C, Thieulle L, Bordes R, Guimera C, Aubert N, Bouaziz M, Pinson A, Flora F, Duru M, Joumaa J, Benhalilou A, Murgale C, Maillet T, Sikora M, Rateau F, George F, Eggenspieler J, Woignier T, Allenou J-P, Louis-Jean L, Chanteur B, Béranger C, Habold C, Le Maho Y, Chevallier D (2019) Fine scale geographic residence and annual primary production drive body condition of wild immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles). Biology Open 8(12):bio048058. DOI: 10.1242/bio.048058
Monsinjon, J.R., Wyneken, J., Rusenko, K., López-Mendilaharsu, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., dei Marcovaldi, M.A.G., Fuentes, M.M.P.B., Kaska, Y., Tucek, J., Nel, R., Williams, K.L., LeBlanc, A.-M., Rostal, D., Guillon, J.-M., Girondot, M., 2019. The climatic debt of loggerhead sea turtle populations in a warming world. Ecological Indicators 107: 105657.
Pfaller, J.B., Williams, K.L., Frick, M.G., Shamblin, B.M., Nairn, C.J., Girondot, M., 2019. Genetic determination of tag loss dynamics in nesting loggerhead turtles: A new chapter in “the tag loss problem”. Marine Biology 166, 97.
Hancock, J., Vieira, S., Lima, H., Schmitt, V., Pereira, J., Rebelo, R., Girondot, M., 2019. Overcoming field monitoring restraints in estimating marine turtle internesting period by modelling individual nesting behaviour using capture-mark-recapture data. Ecological Modelling. 402: 76-84.
Monsinjon, J., Lopez, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., dei Marcovaldi, M.A.G., Girondot, M., Fuentes, M.M.P.B., 2019. Effects of temperature and demography on the phenology of loggerhead sea turtles in Brazil. Marine Ecology Progress Series 623, 209-219.
Siegwalt F, Jeantet L, Arque A, Assio C, Benhamou S, Bonola M, Chambault P, Cremades C, Etienne D, Girondot M, Grand C, Gresser J, Hielard G, Laurent M, Lelong P, Lecerf N, Le Maho Y, Martin J, Rateau F, Régis S, Robin J-P, Sikora M, Sutter E, Vedie F, Chevallier D (2019) Écologie trophique de la tortue verte dans les Antilles françaises. La feuille marine 3: 10-12 doi 10.13140/RG.2.2.20736.38403
Conferences and posters
Adegbile, O.M., Girondot, M., 2019. Plastic debris and sand temperature in a sea turtle nesting beach in West Lagos coast, Nigeria, 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Oral)
Girondot, M., 2019. Beyond the tagging reflex: what to do with your counting or tagging databases? The Phenology R package answer, 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Poster)
Siegwalt, F., Benhamou, S., Girondot, M., Jeantet, L., Martin, J., Regis, S., Lecerf, N., Lefebvre, F., Frouin, C., Etienne, D., Gresser, J., Vedie, F., Sutter, E., Hielard, G., Arqué, A., Robin, J.-P., Chevallier, D., 2019. First evidence of high site-fidelity of immature Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Carribean foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and mark-recapture, 36th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Poster)
Contreras-Mérida, M.R., Girondot, M., Morales-Mérida, B.A., 2019. Relationship between the size of the female nesting turtle and the number of eggs laid per nest by olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) in the area of multiple uses Hawaii- AUMH, Santa Rosa, Guatemala, 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Poster)
Girondot, M., 2019. 3D OCF-ECF-Time table permits to estimate true clutch frequency, 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Oral)
Girondot, M., 2019. What’s new in 2018?, Temperature-dependent Sex Determination Workshop - 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Oral)
Guillon, J.-M., Girondot, M., 2019. Problem to estimate sex ratio, recent literature survey, Temperature-dependent Sex Determination Workshop - 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Oral)
Girondot, M., 2019. Field PT and field TRT misconception and field sex ratio, Temperature-dependent Sex Determination Workshop - 39th International Sea Turtles Symposium, Charleston, SC. (Oral)
Girondot, M., 2019. Temperature-dependent sex determination: from molecular biology to climate change, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: TSD workshop, Charleston, SC.
6th workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in Charleston, SC
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., 2018. The w-value: An alternative to t- and X2 tests. Journal of Biostatistics & Biometrics 2018(1), 1-4.
Cortés-Gómes AA, Romero D, Girondot M (2018) Carapace asymmetry: A possible biomarker for metal accumulation in adult olive Ridleys marine turtles? Marine Pollution Bulletin 129: 92-101.
Cortés-Gómez AA, Morcillo P, Guardiola FA, Espinosa C, Esteban M, Cuesta A, Girondot M, Romero D (2018) Molecular oxidative stress markers in Olive Ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) and their relation to metal concentrations in wild populations. Environmental Pollution. 233: 156-167.
Girondot M, Monsinjon J, Guillon J-M (2018) Delimitation of the embryonic thermosensitive period for sex determination using an embryo growth model reveals a potential bias for sex ratio prediction in turtles. Journal of Thermal Biology. 73:32-42.
Morales-Merida, B.A., Bustamante, D.M., Monsinjon, J., Girondot, M., 2018. Reaction norm of embryo growth rate dependent on incubation temperature in the Olive Ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, from Pacific Central America. Journal of Embryology. 1(1): 12-24.
Cortés-Gómez, A.A., Tvarijonaviciute, A., Girondot, M., Tecles, F., Romero, D., 2018. Relationship between plasma biochemistry values and metal concentrations in nesting olive ridley sea turtles. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 36671-36679.
Girondot, M., Godfrey, M.H., Guillon, J.-M., Sifuentes-Romero, I., 2018. Understanding and integrating resolution, accuracy and sampling rates of temperature data loggers used in biological and ecological studies. Engineering Technology Open Access Journal 2, 1-7.
Diffusion de l’information
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., 2018. Comment obtenir des résultats significatifs dans vos études écotoxicologiques: un guide pratique, Fiche thématique. ECOTOX INRA, Réseau d’écotoxicologie terrestre et aquatique, pp. 1-6.
Conferences talks and posters
Girondot, M., 2018. Les changements globaux vus de dessous une carapace, Troisième Réunion du Groupe Tortues Marines France, La Rochelle, France.
Girondot, M., 2018. Temperature-dependent sex determination: from molecular biology to climate change, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: TSD workshop, Kobe, Japan.
5th workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in Kobe, Japan
Girondot, M., 2017. Optimizing sampling design to infer marine turtles seasonal nest number for low-and high-density nesting beach using convolution of negative binomial distribution. Ecological Indicators. 81: 83-89.
Cortés-Gómez, A.A., Girondot, M., Romero, D., 2017. The current situation of inorganic elements in marine turtles: A general review and meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution 229, 567-585.
Monsinjon, J., Jribi, I., Hamza, A., Ouerghi, A., Kaska, Y., Girondot, M., 2017. Embryonic growth rate thermal reaction norm of Mediterranean Caretta caretta embryos from two different thermal habitats, Turkey and Libya. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 16(2): 172-179.
Monsinjon J, Guillon J-M, Hulin V, Girondot M (2017) From air temperature to sex ratio for Emys orbicularis in natural conditions. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica Supplement 10:105-113
Adel, M., Cortés-Gómes, A.A., Dadar, M., Cholicheh, H.R., Girondot, M., 2017. A comparative study of trace elements in the blood of male and female Caspian Pond Turtles (Mauremys caspica) from the southern basin of the Caspian Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Fuentes, M.M.P.B., Monsinjon, J., Lopez, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., dei Marcovaldi, M.A.G., Girondot, M., 2017. Sex ratio estimates for species with temperature-dependent sex determination differ according to the proxy used. Ecological Modelling 365, 55-67.
