Our website is currently being rolled out. Please don’t hesitate come back later for updates. Thank you for your interest.
Our research team is part of the ThéoSim group of the Institut de Chimie Physique of the Université Paris Saclay and the CNRS. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to spend some time in our team (internship, research visit, thesis, post-doctoral internship or other).
Open Positions
PhD positions : No PhD positions are currently avalable.
Program release
Electron dynamics
The deMon2k module for conducting electronic dynamics simulations is now available ! The program can be downloaded from Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.8301468) for use on CPU or CPU/GPU hybrid machines.
We are grateful to funding agencies for continuous supports, notably the French National Agency for research (recent projects RUBI, BIRD, SuperET, ELECTROPHYLL), CNRS (Emergence@INC program), GENCI and Alliance Canada for generous computational resources.