Journal articles

Preprints/Under Review

  1. Control of magnon frequency combs in magnetic rings
    C. Heins, A. Kákay, J.-V. Kim, G. Hlawacek, J. Fassbender, K. Schultheiss, and H. Schultheiss
    arXiv:2501.05080v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
  2. Experimental observation of vortex gyrotropic mode excited by surface acoustic waves
    R. Lopes Seeger, F. Millo, G. Soares, J.-V. Kim, A. Solignac, G. de Loubens, T. Devolder
    arXiv:2409.05998 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
  3. Self-induced Floquet magnons in magnetic vortices
    C. Heins, L. Körber, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, J. H. Mentink, A. Kákay, J. Fassbender, K. Schultheiss, and H. Schultheiss
    arXiv:2409.02583 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

Regular articles

  1. Stimulated magnon scattering by non-degenerate parametric excitation
    J.-V. Kim and H. Merbouche
    Applied Physics Letters 125, 122401 (2024)
  2. Mode-resolved micromagnetics study of parametric spin wave excitation in thin-film disks
    M. Massouras, S. Perna, M. d’Aquino, C. Serpico, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 110, 064435 (2024)

    ––– [2023] –––
  3. Unidirectionality of spin waves in synthetic antiferromagnets
    F. Millo, J.-P. Adam, C. Chappert, J.-V. Kim, A. Mouhoub, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder
    Physical Review Applied 20, 054051 (2023)
  4. Pattern recognition with a magnon-scattering reservoir
    L. Körber, C. Heins, T. Hula, J.-V. Kim, S. Thlang, H. Schultheiss, J. Fassbender, and K. Schultheiss
    Nature Communications 14, 3954 (2023)
  5. Resonant dynamics of three-dimensional skyrmionic textures in thin film multilayers
    T. Srivastava, Y. Sassi, F. Ajejas, A. Vecchiola, I. Ngouagnia, H. Hurdequint, K. Bouzehouane, N. Reyren, V. Cros, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, and G. de Loubens
    APL Materials 11, 061110 (2023)
  6. Exchange energies in CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnets
    A. Mouhoub, F. Millo, C. Chappert, J.-V. Kim, J. Létang, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder
    Physical Review Materials 7, 044404 (2023)

    ––– [2022] –––
  7. Measuring a population of spin waves from the electrical noise of an inductively coupled antenna
    T. Devolder, S.-M. Ngom, A. Mouhoub, J. Létang, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, J.-P. Adam, A. Solignac, and C. Chappert
    Physical Review B 105, 214404 (2022)
  8. Oxide spin-orbitronics: Spin-charge interconversion and topological spin-textures
    F. Trier, P. Noël, J.-V. Kim, J.-P. Attané, L. Vila, and M. Bibes
    Nature Reviews Materials 7, 258 (2022)