Girondot, M. Unpublished. Update of the paper: Rivalan, P., Godfrey, M.H., Prévot-Julliard, A.-C., Girondot, M., 2005. Maximum likelihood estimates of tag loss in leatherback sea turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management 69, 540-548.
Student thesis
Barnabé, Agnès, 2017. L’AIC, un outil presque parfait ? Analyse à l’aide d’un cluster géré sous Spark sur R, Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique, Evolution. Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, p. 20.
Conferences talks and posters
Girondot, M., 2017. Temperature-dependent sex determination: from molecular biology to climate change, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: TSD workshop, Las Vegas, USA.
4st workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in Las Vegas, USA
Cortés-Gómez, A.A., Romero, D., Girondot, M., 2017. Carapace asymmetry: A possible biomarker for metal accumulation in adult Olive Ridleys marine turtles?, 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Las Vegas, NV.
Girard, A., Chabrolles, A., Delcroix, E., Girondot, M., 2017. Statistical challenge: Reconstruct time series of nesting in Guadeloupe Archipelago for 160 beaches for 3 species during 15 years!, 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Las Vegas, NV.
Girondot, M., 2017. Niche modelling using mechanistic model for embryo development: a case study, International Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle - Mini-symposium, Las Vegas, NV.
Girondot, M., 2017. Strategy to predict sex ratio from nest temperature recording, 4th Workshop on Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination: from molecules to climate change, Las Vegas, NV.
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., 2017. Evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination: the SM hypothesis, 4th Workshop on Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination: from molecules to climate change, Las Vegas, NV.
Girondot, M., Vogt, R.C., Monsinjon, J., Kurzmann, C., Guillon, J.-M., 2017. Thermal reaction norm for sexualisation : the missing link between nest temperature and sex ratio, 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Las Vegas, NV.
Jang, J.W., Valverde, R., Girondot, M., 2017. Lepidochelys olivacea embryonic development and nest microenvironment models and interpretations. Ostional National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Las Vegas, NV.
Morales Mérida, B.A., Girondot, M., 2017. Relationship between the incubation length and the sex ratio in sea turtles Lepidochelys olivacea in the Monterrico Multipurpose Natural Reserve (RNUMM), Guatemala, 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Las Vegas, NV.
Rees, A. F., J. Alfaro-Shigueto, P. C. R. Barata, K. A. Bjorndal, A. B. Bolten, J. Bourjea, A. C. Broderick, L. M. Campbell, L. Cardona, C. Carreras, P. Casale, S. A. Ceriani, P. H. Dutton, T. Eguchi, A. Formia, M. M. P. B. Fuentes, W. J. Fuller, M. Girondot, M. H. Godfrey, M. Hamann, K. M. Hart, G. C. Hays, S. Hochscheid, Y. Kaska, M. P. Jensen, J. C. Mangel, J. A. Mortimer, E. Naro-Maciel, C. K. Y. Ng, W. J. Nichols, A. D. Phillott, R. D. Reina, O. Revuelta, G. Schofield, J. A. Seminoff, K. Shanker, J. Tomás, J. P. van de Merwe, K. S. V. Houtan, H. B. V. Zanden, B. P. Wallace, K. R. Wedemeyer-Strombel, T. M. Work, and B. J. Godley. 2016. Review: Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles? Endangered Species Research. 31: 337-382.
Bézy, V., Girondot, M., Valverde, R., 2016. An evaluation of methodologies for the long-term monitoring of arribadas at Ostional, Costa Rica. Journal of Herpetology. 50(3), 409-415.
Girard A., Godgenger M.-C., Gibudi A., Fretey J., Billes A., Roumet D., Bal G., Bréheret N., Bitsindou A., Leeuwe H.V., Verhage B., Ricois S., Bayé J.-P., Carvalho J., Lima H., Neto E., Angoni H., Ayissi I., Bebeya C., Folack J., Nguegim J.R. and Girondot M. (2016) Marine turtles nesting activity assessment and trend along the Central African Atlantic coast for the period of 1999-2008. International Journal of Marine Science and Ocean Technology, 3(3), 21-32.
Conferences talks and posters
Girondot, M., 2016. Temperature-dependent sex determination: a practical course, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: TSD workshop, Lima, Peru.
3rd workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in Lima, Peru
Barnerias C., Claro F., Bourjéa J., Ballorain K., Dyc C., Haffner P., Gaspar C., Mazière J.d., Siblet J.-P., Poisson F., Galgani F., Morinière P., Dell'Amico F., Ciccione S., Jean C., Dalleau M. and Expert F. (2016) The French sea turtle group, an active network in 5 oceans and seas. 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Lima, Peru.
Cortés-Gómes A.A., Morcillo P., Guardiola F.A., Esteban M., Cuesta A., Girondot M., Fuentes-Mascorro G. and Romero D. (2016) Heavy metal and oxidative stress biomarkers in Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) from "La Escobilla" beach, Oaxaca, Mexico. 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Lima, Peru.
Girondot M. (2016) Is TRPV4 the thermal sensor for TSD? 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation - TSD workshop. Lima, Peru.
Girondot M. (2016) What is the best way to convert timeseries of temperatures into sex ratio? 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation - TSD workshop. Lima, Peru.
Monsinjon J., Tucker T., Fernandez Y., Hamza A., Ouerghi A., Kaska Y., Leblanc A.-M., Williams K., Rostal D. and Girondot M. (2016) Past primary sex ratio estimates of 4 populations of loggerhead sea turtles based on TSP durations. 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Lima, Peru.
Student thesis
Gourraud A. (2016) Contraintes environnementales dans la distribution spatio-temporelle des pontes de tortues marines sur différents sites majeurs de pontes. Stage de L2 Stage de L2, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
Jacquemin M. (2016) Application des outils Spark aux problématiques de recherche en écologie. Magistère d'Informatique, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
Le Balle R. (2016) Validation d’un protocole d’estimation des pontes de tortues marines sous influence de facteurs environnementaux. Master 2 ECOTROP - Ecologie des Forêts Tropicales Master Thesis, Université De Guyane.
Marco M. (2016) Etude de l'évolution des températures suivant la profondeur et la composition du milieu. Stage de L2 Stage de L2, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
Roy, V., Girondot, M., Harry, M., 2015 The distribution of Wolbachia in Cubitermes (Termitidae, Termitinae) castes and colonies: a modelling approach. Plos One. 10(2): e0116070.
Girondot, M., Bédel, S., Delmoitiez, L., Russo, M., Chevalier, J., Guéry, L., Hassine, S.B., Féon, H., Jribi, I., 2015. Spatio-temporal distribution of Manta birostris in French Guiana waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 95(1): 153-160. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315414001398
Girondot M. and Rizzo A. 2015. Bayesian framework to integrate traditional ecological knowledge into ecological modeling: A case study. Journal of Ethnobiology. 35(2): 337-353.
Morales Mérida, A., Ruiz, A., Navarro, E., Sifuentes-Romero, I., Abreu-Grobois, F.A., Girondot, M., 2015. Contrasting incubation data for Lepidochelys olivacea highlight the need for more experimentation and detailed reporting. Marine Turtles Newsletter 145, 15-19.
Girondot, M. Leatherback turtle populations in the Atlantic Ocean. In The leatherback turtle. Biology and conservation, Spotila, J.R., Tomillo, P.S., Eds.; Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, Maryland, 2015; pp. 97-109.
