
Administrative functions

Coordinator of student projects
Bachelor of Metrology and Applied physics
University Paris-Saclay - IUT Orsay

Instrumentation laboratory coordinator
Metrology and Applied physics department
IUT Orsay

Artificial Intelligence for robotics

This course covers the following concepts:

* Neuron model and Artificial Neural Networks
* ANN topology
* Supervised learning
* Reinforcement learning
Thymio AI navigation
Simulation on webots

Instrument Control Fundamentals

This course covers the following concepts:

* Introduction to the computer-based instrumentation
* Data acquisition systems
* Computer architecture
* Computer programming (visual programming language)
* File input/output
* I/O Bus standards
* Serial communication (RS-232)
* Universal Serial Bus
* General Purpose Instrument Bus (GPIB)
Data acquisition testbeds studied during this course
* Dew point estimation
* GPS localization logger
* Ultrasonic distance sensing
* Roundness measuring
* Visual servoing

Computer-based instrumentation

* Data representation
* Logic operators
* Signal sampling
* Data acquisition
E-puck logic-based navigation
NI MyDAQ practicals

Applied mathematics | Robotic navigation

Required fundamentals : Keywords : Experimental platform
* Geometry
* Linear algebra
* Algorithms - programming
* Mathematical modeling
* Numerical integration
* Error estimation
* Bayesian filtering
* Thymio II
Objectives :
* Model and implement mathematical models for motion estimation of a differential robot
* To transpose fundamental concepts of numerical integration for robot's trajectory estimation
* Estimate process errors by means of trajectory registration
* Implementing Kalman filter for tracking the robot's localization state

Computer-aided design (CAD)

Assistant teacher on fundamentals for Computer-aided design
Solidworks software suite

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Programming fundamentals using G-Languange
Centified Labview Associate Developper since February 2014