    ––– [2021] –––
  9. The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap
    A. Barman, G. Gubbiotti, S. Ladak, A. O. Adeyeye, M. Krawczyk, J. Gräfe, A. V. Chumak, A. Khitun, D. Nikonov, I. A. Young, V. I. Vasyuchka, B. Hillebrands, S. A. Nikitov, H. Yu, D. Grundler, A. V. Sadovnikov, A. A. Grachev, S. E. Sheshukova, J.-Y. Duquesne, M. Marangolo, G. Csaba, W. Porod, V. E. Demidov, S. Urazhdin, S. O. Demokritov, E. Albisetti, D. Petti, R. Bertacco, H. Schultheiss, V. V. Kruglyak, V. D. Poimanov, S. Sahoo, J. Sinha, T. Moriyama, S. Mizukami, H. Yang, M. Münzenburg, P. Landeros, R. A. Gallardo, G. Carlotti, J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, R. E. Camley, B. Rana, Y. Otani, W. Yu, T. Yu, G. E. W. Bauer, C. Back, G. S. Uhrig, O. V. Dobrovolskiy, S. van Dijken, B. Budinska, H. Qin, C. Adelmann, S. Cotofana, A. Naeemi, B. W. Zingsem, M. Winklhofer
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 413001 (2021)
  10. Spin-torque induced wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized discs: Ballistic versus oscillatory behavior
    P. Bouquin, J.-V. Kim, O. Bultynck, S. Rao, S. Couet, G. S. Kar, and T. Devolder
    Physical Review B 103, 224431 (2021)
  11. Nanocontact vortex oscillators based on Co2MnGe pseudo-spin valves
    J. Létang, C. de Melo, C. Guillemard, A. Vecchiola, S. Petit-Watelot, M.-W. Yoo, T. Devolder, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, S. Andrieu, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 103, 224424 (2021)
  12. Synchronization of chiral vortex nano-oscillators
    Z. Zeng, Z. Luo, L. J. Heyderman, J.-V. Kim, and A. Hrabec
    Applied Physics Letters 118, 222405 (2021)
  13. A magnetic domain wall Mackey-Glass oscillator
    J. Williame and J.-V. Kim
    Applied Physics Letters 118, 152404 (2021)
  14. Stochastic processes in magnetization reversal involving domain wall motion in magnetic memory elements
    P. Bouquin, J.-V. Kim, O. Bultynck, S. Rao, S. Couet, G. S. Kar, and T. Devolder
    Physical Review Applied 15, 024037 (2021)
  15. Analytical model of the inertial dynamics of a magnetic vortex
    M.-W. Yoo, F. Mineo, and J.-V. Kim
    Journal of Applied Physics 129, 053903 (2021)
  16. Imaging non-collinear antiferromagnetic textures via single spin relaxometry
    A. Finco, A. Haykal, R. Tanos, F. Fabre, S. Chouaieb, W. Akhtar, I. Robert-Philip, W. Legrand, F. Ajejas, K. Bouzehouane, N. Reyren, T. Devolder, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, V. Cros, and V. Jacques
    Nature Communications 12, 767 (2021)

    ––– [2020] –––
  17. Quantifying the Thermal Stability in Perpendicularly Magnetized Ferromagnetic Nanodisks with Forward Flux Sampling
    L. Desplat and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review Applied 14, 064064 (2020)
  18. Asymmetric skyrmion-antiskyrmion production in ultrathin ferromagnetic films
    U. Ritzmann, L. Desplat, B. Dupé, R. E. Camley, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 102, 174409 (2020)
  19. Effects of delayed feedback on the power spectrum of spin-torque nano-oscillators
    J. Williame and J.-V. Kim
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53, 495001 (2020)
  20. Entropy-reduced retention times in magnetic memory elements: A case of the Meyer-Neldel Compensation Rule
    L. Desplat and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review Letters 125, 107201 (2020)
  21. On quantifying the topological charge in micromagnetics using a lattice-based approach
    J.-V. Kim and J. Mulkers
    IOP SciNotes 1, 025211 (2020)
  22. Path sampling for lifetimes of metastable magnetic skyrmions and direct comparison with Kramers’ method
    L. Desplat, C. Vogler, J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, and D. Suess
    Physical Review B 101, 060403(R) (2020) [PDF]
  23. Pattern generation and symbolic dynamics in a nanocontact vortex oscillator
    M.-W. Yoo, D. Rontani, J. Létang, S. Petit-Watelot, T. Devolder, M. Sciamanna, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim
    Nature Communications 11, 601 (2020) [PDF]
  24. Determining key spin-orbitronic parameters by means of propagating spin waves
    O. Gladii, M. Collet, Y. Henry, J.-V. Kim, A. Anane, and M. Bailleul
    Physical Review Applied 13, 014016 (2020) [PDF]

    ––– [2019] –––
  25. Modulation and phase-locking in nanocontact vortex oscillators
    J. Létang, S. Petit-Watelot, M.-W. Yoo, T. Devolder, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 100, 144414 (2019) [PDF]
  26. Chaos in Magnetic Nanocontact Vortex Oscillators
    T. Devolder, D. Rontani, S. Petit-Watelot, K. Bouzehouane, S. Andrieu, J. Létang, M.-W. Yoo, J.-P. Adam, C. Chappert, S. Girod, V. Cros, M. Sciamanna, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review Letters 123, 147701 (2019) [PDF]
  27. Unidirectional spin-wave channeling along magnetic domain walls of Bloch type
    Y. Henry, D. Stoeffler, J.-V. Kim, and M. Bailleul
    Physical Review B 100, 024416 (2019) [PDF]
  28. Chaotic dynamics in a macrospin spin-torque nano-oscillator with time-delayed feedback
    J. Williame, A. Difini Accioly, D. Rontani, M. Sciamanna, and J.-V Kim
    Applied Physics Letters 114, 232405 (2019) [PDF]
  29. Paths to annihilation of first- and second-order (anti)skyrmions via (anti)meron nucleation on the frustrated square lattice
    L. Desplat, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 99, 174409 (2019) [PDF]
  30. Domain-wall motion and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions in Pt/Co/Ir(t [sub Ir])/Ta multilayers
    K. Shahbazi, J.-V. Kim, H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, A. Bischof, M. D. Rossell, V. Jeudy, T. A. Moore, and C. H. Marrows
    Physical Review B 99, 094409 (2019) [PDF]