Conferences talks and posters
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., 2015. On the concept of embryological thermosensitive period for sex determination in reptiles, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Turkey. Oral
Monsinjon, J., Tucker, T., Jribi, I., Fernandez, Y., Hamza, A., Ouerghi, A., Kaska, Y., Girondot, M., 2015. Evolution and constraint of thermal reaction norms for embryonic growth rate in 3 populations of Caretta caretta from thermally contrasted environment, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Turkey. Oral
Hart, C.E., Ley-Quiñonez, C., Zavala-Norzagaray, A., Abreu-Grobois, F.A., Girondot, M., 2015. Thermic regime and sex ratio in olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) nests incubated using artificial methods, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Turkey. Poster
Jribi, I., Girondot, M., Bradai, M.N., 2015. Sex ratio of loggerhead turtle hatchlings on two nesting beaches in Tunisia, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Dalaman, Turkey. Oral
Girondot, M., 2015. Temperature-dependent sex determination: a practical course, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: TSD workshop, Dalaman, Turkey.
2nd workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in Dalaman, Turkey.
Adegbile, O., Girondot, M., Girard, A., 2015. Nigeria: a new terra incognita for marine turtles: national report, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: Africa workshop, Dalaman, Turkey.
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., Burke, R., 2015. How many are enough? Optimizing experimental design to estimate parameters of temperature-dependent sex determination in turtles, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: Freshwater turtles and tortoise workshop, Dalaman, Turkey. Oral
Girondot, M., 2015. Constraints of incubation temperatures for European Freshwater turtles distribution, Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation: Freshwater turtles and tortoise workshop, Dalaman, Turkey. Oral
Girondot, M., 2015. Thermal constraint for distribution of Emys orbicularis in France, 5th International Symposium on Emys orbicularis, Kiten, Bulgaria.
Girondot, M., Guillon, J.-M., 2015. From air temperature to sex ratio for Emys orbicularis: best practices, 5th International Symposium on Emys orbicularis, Kiten, Bulgaria.
Tucek, J., Nel, R., Girondot, M. & Hughes, G. 2014. Size versus age as drivers of sexual maturity in South African female loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Endangered Species Research. 23, 167-175.
Girard, A., Dembe Louvinguila, H., Breheret, N., Monsinjon, J., Charra, M., Protat, E., Roche, H., Ngokaka, C., Girondot, M., 2014. Les engins et techniques de pêche utilisés dans la baie de Loango, République du Congo, et leurs incidences sur les prises accessoires. Cybium. 38(2):177-131
Girondot, M., & Kaska, Y. 2014. Nest temperatures in a loggerhead-nesting beach in Turkey is more determined by sea surface temperature than air temperature. Journal of Thermal Biology. 47:13-18
Girondot, M., Kaska, Y., 2014. A model to predict the thermal reaction norm for the embryo growth rate from field data. Journal of Thermal Biology. 45: 96-102. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2014.08.005
Workshop about temperature-dependent sex determination in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Girondot, M. (2014) New proxy for sex ratio in field nests taking into account fluctuation of temperature. 34st ISTS Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Louisiana. Oral
Girondot, M. & Kaska, Y. (2014) Nest temperatures in a loggerhead-nesting beach in Turkey is more determined by sea surface temperature than air temperature. 34st ISTS Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Louisiana. Poster
Jang, J. W., Valverde, R. A. & Girondot, M. (2014) Evaluation of nesting habitat and environmental parameters with descriptive models of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) at ostional national wildlife refuge, costa rica. 34st ISTS Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Louisiana. Oral
Delcroix, E., Bédel, S., Santelli, G. & Girondot, M. (2013). Monitoring design for quantification of marine turtle nesting with limited human effort: a test case in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Oryx, 48: 95-105.
Karaa, S., Jribi, I., Bouain, A., Girondot, M. & Bradaї, M.N. (2013) On the occurrence of leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761), in Tunisian waters (Central mediterranean sea) (Testudines: dermochelydae). Herpetozoa, 26(1/2): 65-75.
Wallace, B. P., Tiwari, M. & Girondot, M. (2013). Dermochelys coriacea. IUCN Red List. from
Girondot, M. (2013) Importance of modeling in sea turtle studies. Munibe Monographs. Nature Series, 1, 83-87.
Note a typographic error in the legend of figure 4. The corrected version is:
Fig 4. - Leatherback nest number in 2003 from Yalimapo nesting beach (French Guiana). Open circles are from 4-hour patrols and close-circles are from 6-hour patrols. The faint line shows the best-fitted nesting season obtained from 4-hour patrol data and the bold line from 6-hour patrol data.
Sadek, I.E., Mancini, A., Hanafy, M. & Girondot, M. (2013) Green turtle nesting activities on Zabargad island, a major rookery in the Southern Egyptian Red Sea. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2 - 8 February 2013
Girondot, M. (2013) Bayesian framework to integrate traditional ecological knowledge into ecological modeling: a case study with seasonality of marine turtles in French Guiana. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2 - 8 February 2013
Girondot, M. & Guillon, J.-M. (2013) Are incubation temperatures the limiting factor for the repartition of Emys orbicularis in France? The Terrapin, Tortoise, & Freshwater Turtle Meeting at the 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation. Baltimore, Maryland (talk). 2 - 4 February 2013
Girondot, M. (2013) Strategies to get index of population status for marine turtles. Data Analysis Workshop at the 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Baltimore, Maryland. 2 - 8 February 2013
Guillon, J.-M., Guéry, L., Hulin, V. & Girondot, M. 2012. A large phylogeny of turtles (Testudines) using molecular data. Contributions to Zoology, 81(3): 147-158.
Diffusion de l’information
Girondot M., Delmas V., Prévot-Julliard A.-C. 2012 — Nouvelles données sur la ponte de la tortue de Floride (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Île de France. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France. 142-143: 71:78.
Girard, A., Bréheret, N. & Girondot, M. 2012. Unusual sexual size dimorphism for Lepidochelys olivacea sea turtles in Congo. In: 32nd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Oaxaca, Mexico.
Wallace B.P., DiMatteo A.D., Bolten A.B., Chaloupka M.Y., Hutchinson B.J., Abreu-Grobois F.A., Mortimer J.A., Seminoff J.A., Amorocho D., Bjorndal K.A., Bourjea J., Bowen B.W., Dueñas R.B., Casale P., Choudhury B.C., Costa A., Dutton P.H., Fallabrino A., Finkbeiner E.M., Girard A., Girondot M., Hamann M., Hurley B.J., Lopez-Mendilaharsu M., Marcovaldi M.A., Musick J.A., Nel R., Pilcher N.J., Troëng S., Witherington B. & Mast R.B. 2011. Global conservation priorities for marine turtles. PLoS One. 6(9): e24510.
Girondot, M., Servan, J. & Pieau, C 2011. Rapid search for genetic differentiation of populations: application to the European pond turtle. Amphibia-Reptilia. 32: 297-302.
Diffusion de l’information
Hassine, S. B., Jribi, I., Bradai, M. N., Bouain, A. & Girondot, M. 2011. Origin in variability of nesting period of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in Kuriat islands (Tunisia). Marine Turtle Newsletter. 131:48-50.
Girondot, M. 2011. Analyse critique des stratégies d’étude des tortues marines à terre. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 139-140: 5-18.
Delcroix E., Guiougou F., Bédel S., Santelli G., Goyeau A., Malglaive L., Guthmüller T., Boyer J., Guilloux-Glorieux S., Créantor F., Malterre P., Quellec F.L., Dumont R., Saint-Auret A., Coudret J., Flereau J., Valentin M., Berry G., De Proft P., Mege S., Rinaldi R., Mazéas F., Marcel B., Fabregoul A. & Girondot M. Sous presse. Le programme « Tortues marines Guadeloupe » : bilan de 10 années de travail partenarial. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 139-140: 21-35.
Roche, H. & Girondot, M. 2011. Perturbateurs endocriniens et écosystème. Médecine & Longévité. 3: 56.
Ben Hassine, S., Jribi, I., Bouain, A. and Girondot, M. 2011. Sea surface temperature determines nesting period of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in Kuriat islands (Tunisia). 4th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Napoli, Italy.
Rizzo, A., 2011. Phénologie de la ponte des tortues marines en Guyane française. Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, Université Paris Sud et CNRS, Orsay, France. Master Thesis from University of Padova, Italy, pp. 102.
