Mentoring at University Paris Saclay- Femmes & Sciences

Since 2019, the mentoring program in Paris Saclay is fully active and has 40-45 mentees each year. The program

What is mentoring?
Mentoring is a voluntary and confidential relationship in which an experienced person (a mentor) guides and supports the development of a less experienced person (a mentee). Mentoring has been associated with greater career progression and professional development among mentees.
Why mentor young women scientists?
Women face more obstacles during their careers in science. Mentoring can help women overcome these barriers. Mentoring is essential to the success of women in science?

The programme :
is aimed at doctoral students starting their scientific career.
takes place over one year (Jan-Dec).
is validated by the doctoral college (equivalent to 25 hours of training).

Doctoral students from around 20 UPS doctoral schools benefit from this programme. Mentors (women/men) come from a variety of backgrounds (public/private).