    ––– [2018] –––
  31. Thermal stability of metastable magnetic skyrmions: Entropic narrowing and significance of internal eigenmodes
    L. Desplat, D. Suess, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 98, 134407 (2018) [PDF]
  32. Nonreciprocal flexural dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls
    R. Soucaille, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, and J.-P. Adam
    Physical Review B 98, 054426 (2018) [PDF]
  33. Trochoidal motion and pair generation in skyrmion and antiskyrmion dynamics under spin-orbit torques
    U. Ritzmann, S. von Malottki, J.-V. Kim, S. Heinze, J. Sinova, and B. Dupé
    Nature Electronics 1, 451 (2018) [PDF][Full text]
  34. Skyrmion Gas Manipulation for Probabilistic Computing
    D. Pinna, F. Abreu Araujo, J.-V. Kim, V. Cros, D. Querlioz, P. Bessière, J. Droulez, and J. Grollier
    Physical Review Applied 9, 064018 (2018) [PDF]

    ––– [2017] –––
  35. Real-space imaging of non-collinear antiferromagnetic order with a single-spin magnetometer
    I. Gross, W. Akhtar, V. Garcia, L. J. Martínez, S. Chouaieb, K. Garcia, C. Carrétéro, A. Barthélémy, P. Appel, P. Maletinsky, J.-V. Kim, J. Y. Chauleau, N. Jaouen, M. Viret, M. Bibes, S. Fusil, and V. Jacques
    Nature 549, 252 (2017) [PDF]
  36. Current-driven skyrmion expulsion from magnetic nanostrips
    M.-Y. Woo, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 95, 184423 (2017) [PDF]
  37. Current-driven skyrmion dynamics in disordered films
    J.-V. Kim, and M.-Y. Woo
    Applied Physics Letters 110, 132404 (2017) [PDF]
  38. Spin transfer and spin-orbit torques in in-plane magnetized (Ga,Mn)As tracks
    L. Thevenard, B. Boutigny, N. Güsken, C. Ulysse, L. Becerra, S. Shihab, A. Lemaître, J.-V. Kim, V. Jeudy, and C. Gourdon
    Physical Review B 95, 054422 (2017) [PDF]
  39. Nanocontact based spin torque oscillators with two free layers
    R. Soucaille, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, S. Petit-Watelot, M. Manfrini, W. Van Roy, and L. Lagae
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 085002 (2017) [PDF]