Serra, A.-A., 2011. La vertèbre de truite comme biomarqueur intégrateur du stress écotoxicologique en conditions naturelles. Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, Université Paris Sud et CNRS. Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, pp. 25.
Monsinjon, J. 2011. Recherche de techniques de pêche artisanale alternatives pour limiter les captures accidentelles de tortues marines sur les côtes congolaises. Licence STS 2ème année Rapport de stage L2, Université Paris Sud, pp. 76.
Wallace, B.P., Dimatteo, A.D., Hurley, B.J., Finkbeiner, E.M., Bolten, A.B., Chaloupka, M.Y., Hutchinson, B.J., Abreu-Grobois, F.A., Amorocho, D., Bjorndal, K.A., Bourjea, J., Bowen, B.W., Dueñas, R.B., Casale, P., Choudhury, B.C., Costa, A., Dutton, P.H., Fallabrino, A., Girard, A., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M.H., Hamann, M., López-Mendilaharsu, M., Marcovaldi, M.A., Mortimer, J.A., Musick, J.A., Nel, R., Seminoff, J.A., Troëng, S., Witherington, B. & Mast, R.B. (2010) Regional management units for marine turtles: a novel framework for prioritizing conservation and research across multiple scales. PLoS One 5(12): e15465. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015465
Girondot M. 2010. Estimating density of animals during migratory waves: application to marine turtles at nesting site. Endangered Species Research. 12: 85-105. DOI: 10.3354/esr00292
Web site for the software
Girondot, M. 2010 Sex in common pet turtles. WebmedCentral VETERINARY MEDICINE, 1, WMC00877.
Girondot, M. and J.-Y. Sire 2010. UniDPlot : A software to detect weak similarities between two DNA sequences. Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis 2(5): 69-74.
Web site for the software
Hamann, M., Godfrey, M. H., Seminoff, J. A., Arthur, K., Barata, P. C. R., Bjorndal, K. A., Bolten, A. B., Broderick, A. C., Campbell, L. M., Carreras, C., Casale, P., Chaloupka, M., Chan, S., Coyne, M. S., Crowder, L. B., Diez, C. E., Dutton, P. H., Epperly, S. P., FitzSimmons, N. N., Formia, A., Girondot, M., Hays, G. C., I-Jiunn, C., Kaska, Y., Lewison, R., Mortimer, J. A., Nichols, W. J., Reina, R. D., Shanker, K., Spotila, J. R., Tomás, J., Wallace, B. P., Work, T. M., Zbinden, J. & Godley, B. J. 2010. Global research priorities for sea turtles: informing management and conservation in the 21st century. Endangered Species Research. 11:245-269.
Supplementary material
Guirlet, E., Das, K., Thomé, J.-P. & Girondot, M. 2010. Maternal transfer of chlorinated contaminants in the leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, nesting in French Guiana. Chemosphere, 79(7): 720-726. DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.02.047
Girondot, M., S. Ben Hassine, C. Sellos, M. Godfrey, and J.-M. Guillon. 2010. Modeling thermal influence on animal growth and sex determination in Reptiles: being closer of the target gives new views. Sexual Development. 4(1): 29-38. DOI: 10.1159/000280585
Web page for the software.
Caut, S., Guirlet, E. & Girondot, M. 2010. Effect of tidal overwash on the embryonic development of leatherback turtles in French Guiana. Marine Environmental Research, 69, 254-261. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2009.11.004
Oosthuizen, W. C., Bruyn, P. J. N. D., Bester, M. N. & Girondot, M. 2010. Cohort and tag-site specific tag-loss rates in mark-recapture studies: a southern elephant seal cautionary case. Marine Mammal Science, 26: 350-369. DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2009.00328.x
Web site for the software
Diffusion de l’information
Gibudi A, Girondot M (2010) Réunion sous-régionale PROTOMAC : bilan et stratégie pour la conservation des tortues marines et leur habitat. Document interne RAPAC.
Godgenger, M.-C., Gibudi, A. & Girondot, M. (2010) Description Synthétique de l’étude des pontes de Tortues Marines en Afrique Centrale. pp. 26. Libreville, Gabon.
Girondot M. 2010. Editorial: The zero counts. Marine Turtle Newsletter. 129: 5-6.
Guéry L (2009-2010) Effet sur la végétation de l’apport d’azote par les pontes de tortues marines sur les plages de Guyane française. Master 1 Environnement Spécialité « Ecologie, Biodiversité, Evolution », Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, pp. 37.
Gerrero J (2009-2010) Modalités de perte des bagues chez les tortues luths (Dermochelys coriacea) de Guyane française. Master 1 Environnement Spécialité « Ecologie, Biodiversité, Evolution », Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, pp. 20.
Delcroix E, Bedel S, Santelli G, Girondot M (2010) Minimizing field work and optimizing outputs: monitoring strategies face real world with an example case in Guadeloupe (Carribean) 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Goa, India.
Girard A, Bréheret N, Adell M, N'Daminté K, Fasquel P, Bal G, Girondot M (2010) New facts on sea turtles in the Republic of Congo according to the analysis of the data collected on the sea turtle incidental captures. 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Goa, India.
Girondot M, Russo M (2010) New statistical model to elucidate the total clutch frequency of marine turtles. 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Goa, India.
Hamann M, Godfrey MH, Seminoff JA, Arthur K, Barata PCR, Bjorndal KA, Bolten AB, Broderick AC, Campbell LM, Carreras C, Casale P, Chaloupka M, F.Chan SK, Coyne MS, Crowder LB, Diez CE, Dutton PH, Epperly SP, FitzSimmons NN, Formia A, Girondot M, Hays GC, Jiunn CI, Kaska Y, Lewison R, Mortimer JA, Nichols WJ, Reina RD, Shanker K, Spotila JR, Tomás J, Wallace BP, Work TM, Zbinden J, Godley BJ (2010) Global research priorities for sea turtles: informing management and conservation in the 21st century. 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Goa, India.
Girondot M (2010) Synthèse des travaux de Protomac de 1998 à 2010. Première Conférence Internationale sur les Tortues Marines d'Afrique Centrale, Libreville, Gabon.
Girondot M (2010) Avenir de la recherche et de la conservation sur les tortues marines en Afrique Centrale. Première Conférence Internationale sur les Tortues Marines d'Afrique Centrale, Libreville, Gabon
Hulin, V., Delmas, V., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M. H. & Guillon, J.-M. 2009. Temperature-dependent sex determination and global change: are some species at greater risk? Oecologia, 160(3):493-506.
Web site of the software
Marie-Clélia Godgenger, Nathalie Bréheret, Gaëlle Bal, Karine N'Damité, Alexandre Girard and Marc Girondot. 2009. Nesting estimation and analysis of threats for Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) marine turtles nesting in Congo. Oryx. 43(4):556-563.
Deschamps, M.-H., Girondot, M., Labbé, L. & Sire, J.-Y. 2009. Changes in vertebral structure during growth of reared rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum): A new approach using modelling of vertebral bone profiles. Journal of Fish Diseases, 32, 233-246.
Web site of the software
Diffusion de l’information
Girondot M (2009) La détermination du sexe sensible à la température chez les Reptiles. In: Aux origines de la sexualité (ed Gouyon PH) Fayard, Paris, France, pp. 238-249.
Girondot, M. 2009. Stratégie d’étude des Tortues marines à terre : état de l’art. Texte issu d’une conférence donnée à Leucate dans le cadre de la formation des observateurs Tortues Marines sur le littoral méditerranéen.
Girondot, M. 2009. Les tortues marines face au changement climatique. Texte issu d’une conférence donnée à Leucate dans le cadre de la formation des observateurs Tortues Marines sur le littoral méditerranéen.
