For the 2013-2014 edition of this lecture course of the Masters 2 Nanosciences Saclay programme, I will be giving three lectures on the following topics:
- Lecture 4: Micromagnetic theory – Statics
- Magnetic Hamiltonian
- Domain structures
- Domain walls and vortices
- Problem set 1
- Lecture 5: Magnetisation dynamics
- Magnetisation precession, torques
- Linear excitations: Spin waves
- Nonlinear excitations: Domain walls, vortices
- Problem set 2
- Lecture 6: Topology and chirality in nanomagnetism
- Domain walls (solitons, antisolitons)
- Vortices and antivortices
- Spin spirals
- Skyrmions
- Highlights from current research
- Problem set 3
Some background reading material that might be helpful for the course:
- C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th edition (Wiley, 2004).
- C. Kittel, Quantum Theory of Solids, 2nd edition (Wiley, 1987).
- R. M. White, Quantum Theory of Magnetism, 3rd edition (Springer, 2007).
- A. Hubert and R. Schäfer, Magnetic Domains: The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures (Springer, 1998).