    ––– [2016] –––
  40. Exchange stiffness in ultrathin perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB layers determined using the spectroscopy of electrically excited spin waves
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, L. Nistor, R. Sousa, B. Rodmacq, and B. Diény
    Journal of Applied Physics 120, 183902 (2016) [PDF]
  41. Spin Wave Power Flow and Caustics in Ultrathin Ferromagnets with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
    J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, and R. E. Camley
    Physical Review Letters 117, 197204 (2016) [PDF]
  42. Probing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CoFeB ultrathin films using domain wall creep and Brillouin light spectroscopy
    R. Soucaille, M. Belmeguenai, J. Torrejon, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, Y. Roussigné, S.-M. Chérif, A. A. Stashkevich, M. Hayashi, and J.-P. Adam
    Physical Review B 94, 104431 (2016) [PDF]
  43. Role of spin-transfer torques on synchronization and resonance phenomena in stochastic magnetic oscillators
    A. Accioly, N. Locatelli , A. Mizrahi , D. Querlioz , L. G. Pereira , J. Grollier, and J.-V. Kim
    Journal of Applied Physics 120, 093902 (2016) [PDF]
  44. Direct measurement of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in X|CoFeB|MgO heterostructures with a scanning-NV magnetometer
    I. Gross, L. J. Martinez, J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-F. Roch, K. Garcia, R. Soucaille, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, J. Torrejon, M. Hayashi, and V. Jacques
    Physical Review B 94, 064413 (2016) [PDF]
  45. A skyrmion-based spin-torque nano-oscillator
    F. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Sampaio, N. Reyren, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim
    New Journal of Physics 18, 075011 (2016) [PDF]
  46. Spin wave amplification using the spin Hall effect in permalloy/platinum bilayers
    O. Gladii, M. Collet, K. Garcia-Hernandez, C. Cheng, S. Xavier, P. Bortolotti, V. Cros, Y. Henry, J.-V. Kim, A. Anane, and M. Bailleul
    Applied Physics Letters 108, 202407 (2016) [PDF]
  47. Time-resolved spin-torque switching in MgO-based perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Swerts, W. Kim, S. Couet, G. Kar, and A. Furnemont
    Physical Review B 93, 024420 (2016) [PDF]
  48. Spin Wave Eigenmodes of Dzyaloshinskii Domain Walls
    P. Borys, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Advanced Electronic Materials 2, 1500202 (2016) [PDF]

    ––– [2015] –––
  49. Role of nonlinear anisotropic damping in the magnetization dynamics of topological solitons
    J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 92, 014418 (2015) [PDF]
  50. Dynamical influence of vortex-antivortex pairs in magnetic vortex oscillators
    R. M. Otxoa, S. Petit-Watelot, M. Manfrini, I. P. Radu, A. Thean, J.-V. Kim, and T. Devolder
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 394, 292 (2015) [PDF]
  51. Current-driven asymmetric magnetization switching in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO heterostructures
    J. Torrejon, F. Garcia-Sanchez, T. Taniguchi, J. Sinha, S. Mitani, J.-V. Kim, and M. Hayashi
    Physical Review B 91, 214434 (2015) [PDF]
  52. Narrow Magnonic Waveguides Based on Domain Walls
    F. Garcia-Sanchez, P. Borys, R. Soucaille, J.-P. Adam, R. L. Stamps, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review Letters 114, 247206 (2015) [PDF]
  53. Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in perpendicularly-magnetized Pt/Co/AlOx ultrathin films measured by Brillouin light spectroscopy
    M. Belmeguenai, J.-P. Adam, Y. Roussigné, S. Eimer, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, S. M. Cherif, A. Stashkevich, and A. Thiaville
    Physical Review B 91, 180405(R) (2015) [PDF]
  54. The nature of domain walls in ultrathin ferromagnets revealed by scanning nanomagnetometry
    J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, L. J. Martinez, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, L. Herrera Diez, K. Garcia, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, J.-F. Roch, I. M. Miron, G. Gaudin, L. Vila, B. Ocker, D. Ravelosona, and V. Jacques
    Nature Communications 6, 6733 (2015) [PDF]

    ––– [2014] –––
  55. Noise-Enhanced Synchronization of Stochastic Magnetic Oscillators
    N. Locatelli, A. Mizrahi, A. Accioly, R. Matsumoto, A. Fukushima, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, V. Cros, L. G. Pereira, D. Querlioz, J.-V. Kim, and J. Grollier
    Physical Review Applied 2, 034009 (2014) [PDF]
  56. Breathing modes of confined skyrmions in ultrathin magnetic dots
    J.-V. Kim, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Sampaio, C. Moreau-Luchaire, V. Cros, and A. Fert
    Physical Review B 90, 064410 (2014) [PDF]
  57. Nanoscale imaging and control of domain-wall hopping with a nitrogen-vacancy center microscope
    J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-V. Kim, L. Herrera Diez, J.-P. Adam, K. Garcia, J.-F. Roch, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, D. Ravelosona, and V. Jacques
    Science 334, 1366 (2014) [PDF]
  58. Nonreciprocal spin-wave channeling along textures driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
    F. Garcia-Sanchez, P. Borys, A. Vansteenkiste, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 89, 224408 (2014) [PDF]
  59. Propagation of magnetic vortices using nanocontacts as tunable attractors
    M. Manfrini, J.-V. Kim, S. Petit-Watelot, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, C. Chappert, and T. Devolder
    Nature Nanotechnology 9, 121 (2014) [PDF]