Russo, M. (2009) L’investissement reproductif chez les tortues luths : nouvelles méthodes d’analyse. Master 2 Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
Sellos, C. (2009) Etude de la sensibilité de l’activité aromatase à la température chez une espèce ayant une détermination du sexe sensible à la température: Emys orbicularis. Master 1 Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
Sire, J.-Y., Delgado, S. & Girondot, M. 2008. Hen's teeth with enamel: from dream to impossibility. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8: 246. 
Guirlet, E., Das, K. & Girondot, M. 2008. Maternal transfer of trace elements in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) of French Guiana. Aquatic Toxicology. 88(4): 267-276.
Stéphane Caut, Sabrina Fossette, Elodie Guirlet, Elena Angulo, Krishna Das, Marc Girondot & Jean-Yves Georges. 2008. Isotope analysis reveals foraging area dichotomy for Atlantic leatherback turtles. PLoS ONE. 3: 1-10.
Fossette S, Kelle L, Girondot M, Goverse E, Hilterman ML, Verhage B, Thoisy Bd, Georges J-Y. 2008. The world's largest leatherback rookeries: conservation-oriented research in French Guiana/Suriname and Gabon. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 356: 69-82.
Delmas, V., Bonnet, X., Girondot, M. and Prévot-Julliard, A.-C. 2008. Varying hydric conditions during incubation influence egg water exchange and hatchling phenotype in the red-eared slider turtle. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 81: 345-355
Hulin, V., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M. H. and Guillon, J.-M. 2008. Mixed and uniform brood sex ratio strategy in turtles: the facts, the theory and their consequences. - In: Wyneken, J., Bels, V. and Godfrey, M. H. (eds.), Biology of turtles. University Press of Chicago, pp. 279-300.
Delmas, V., Prévot-Julliard, A.-C., Pieau, C. and Girondot, M. 2008. A mechanistic model of temperature-dependent sex determination in a Chelonian, the European pond turtle. - Functional Ecology 22: 84-93.
Web page for this software.
Roderic B. Mast, Bryan Wallace, Marc Girondot, Colin Limpus, Andrea Whiting, Suzanne Livingstone, Nicolas Pilcher, Michelle Pico, Tom Barry, Alec Hutchinson, Jeffrey Seminoff. 2008. Models look better: compiling and presenting global nesting data through the state of the world's sea turtles (SWOT) effort. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 19 to 26 January 2008, Loreto, Mexico.
Houmeau V, Delcroix E, Girondot M (2008) Influence of the feeding factor on hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Guadeloupean archipelago. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Loreto, Mexico.
Marc Girondot. 2008. Toward a mechanistic model for temperature-dependent sex determination in marine turtles. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 19 to 26 January 2008, Loreto, Mexico.
Marc Girondot, Jean-Yves Georges, and Elodie Guirlet. 2008. Skipping 2 or 3 years for reproduction: the environmental determinant and the evolutionary consequences. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 19 to 26 January 2008, Loreto, Mexico.
Hulin V., Guillon J.M. & Girondot M. 2008. How Different are sex determination mechanisms in Reptiles? Sex. Dev., 2: 283. (book of abstracts from 6th World Congress of Herpetology. Manaus, Brazil.)
Russo, Mathilde. 2008. Hétérogénéité des stratégies reproductives de la tortue Luth de Guyane. Master 1 Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution, Université Paris Sud.
Diffusion de l’information
Gibudi, A., Godgenger, M.-C., Roumet, D. & Girondot, M. 2008. La gestion de l’information comme outil d’aide à la décision : l’exemple des tortues marines en Afrique centrale. RAPAC Info, 14, 10-12.
Deschamps MH, Girondot M, Sire JY (2007) Vertebral structure modifications during growth of farming rainbow trout. J Morphol 268:1067
Briane, J.-P., Rivalan, P. & Girondot, M. (2007) The Inverse Problem applied to the Observed Clutch Frequency of Leatherbacks from Yalimapo beach, French Guiana. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 6, 63-69.
Girondot, M., Godfrey, M. H., Ponge, L. & Rivalan, P. (2007) Modeling Approaches to Quantify Leatherback Nesting Trends in French Guiana and Suriname. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 6, 37-46.
Anne-Caroline Prévot-Julliard, Emeline Gousset, Chloé Archinard, Antoine Cadi, Marc Girondot. 2007. Pets and invasion risks: is the Slider turtle strictly carnivorous? Amphibia-Reptila 28:139-143.
Delmas, V., E. Baudry, M. Girondot, and A.-C. Prévot-Julliard. 2007. The righting response as a fitness index in freshwater turtles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 91(1): 99-109.
Caut S., Hulin V., Girondot M. 2006. Impact of density-dependent nest destruction on emergence success of Guianan leatheback turtles. Animal Conservation 9:189-199.
Rivalan P, Pradel R, Choquet R, Girondot M, Prévot-Julliard A-C. 2006 Estimating clutch frequency in marine turtles through stopover duration. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 317: 285-295.
Girondot M, Rivalan P, Wongsopawiro R, Briane J-P, Hulin V, Caut S, Guirlet E, Godfrey MH. 2006. Phenology of marine turtle nesting revealed by a statistical model of the nesting season. BMC Ecology. 6: 11.
Web site of the software
Laurin, M., D. Germain, J.-S. Steyer, and M. Girondot. 2006. Données microanatomiques sur la conquête de l'environnement terrestre chez les Vertébrés. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 5:603-618.
Caut, S., E. Guirlet, P. Jouquet, and M. Girondot. 2006. Influence of nest location and infertile eggs on hatching success of leatherback turtle nests in French Guiana. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 908-915.
Maros, A., A. Louveaux, C. Lelarge, and M. Girondot. 2006. Evidence of the exploitation of marine resource by the terrestrial insect Scapteriscus didactylus through stable isotopes analyzes of its cuticle. BMC Ecology 6:6.
Rivalan P., Dutton P.H., Baudry E., Roden S.E., Girondot M. 2006. Demographic scenario inferred from genetic data in leatherback turtles nesting in French Guiana and Suriname. Biological Conservation. 130: 1-9
Sire J.-Y., Delgado S., Girondot M. 2006. The amelogenin story: Origin and evolution. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 114: 64-77
Rivalan P., Prévot-Julliard A.-C., Choquet R., Pradel R., Jacquemin B., Briane J.-P., Girondot M. 2005. Trade-off between current reproduction investment and delay until next reproduction in the leatherback sea turtle. Oecologia 145:564-574.
Maros A., Louveaux A., Liot E., Marmet J., Girondot M. 2005. Identifying characteristics of Scapteriscus spp. (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) apparent predators of marine turtle eggs. Environmental Entomology 35:1063-1070.
Sire J.-Y., Delgado S., Fromentin D., Girondot M. 2005. Amelogenin: lessons from evolution. Archive of Oral Biology, 50, 205-212.
Delgado, S., Girondot, M., Sire, J.-Y. 2005. Molecular Evolution of Amelogenin in Mammals. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 60, 12-30.
Rivalan P., Godfrey M.H., Prévot-Julliard A.-C., Girondot M. 2005. Maximum likelihood estimates of tag loss in leatherback sea turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:540-548.
Note two typographical errors in the text:
Equation 2:
p(t) = ( (1 - mint) / (1 + exp(a0 * (a1 - t) ) ) + mint
Equation 3
mint = a4 / (1 + exp(a2 * (a3 - t) )
Jean-Yves Sire, Sidney Delgado and Marc Girondot. 2005. True teeth will never be resuscitated in birds. 9th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseille, 21-23 septembre 2005, Marseille, France.
Jean-Yves Sire and Marc Girondot. 2005. The reasons why chicken can no longer have true teeth. COST Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.
Girondot, M., Georges, J.-Y., Rivalan, P., Prévot-Juliard, A.-C. 2005. North-Atlantic global climat influences the nesting behaviour of leatherback turtles in French Guiana. 5th World Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, 19-24 June 2005.
