A consortium of research groups from the Universtié de Montpellier, Université Paris-Saclay, Universität Basel, CEA Saclay, and the Synchrotron SOLEIL has demonstrated the first real-space imaging of antiferromagnetic spin spirals in the multiferroic material bismuth iron oxide. The technique involves quantum sensing with a single spin magnetometer. A nice overview of this work can be found on the Oxitronics Group (UMPhy CNRS-Thales) website and on phys.org.
Reference: I. Gross et al., Nature 549, 252–256 (2017).
New post on our group website on our recent paper https://t.co/NZuW8ZR79T… https://t.co/cG6o4DDtvm… pic.twitter.com/XLpcr28pVN
— Oxitronics (@oxitronics) September 20, 2017
Quantum #sensors decipher #magneticordering in a new semiconducting material https://t.co/6ykF9w9gwd @unibasel @nature
— Phys.org (@physorg_com) September 13, 2017