    ––– [2013] –––
  60. Low depinning fields in Ta-CoFeB-MgO ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
    C. Burrowes, N. Vernier, J.-P. Adam, L. Herrera Diez, K. Garcia, I. Barisic, G. Agnus, S. Eimer, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, A. Lamperti, R. Mantovan, B. Ockert, E. E. Fullerton, and D. Ravelosona
    Applied Physics Letters 103, 182401 (2013) [PDF]
  61. Damping of CoxFe80-xB20 ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
    T. Devolder, P.-H. Ducrot, J.-P. Adam, I. Barisic, N. Vernier, J.-V. Kim, B. Ockert, and D. Ravelosona
    Applied Physics Letters 102, 022407 (2013) [PDF]
  62. Strain-controlled magnetic domain wall propagation in hybrid piezoelectric/ferromagnetic structures
    N. Lei, T. Devolder, G. Agnus, P. Aubert, L. Daniel, J.-V. Kim, W.-S. Zhao, T. Trypiniotis, R. P. Cowburn, C. Chappert, D. Ravelosona, and P. Lecoeur
    Nature Communications 4, 1378 (2013) [PDF]

    ––– [2012] –––
  63. Domain wall motion in nanopillar spin-valves with perpendicular anisotropy driven by spin-transfer torques
    J. Cucchiara, S. Le Gall, E. E. Fullerton, J.-V. Kim, D. Ravelosona, Y. Henry, J. A. Katine, A. D. Kent, D. Bedau, D. Gopman, and S. Mangin
    Physical Review B 86, 214429 (2012) [PDF]
  64. Understanding nanoscale temperature gradients in magnetic nanocontacts
    S. Petit-Watelot, R. M. Otxoa, M. Manfrini, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, J.-V. Kim, and T. Devolder
    Physical Review Letters 109, 267205 (2012) [PDF]
  65. Material parameters and thermal stability of synthetic ferrimagnet free layers in magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars
    D. Markó, T. Devolder, K. Miura, K. Ito, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, S. Ikeda, and H. Ohno
    Journal of Applied Physics 112, 053922 (2012) [PDF]
  66. Commensurability and chaos in magnetic vortex oscillations
    S. Petit-Watelot, J.-V. Kim, A. Ruotolo, R. M. Otxoa, K. Bouzehouane, J. Grollier, A. Vansteenkiste, B. Van de Wiele, V. Cros, and T. Devolder
    Nature Physics 8, 682 (2012) [PDF]
  67. Compact Modeling of Perpendicular-Anisotropy CoFeB/MgO Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
    Y. Zhang, W.-S. Zhao, Y. Lakys, J.-O. Klein, J.-V. Kim, D. Ravelosona, and C. Chappert
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 59, 819 (2012)
  68. Perpendicular-magnetic-anisotropy CoFeB racetrack memory
    Y. Zhang, W.-S. Zhao, D. Ravelosona, J.-O. Klein, J.-V. Kim, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Applied Physics 111, 093925 (2012)

    ––– [2011] –––
  69. Fast magnetization switching in GaMnAs induced by electrical fields
    P. Balestriere, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, P. Lecoeur, J. Wunderlich, V. Novak, T. Jungwirth, and C. Chappert
    Applied Physics Letters 99, 242505 (2011)
  70. Configuration and temperature dependence of magnetic damping in spin valves
    X. Joyeux, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, Y. G. de la Torre, S. Eimer, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Applied Physics 110, 063915 (2011) [PDF]
  71. Frequency shift keying in vortex-based spin torque oscillators
    M. Manfrini, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, W. Van Roy, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, and L. Lagae
    Journal of Applied Physics 109, 083940 (2011) [PDF]
  72. Spin-torque switching window, thermal stability, and material parameters of MgO tunnel junctions
    T. Devolder, L. Bianchini, K. Miura, K. Ito, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, V. Morin, A. Helmer, C. Chappert, S. Ikeda, and H. Ohno
    Applied Physics Letters 98, 162502 (2011) [PDF]