Girondot, M., Delmas, V., Prévot-Juliard, A.-C. 2005. Mechanistic biochemical and physiological models interplay to offer a new tool to understand temperature-dependent sex determination. 5th World Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, 19-24 June 2005 (invited speaker).
Teillac, P., Cadi, A., Girondot, M., Prévot-Juliard, A.-C. 2005. Impacts and future of invasive Trachemys scripta elegans in France. 5th World Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, 19-24 June 2005.
Diffusion de l’information
Girondot M, Rivalan P, William D (2005) Evaluation des cheptels reproducteurs. In: Les tortues marines de Guyane (ed Fretey J) La Plume Verte, Cayenne, pp. 171-173.
Laurin M, Girondot M, Loth M-M- 2004- The evolution of long bone microstructure and lifestyle in lissamphibians. Paleobiology, 30(4): 589-613.
Antoine Cadi, Virginie Delmas, Anne-Caroline Prévot-Julliard, Pierre Joly, Claude Pieau, and Marc Girondot - 2004 - Successful reproduction of the introduced slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the South of France. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14(3):237-246.
Girondot M, Delmas V, Rivalan P, Courchamp F, Prévot-Julliard A-C, Godfrey MH, 2004. Chapter 15: Implication of temperature-dependent sex determination for population dynamics. In Temperature-dependent sex determination, Valenzuela N, Bull JJ (eds)
Philippe Rivalan, Jean-Paul Briane, Stéphane Caut, Bart de Dijn, Sandra Ferraroli, Edo Goverse, Julien Gratiot, Maartje Hilterman, Edda Johannesen, Sabrina Langin, Sylvain Lieutenant, Florent Macé, Julie Marmet, Alexandra Maros, Yvette Merton, Magali Morison, Isabelle Nolibos, Benoît Viseux, Ronald Wongsopawiro, and Marc Girondot. 2004. Modeling marine turtles nesting season: a meta-analysis for 16 nesting beaches covering 600 km of coast line for 3 species in the Guianas region during the 2002 nesting season. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Marine Turtles Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. Oral Presentation.
Philippe Rivalan, Anne-Caroline Prévot-Julliard, and Marc Girondot. 2004. First estimation of the annual female adult survival rate based on tagging data from French Guiana. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Marine Turtles Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. Oral Presentation.
Philppe Rivalan, Anne-Caroline Prévot-Julliard, and Marc Girondot. 2004. The North Atlantic Oscillation drives the leatherback nesting season in French Guiana. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Marine Turtles Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. Oral Presentation.
Godfrey, M.H., Delmas, V., Girondot, M., 2003. Assessment of patterns of temperature-dependent sex determination using maximum likelihood model selection. Ecoscience 10(3): 265-272.
Web site of the software
Maros, A., A. Louveaux, M. H. Godfrey & M. Girondot, 2003. Scapteriscus didactylus (Orthoptera, Gryllotalpidae), predator of leatherback turtle eggs in French Guiana. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 249: 289-296.
Girondot, M., Laurin, M. - 2003 - Bone Profiler: a tool to quantify, model, and statistically compare bone-section compactness profiles. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23:458-461.
Web site of the software
Michel Laurin, Damien Germain, Jean-Sébastien Steyer, Peggy Vincent & Marc Girondot - 2003 - L'apport des données microanatomiques sur la conquête de l'environnement terrestre par les vertébrés. Congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France (SHF), Banyuls-sur-Mer. 2-3 juillet 2003.
Girondot, M., Tucker, A.D., Rivalan, P., Godfrey, M.H., Chevalier, J. - 2002 - Density-dependent nest destruction and population fluctuations of Guianan leatherbacks turtles. Anim. Conserv. 5(1): 75-84.
Student thesis
Delmas, V. - 2002 - Modèle mécaniste de la détermination du sexe sensible à la température: le cas d'Emys orbicularis. DEA d'écologie, Université de Paris-Sud, France. Direction par Marc Girondot.
Alexandra Maros, Benoîx Viseux, Marc Girondot, and Matthew H. Godfrey - 2002 - Nest predation at a high density leatherback nesting beach. 22st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 4-7 April 2002. Miami, USA. (Poster)
Philippe Rivalan, Rémy Choquet, Jean-Paul Briane, Matthew Godfrey, Marc Girondot, and Anne- Caroline Prévot-Julliard - 2002 -Survival rate estimates in sea turtle with variable inter-nesting intervals: new statistical modelling of capture-recapture data. 22st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 4-7 April 2002. Miami, USA. (Oral presentation)
M. Hilterman, E. Goverse, M. Godfrey, M. Girondot, and C. Sakimin - 2002 -Seasonal sand temperature profiles of 4 major leatherback nesting beaches in the Guyana shield. 22st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 4-7 April 2002. Miami, USA. (Poster)
Matthew H. Godfrey, Cecilia Torres, and Marc Girondot. - 2002 -Estimating hatching success on a high density nesting beach. 22st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 4-7 April 2002. Miami, USA. (Poster)
Viseux, Benoît, Girondot, Marc - 2002 - Overview of some of the studies conducted whitin the Amana Natural Reserve in 2002. Sixth symposium on marine turtles from Guyana Shield. Cayenne, 18-20 November 2002.
Maros, Alexandra, Louveaux, Alain et Marc Girondot - 2002 - High predation rate of mole cricket Scapteriscus didactylus on marine turtles eggs. Sixth symposium on marine turtles from Guyana Shield. Cayenne, 18-20 November 2002.
Rivalan, Philippe, Prévot-Julliard, Anne-Caroline et Marc Girondot - 2002 - New techniques to study population dynamics of marine turtles. Sixth symposium on marine turtles from Guyana Shield. Cayenne, 18-20 November 2002.
Laure Bonnaud, Didier Casane, Sidney Delgado, Michel Laurin, Jean-Yves Sire, and Marc Girondot - 2002 - Molecular biology and the early evolutionary history of a vertebrate skeleton protein : the case of amelogenin. Journées " Développement et Evolution ". Un hommage à André Adoutte. 17-18 octobre 2002, Paris, France.
Jamain S., Girondot M., Leroy P., Clergue M., Quach H., Fellous M., and Bourgeron T. - 2001 - Transduction of the human gene AHCP by endogenous retrovirus during primate evolution. Genomics. 78(1-2): 38-45 (doi:10.1006/geno.2001.6642).
Delgado, S., Casane, D., Bonnaud, L., Laurin, M., Sire, J.-Y., and Girondot, M. - 2001 - Molecular evidence for precambrian origin of amelogenin, the major protein of vertebrate enamel. Mol. Biol. Evol.18(12): 2146-2153.
Conferences and proceedings
Girondot, M., Godfrey, M., Rivalan, P., Chevalier, J., and A.-C. Prévot-Julliard - 2001 - South American Leatherback population studies. 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. February 24-28, 2001. Philadelphia, USA. (invited lecture)
Dias used for oral presentation
Godfrey, M., et Girondot, M. - 2001 - Evolution des profils de réponse de la détermination du sexe à la température chez les chéloniens. XXIIIème petit Pois Déridé. Orsay, France. 27-29 août 2001.
Rivalan, P., Girondot, M., Prévot-Julliard, A.-C. -2001- Dynamique de la population de tortues luths en Guyane française. XXIIIème petit Pois Déridé. Orsay, France. 27-29 août 2001.
