Smartphone sheets

Lab-sheets to do physics with your smartphone

These sheets propose a series of experiments in physics that you can do with your smartphone sensors: accelerometers, light and magnetic field sensors, camera, microphone … Use a dedicated application (such as PhyPhox for example) to transform your smartphone into a pocket lab! Combine scientific rigor and creativity in the realization of your experimental setups to carry out these experiments.


These sheets are available in French and English.



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All contents of this site may be used freely under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license.

The sheets were developed in a collaboration between the team Physics Reimagined (University Paris-Sud / Paris- Saclay and CNRS) and the Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak with the support of IDEX Paris-Saclay under the “Transformez” APP.

Illustrations: Marine Joumard

Contents : Frédéric Bouquet (Paris-Saclay University) and Ulysse Delabre (Univ. Bordeaux).

Many thanks to the people helped this this project: Cyril Dauphin, Bobroff Julien, Raphael Weil, Eloi Haltz, Giovanni Organtini (La Sapienza University Rome), students of L2 of the Univ. Paris-Sud / Paris-Saclay.


DSAA DIS, Ecole Estienne
Université de Bordeaux