    ––– [2010] –––
  73. Vortex nucleation in spin-torque nanocontact oscillators
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, M. Manfrini, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Applied Physics Letters 97, 072512 (2010) [PDF]
  74. Direct experimental measurement of phase-amplitude coupling in spin torque oscillators
    L. Bianchini, S. Cornelissen, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Applied Physics Letters 97, 032502 (2010) [PDF]
  75. Influence of oscillation modes on the line width of rf emissions in MgO based nanopillars
    G. Hrkac, A. Goncharov, J. Dean, T. Schrefl, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, C. Chappert, S. Cornelissen, W. Van Roy, and L. Lagae
    Journal of Applied Physics 108, 023917 (2010) [PDF]
  76. Free layer versus synthetic ferrimagnet layer auto-oscillations in nanopillars processed from MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions
    S. Cornelissen, L. Bianchini, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Physical Review B 81, 144408 (2010)
  77. Quantized spin wave modes in magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars
    A. Helmer, S. Cornelissen, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, W. van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Physical Review B 81, 094416 (2010)
  78. Non-adiabatic spin-torques in narrow magnetic domain walls
    C. Burrowes, A. P. Mihai, D. Ravelosona, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, L. Vila, A. Marty, Y. Samson, F. Garcia-Sanchez, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, I. Tudosa, E. E. Fullerton, and J.-P. Attané
    Nature Physics 6, 17 (2010)

    ––– [2009] –––
  79. Influence of magnetic viscosity on domain wall dynamics under spin-polarized currents
    J.-V. Kim and C. Burrowes
    Physical Review B 80, 214424 (2009)
  80. Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts: Zero-field oscillations and training effects
    M. van Kampen, L. Lagae, G. Hrkac, T. Schrefl, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 245001 (2009)
  81. Auto-oscillation and narrow spectral lines in spin-torque oscillators based on MgO magnetic tunnel junctions
    T. Devolder, L. Bianchini, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, S. Cornelissen, M. Op de Beeck, and L. Lagae
    Journal of Applied Physics 106, 103921 (2009)
  82. Agility of vortex-based nanocontact spin torque oscillators
    M. Manfrini, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, N. Zerounian, C. Chappert, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, G. Hrkac, and T. Schrefl
    Applied Physics Letters 95, 192507 (2009)
  83. Dynamics of the exchange field supplied by MnIr layers studied by network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance
    C. Bilzer, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, M. Ruehrig, and L. Baer
    Journal of Applied Physics 106, 063918 (2009)
  84. Auto-oscillation threshold and line narrowing in MgO-based spin-torque oscillators
    S. Cornelissen, L. Bianchini , G. Hrkac, M. Op de Beeck, L. Lagae, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, and T. Schrefl
    Europhysics Letters 87, 57001 (2009)
  85. Direct measurement of current-induced fieldlike torque in magnetic tunnel junctions
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, J. Hayakawa, K. Ito, H. Takahashi, S. Ikeda, and H. Ohno
    Journal of Applied Physics 105, 113924 (2009)
  86. Time-resolved zero field vortex oscillations in point contacts
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, M. Manfrini, M. van Kampen, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, G. Hrkac, and T. Schrefl
    Applied Physics Letters 95, 012507 (2009)
  87. Spin-wave contributions to current-driven domain-wall dynamics
    Y. Le Maho, J.-V. Kim, and G. Tatara
    Physical Review B 79, 174404 (2009)

    ––– [2008] –––
  88. Temperature dependence of nonlinear auto-oscillator linewidths: Application to spin-torque nano-oscillators
    V. S. Tiberkevich, A. N. Slavin, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 78, 092401 (2008)
  89. Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts
    Q. Mistral, M. van Kampen, G. Hrkac, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, L. Lagae, and T. Schrefl
    Physical Review Letters 100, 257201 (2008)
  90. Line Shape Distortion in a Nonlinear Auto-Oscillator Near Generation Threshold: Application to Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators
    J.-V. Kim, Q. Mistral, C. Chappert, V. S. Tiberkevich, and A. N. Slavin
    Physical Review Letters 100, 167201 (2008)
  91. Single-shot time-resolved measurements of nanosecond-scale spin-transfer induced switching: Stochastic versus deterministic aspects
    T. Devolder, J. Hayakawa, K. Ito, H. Takahashi, S. Ikeda, P. Crozat, N. Zerounian, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, and H. Ohno
    Physical Review Letters 100, 057206 (2008)
  92. Generation Linewidth of an Auto-Oscillator with a Nonlinear Frequency Shift: Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillator
    J.-V. Kim, V. S. Tiberkevich, and A. N. Slavin
    Physical Review Letters 100, 017207 (2008)