Rivalan, P., Girondot, M., Prévot-Julliard, A.-C. -2001- La Tortue luth, Dermochelys coriacea, est-elle une espèce longévive?. Estimation de deux trait d'histoire de vie. Premier Colloque Herpétologique Franco-Belge, Virton, Belgique. 6 au 8 juillet 2001
Godfrey, M., and Girondot, M. - 2001 - Relationship between shape of TSD pattern and demographics of sea turtle nesting populations. 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. February 24-28, 2001. Philadelphia, USA. (oral presentation)
Rivalan, P.,Girondot, M., and A.-C. Prévot-Julliard - 2001 - Estimation of tag loss and annual suvival rates of leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, in French Guiana. 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. February 24-28, 2001. Philadelphia, USA. (oral presentation)
Chevalier, J., Tra Van Can, A., Reille, D., Lochon, S., Ferraroli, S., and Girondot, M. - 2001 - Direct evidence of the heavy impact of the Surinamese fishing fleet on the leatherback turtle population of French Guiana and Suriname. 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. February 24-28, 2001. Philadelphia, USA. (oral presentation)
Godfrey, M., Drif. O., and Girondot, M. - 2001 - Two alternative approaches to measuring carapace length in leatherback sea turtles. 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. February 24-28, 2001. Philadelphia, USA. (poster presentation)
Student thesis
Viseux, B. - 2001 - Etude, à l'aide d'un SIG, de la prédation des oeufs et juvéniles de tortues marines par les chiens et urubus en Guyane française. Caractérisation de la prédation des oeufs de Dermochelys coriacea par Ocypoda quadrata. DESS Ecosystèmes Méditerranéens, Université de Corte, Corte, France. Direction par Marc Girondot et Marie-Laure Cayatte.
Bernier, F. et Bessonneau, P. - 2001 - Modélisation du suivi de populations de tortues et de prêles dans des conditions d'évolution environnementales et biologiques paramétrées. DU d'Informatique Appliquée option Programmation Scientifique, Université Paris XI-Orsay. Direction par Marc Girondot et Jean-Michel Guillon.
Original papers
Laurin, M., Girondot, M. & de Ricqlès, A. - 2000 - Early tetrapod evolution. Trends Ecol. Evol. 15: 118-123.
A correspondence and our response
Laurin, M., Reiz, R.R. Girondot, M. - 2000 - Caecilian viviparity and amniote origins: a reply to Wilkinson and Nussbaum. J. Nat. Hist., 34, 311-315.
Sire, J.-Y., Girondot, M., Babiar, O. -2000- Marking zebrafish, Danio rerio (cyprinidae), using scale regeneration. J. Exp. Zool. 286, 297-304.
Conferences and proceedings
Ferraroli, S., Eckert, S., Chevalier, J., Girondot, M., Kelle, L. and Le Maho, Y. 2000. Marine behavior of leatherback turtles nesting in French Guiana for conservation strategy. - In: Mosier, A., Foley, A. and Brost, B. (eds.), 20th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. - NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-477, pp. 283-285.
Laurin, M., Steyer, J.-S., Girondot, M., and Ricqlès, A. de - 2000 - Early limb evolution: histological and microanatomical features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates. 7th International Conference on Limb Development and Regeneration, Aussois, France, 20-24 May 2000, Developmental dynamics, 219: 441 (abstract).
Laurin, M., Steyer, J.-S., Girondot, M., and Ricqlès, A. de - 2000 - Early limb evolution: histological features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates . 60th Annual Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico.
Laurin M, Steyer J-S, Girondot M, Ricqls A, de (2000) Early limb evolution: histological features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates. J Vertebr Paleontol 20:53A
Laurin M, Steyer JS, Girondot M, De Ricqles A (2000) Early limb evolution: Histological and microanatomical features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates. Dev Dyn 219:441-441
Student thesis
Rivalan, P. - 2000 - La tortue luth, Dermochelys coriacea, est-elle une espèce longévive ? Estimation de deux traits d'histoire de vie en vue d'applications en biologie de la conservation. DEA d'Océanologie Biologique et Environnement Marin, Option Ressources Vivantes et Ecosystèmes Côtiers. Direction Par Marc Girondot.
Original papers
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. - 1999 - A fifth hypothesis for the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles. Trends Ecol. Evol. 14(9):359-360.
Girondot, M. - 1999 - Statistical description of temperature-dependent sex determination using maximum likelihood. Evol. Ecol. Res. 1: 479-486.
Web site of the software
Laurin, M. and Girondot, M. 1999. Embryo retention in sarcopterygians, and the origin of the extra-embryonic membranes of the amniotic egg. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. 20(3): 99-104.
Chevalier, J., Godfrey, M.H. and Girondot, M. (1999) Significant difference of temperature-dependent sex determination between French Guiana (Atlantic) and Playa Grande (Costa-Rica, Pacific) Leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea). Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. 20(4): 147-152
Conferences and proceedings
Swinkels JL, van Nugteren P, Chevalier J, Girondot M, van Tienen LHG (1999) Sea turtle protection in the Guayana Shield: Optimization of collaboration and conservation. In Proceedings of the nineteenth annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, H. Kalb and T. Wibbels, compilers (2-6 March 1999, South Padre Island, TX) U.S. Dept. Commerce. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-443. pp. 53-54.
Girondot, M. (1999) Statistical description of temperature-dependent sex determination in marine turtles. In Proceedings of the nineteenth annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, H. Kalb and T. Wibbels, compilers (2-6 March 1999, South Padre Island, TX) U.S. Dept. Commerce. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-443. pp. 16-18.
Chevalier, J., and Girondot, M. (1999). Marine turtles identification in French Guiana: Why, where and how ? In Proceedings of the nineteenth annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, H. Kalb and T. Wibbels, compilers (2-6 March 1999, South Padre Island, TX) pp. 261-264.
Chevalier, J., Talvy, G., Lieutenant, S., Lochon, S., and Girondot, M. (1999). Study of a bimodal nesting season for leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in French Guiana. In Proceedings of the nineteenth annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, H. Kalb and T. Wibbels, compilers (2-6 March 1999, South Padre Island, TX) U.S. Dept. Commerce. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-443. pp. 264-267.
Girondot, M., and Garcia, J. (1999). Senescence and longevity in turtles: What telomeres tell us. In 9th extraordinary meeting of the societas Europaea Herpetologica, R. Guyétant and C. Miaud, eds. (Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac: Université de Savoie).
Chevalier, J., Desbois, X., and Girondot, M. (1999). The reason of decline of Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in French Guiana: an hypothesis. In 9th extraordinary meeting of the societas Europaea Herpetologica, R. Guyétant and C. Miaud, eds. (Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac: Université de Savoie).
Original papers
Chevalier, J., Cazelles, B. et Girondot, M. - 1998 - Apports scientifiques à la stratégie de conservation des Tortues luths en Guyane française. JATBA, Rev. Ethnobiol. XL(1/2): 485-507.
Girondot, M., Delgado, S. and Laurin, M. 1998. Evolutionary analysis of "hagfish amelogenin". - Anat. Rec. 252(4): 608-611.
Girondot, M., Fouillet, H. and Pieau, C. - 1998 - Feminizing turtle embryos as a conservation tool. Conserv. Biol. 12(2):353-362.
Girondot, M., Sire, J.-Y. - 1998 - Evolution of amelogenin gene in toothed and toothless vertebrates. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 106 (suppl. 1): 501-508.
Chevalier, J. and Girondot, M. - 1998 - Dynamique de pontes des tortues Luth en Guyane française durant la saison 1997. Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr., 85-86: 5-19.
Conferences and proceedings
Chevalier, J., and Girondot, M. - 1998 - Recent population trend for Dermochelys coriacea in French Guiana. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Sea Turtle Symposium: 56-57. Abreu, A. B., Briseno-Duenas, R., Marquez, R. and Sarti, L. (Eds.). U.S. Dept. of Commerce. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-436.
Chevalier, J., Desbois, X. and Girondot, M. - 1998 - The reason of decline of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in French Guiana: an hypothesis. In Guyétant R. & Miaud C. eds., Proceedings of the 9th extraordinary meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. Chambéry, France, 25-29 August 1998, 79-87.