    ––– [2007] –––
  93. Microwave power generated by a spin-torque oscillator in the presence of noise
    V. Tiberkevich, A. Slavin, and J.-V. Kim
    Applied Physics Letters 91, 192506 (2007)

    ––– [2006] –––
  94. Study of the dynamic magnetic properties of soft CoFeB films
    C. Bilzer, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, G. Counil, C. Chappert, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
    Journal of Applied Physics 100, 053903 (2006)
  95. Stochastic theory of spin-transfer oscillator linewidths
    J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 73, 174412 (2006)
  96. Current-driven microwave oscillations in current perpendicular-to-plane spin-valve nanopillars
    Q. Mistral, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, J. A. Katine, M. J. Carey, and K. Ito
    Applied Physics Letters 88, 192507 (2006)
  97. Magnetization switching by spin torque using subnanosecond current pulses assisted by hard axis magnetic fields
    T. Devolder, P. Crozat, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, K. Ito, M. J. Carey, and J. A. Katine
    Applied Physics Letters 88, 152502 (2006)

    ––– [2005] –––
  98. Magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial MgO/Fe/MgO films studied by network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance
    G. Counil, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, and A. Cebollada
    Journal of Applied Physics 98, 023901 (2005)
  99. Hysteresis from antiferromagnet domain-wall processes in exchange-biased systems: Magnetic defects and thermal effects
    J.-V. Kim and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 71, 094405 (2005)

    ––– [2004] –––
  100. Precession-dominated switching of synthetic antiferromagnets
    J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, C. Chappert, C. Maufront, and R. Fournel
    Applied Physics Letters 85, 4094 (2004)
  101. Spin wave contributions to the high-frequency magnetic response of thin films obtained with inductive methods
    G. Counil, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, C. Chappert, K. Shigeto, and Y. Otani
    Journal of Applied Physics 95, 5646 (2004)

    ––– [2003] –––
  102. Phase diagrams and energy barriers of exchange biased bilayers with additional anisotropies in the ferromagnet
    T. Mewes, H. Nembach, J. Fassbender, B. Hillebrands, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 67, 104422 (2003)
  103. Exchange bias of polycrystalline antiferromagnets with perfectly compensated interface
    D. Suess, M. Kirschner, T. Schrefl, J. Fidler, R. L. Stamps, and J.-V. Kim
    Physical Review B 67, 054419 (2003)

    ––– [2001] –––
  104. Defect-modified exchange bias
    J.-V. Kim and R.L. Stamps
    Applied Physics Letters 79, 2785 (2001)

    ––– [2000] –––
  105. Roughness-induced instability in stripe domain patterns
    J.-V. Kim, M. Demand, M. Hehn, K. Ounadjela, and R. L. Stamps
    Physical Review B 62, 6467 (2000)
  106. Angular dependence and interfacial roughness in exchange-biased ferromagnetic / antiferromagnetic bilayers
    J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, B. V. McGrath, and R. E. Camley
    Physical Review B 61, 8888 (2000)

Conference papers (peer-reviewed)