Girondot, M. and Garcia, J. - 1998 - Senescence and longevity in turtles: What telomeres tell us ? In Guyétant, R. and Miaud, C. eds., 9th extraordinary meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Chambéry, France, 25-29 August 1998, In press.
Chevalier, J. and Girondot, M. - 1998 - Recent population trend for Dermochelys coriacea in French Guiana. In: Sarti, L. and Abreu, A. ed., 18th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Mazatlan, Mexico, 3-7 Marc 1998. 56-57.
Girondot, M. et Casane, D. - 1998 - Détection d'une évolution darwininenne positive sur les gènes de l'amélogénine humaine. Premières journées françaises de biologie des tissus minéralisés. Lyon, 22-23 janvier 1998.
Girondot, M. and Fretey, J. - 1997 - Kawana project on the web. Mar. Turt. Newsl. 76: 23-24.
Conferences and proceedings
Girondot, M. and Sire, J.-Y. - 1997 - On the evolution of amelogenin, a gene involved in enamel formation. Molecules and Morphology, Paris, Juin 1997.
Girondot, M. and Sire, J.-Y. - 1997 - Evolution of amelogenin gene in toothed and toothless vertebrates. Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation, Göteborg (Suède), July 1997.
Girondot, M. - 1997 - Evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination. Third world congress of herpetology, Prague, 2-10 august 1997.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. - 1997 - Does Emys orbicularis have sex chromosomes. Third world congress of herpetology, Prague, 2-10 august 1997.
Original papers
Girondot, M. and Fretey, J. - 1996 - Leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, nesting in French Guiana, 1978-1995. Chelonian Conserv. Biol. 2(2): 204-208.
Fretey, J. et Girondot, M. - 1996 - Première observation en France métropolitaine d'une tortue Luth, Dermochelys coriacea baguée en Guyane. Ann. Soc. Sci. Nat. Char.-Mar., VIII(5): 515-518.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. - 1996 - On the limit of age-structured model for the maintenance of environmental sex determination in crocodilians. Ann. Sci. Nat., 17, 85-97.
Conferences and proceedings
Girondot, M. and A. Tucker. 1998. Density-dependent hatchlings sex-ratio in leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) on a French Guiana nesting beach. p. 55-57 In R. Byles and Y. Fernandez, compilers. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. U.S. Dep. Commer. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-412.
Girondot, M. and Fretey, J. - 1996 - Ten years of tagging Dermochelys coriacea in french Guiana: an overview of the results. 16th Workshop on Sea Turtle, Biology and Conservation, Hilton Head Island (South Carolina). Not published.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. - 1996 - Can artificial incubation of eggs of species with temperature-dependent sex determination leads to the extinction of the managed species ? In B. Devaux (eds.) First International Congress on Chelonian Conservation, Gonfaron, France, 6-10 July 1995, SOPTOM Editions.
Original papers
Pieau, C., Girondot, M., Richard-Mercier, N., Dorizzi, M., Desvages, G. and Zaborski, P. - 1995 - Temperature variation and sex determination in reptilia. Experimental Medecine, 13: 516-523. (in Japanese)
Richard-Mercier, N., Dorizzi, M., Desvages, G., Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. - 1995 - Endocrine sex-reversal of gonads by the aromatase inhibitor Letrozole (CGS 20267) in Emys orbicularis, a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 100: 314-326.
Original papers
Girondot, M., Zaborski, P., Servan, J. and Pieau, C. 1994. Genetic contribution to sex determination in turtles with environmental sex determination. Genet. Res. 63, 117-127.
There is an error at page 123, 2nd column. Instead reading (+/- 20xSD), you should read (+/- 2xSD).
Dorizzi, M., Richard-Mercier, N., Desvages, G., Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1994. Masculinization of gonads by aromatase inhibitors in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination. Differentiation. 58, 1-8.
Pieau, C., Girondot, M., Richard-Mercier, N., Desvages, G., Dorizzi, M., and Zaborski, P. 1994. Temperature sensitivity of sexual differentiation of gonads in the European pond turtle: hormonal involvement. J. Exp. Zool., special issue. 269, 86-94.
Book chapter
Pieau, C., Girondot, M., Desvages, G., Dorizzi, M., Richard-Mercier, N. and Zaborski, P. 1994b. Environmental control of gonadal differentiation. In The differences between the sexes (R.V. Short and E. Balaban, Eds.). pp. 433-448. Cambridge University Press.
Conferences and proceedings
Girondot, M., Servan, J. and Pieau, C. - 1994 - Détermination du sexe sensible à la température chez une tortue (Emys orbicularis): importance du composant génétique. Bull. Soc. Ecophysiologie, XIX: 5-17.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1994. Utilisation des micro-satellites pour la recherche de composants génétiques de caractères phénotypiques. Colloque "Techniques et utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires", Montpellier, 29-31 mars 1994.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1994. Evolution de la détermination du sexe sensible à la température chez les reptiles: Charnov-Bull contre Fisher. Colloque "Déterminisme et différenciation du sexe", INRA Jouy-en-Josas, 28-29 avril 1994.
Original papers
Desvages, G., Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1993. Sensitive stages for the effects of temperature on gonadal aromatase activity in embryos of the marine turtle Dermochelys coriacea. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 92, 54-61.
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1993. Effects of sexual differences of age at maturity and survival on population sex ratio. Evol. Ecol. 7, 645-650.
Girondot, M. 1993. Analyse des facteurs génétiques et épigénétiques impliqués dans la détermination du sexe chez les reptiles. PhD thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.
Conferences and proceedings
Pieau, C., Desvages, G., Dorizzi, M., Girondot, M. and Richard-Mercier, N. 1993. Implication of steroid hormones in sexual differentiation of gonads in vertebrates. Onzième colloque de la société française de Biologie du développement, Paris. (Abstract in Int. J. Dev. Biol., 37, n 4, 7S).
Conferences and proceedings
Fretey, J. and Girondot, M. 1990. Numbering and tagging of Leatherbacks for four years on French Guiana beaches. Proceed. of the Tenth Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Feb. 20-24, 1990, 286 p.
Girondot, M., Prouteau, I., Fretey, J. and Lescure, J. 1990. Hatchling success in a french Guiana hatchery. 10th Workshop on Sea Turtle, Biology and Conservation, Hilton Head Island (South Carolina).
Girondot, M. and Pieau, C. 1990. Sex determination in the critical range of temperature for marine turtles. 10th Workshop on Sea Turtle, Biology and Conservation, Hilton Head Island (South Carolina).
Pieau, C., Dorizzi, M., Desvages, G. and Girondot, M. 1990. Temperature and hormonal thresholds in the sexual differentiation of gonads in reptiles. Dixième Colloque de la Société Française de Biologie du Développement, Banyuls-sur-Mer. (Abstract in Biological Structures and Morphogenesis, 3, 124).
Original paper
Fretey J. et Girondot M. 1989. L'activité de ponte de la tortue Luth, Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761), pendant la saison 1988 en Guyane Française. Rev. Ecol. (Terre Vie) 44: 261-274.
Conferences and proceedings
Fretey, J. and Girondot, M. 1989. Hydrodynamic factors involved in choice of nesting site and time of arrivals of leatherbacks in french Guiana. 9th Workshop on Sea Turtle, Biology and Conservation, Jeckhill Island (Georgia).
Original paper
Fretey, J. et Girondot, M. 1988. Nidification de la tortue luth sur le littoral de Guyane française pendant la saison 1987. Ann. Soc. Sci. Nat. Char.-Mar. 7, 729-737.
Original paper
Fretey J. et Girondot M. 1987. Recensement des pontes de tortue Luth, Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761), sur les plages de Ya:lima:po-Les Hattes à Awara (Guyane française) pendant la saison 1986. Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. 43, 1-8.