  1. Material Developments and Domain Wall-Based Nanosecond-Scale Switching Process in Perpendicularly Magnetized STT-MRAM Cells
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, J. Swerts, W. Kim, S. Couet, G. Kar, A. Furnemont, and V. Nikitin
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54, 3400109 (2018)
  2. Magnetic stochastic oscillators: Noise-induced synchronization to under-threshold excitation and comprehensive compact model
    A. Mizrahi, N. Locatelli, R. Matsumoto, A. Fukushima, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, V. Cros, J.-V. Kim, J. Grollier, and D. Querlioz
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 1401404 (2015)
  3. Magnetic Vortex Core Oscillations in Multi Point Contact Spin Valve Stacks
    G. Hrkac, D. Hahn, L. Saharan, T. Schrefl, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, and C. Chappert
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48, 3811 (2012)
  4. A compact model of domain wall propagation for logic and memory design
    W.-S. Zhao, J. Duval, D. Ravelosona, J.-O. Klein, J.-V. Kim, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Applied Physics 109, 07D501 (2011)
  5. Nanocontact size dependence of the properties of vortex-based spin torque oscillators
    R. Otxoa, M. Manfrini, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, W. Van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Physica Status Solidi B 248, 1615 (2011)
  6. Vortex Nucleation Phase in Spin Torque Oscillators Based on Nanocontacts
    T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, S. Petit-Watelot, R. Otxoa, C. Chappert, M. Manfrini, W. van Roy, and L. Lagae
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47, 1595 (2011)
  7. A compact model of domain wall propagation for logic and memory design
    W. S. Zhao, J. Duval, D. Ravelosona, J.-O. Klein, J.-V. Kim, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Applied Physics 109, 07D501 (2011)
  8. Effect of patterning on the saturation magnetization in MgO based nanopillars
    S. Cornelissen, L. Bianchini, A. Helmer, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, M. Op de Beeck, W. van Roy, L. Lagae, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07B903 (2009)
  9. Electrical time-domain observation of magnetization switching induced by spin transfer in magnetic nanostructures (invited)
    T. Devolder, J. Hayakawa, K. Ito, H. Takahashi, S. Ikeda, J. A. Katine, M. J. Carey, P. Crozat, J. V. Kim, C. Chappert, and H. Ohno
    Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07A723 (2008)
  10. Theory of Generation Linewidth in Spin-torque Nano-sized Auto-oscillators
    J.-V. Kim, V. Tiberkevich, and A. N. Slavin
    Journal of Magnetics (Korea) 12, 53 (2007)
  11. Temperature Dependences of the Resistivity and the Ferromagnetic Resonance Linewidth in Permalloy Thin Films
    G. Counil, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, C. Chappert, S. Zoll, and R. Fournel
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42, 3323 (2006)
  12. Precession-dominated reversal of synthetic antiferromagnets and synthetic ferrimagnets
    C. Maufront, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, R. Fournel, and C. Chappert
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41, 2655 (2005)
  13. Bit selection scheme and dipolar interactions in high density precessional MRAM
    T. Devolder, C. Maufront, J.-V. Kim, H. W. Schumacher, C. Chappert, and R. Fournel
    IEE Proceedings – Science, Measurement and Technology 152, 196 (2005)
  14. Hysteresis from antiferromagnet domain-wall processes in exchange biased systems
    J.-V. Kim and R. L. Stamps
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 286, 233 (2005)
  15. Magnetization dynamics of spin-valve structures with spin-pumping
    J.-V. Kim and C. Chappert
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 286, 56 (2005)
  16. Inductive measurement of the high frequency permeability of a Permalloy thin film
    G. Counil, J.-V. Kim, K. Shigeto, Y. Otani, T. Devolder, P. Crozat, H. Hurdequint, and C. Chappert
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetics Materials 272-276, 290 (2004)
  17. Micromagnetic Simulation of Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Structures
    D. Suess, T. Schrefl, W. Scholz, J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, and J. Fidler
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38, 2397 (2002)
  18. Probing antiferromagnetic order with heat capacity in exchange-biased structures
    J.-V. Kim and R. E. Camley
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetics Materials 240, 267 (2002)
  19. Theory of long-wavelength spin waves in exchange biased bilayers
    J.-V. Kim and R. L. Stamps
    Journal of Applied Physics 89, 7651 (2001)
  20. Temperature dependence of exchange biased thin films
    B. V. McGrath, R. E. Camley, Leonard Wee, J.-V. Kim, and R.L. Stamps
    Journal of Applied Physics 87, 6430 (2000)
  21. Exchange Bias: Interface Imperfections and Temperature Dependence
    J.-V. Kim, L. Wee, R. L. Stamps, and R. Street
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35, 2994 (1999)
  22. Magnetization Dynamics: A Study of the Ferromagnet/Antiferromagnet Interface and Exchange Biasing
    R. E. Camley, B. V. McGrath, R. J. Astalos, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps
    Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 17, 1335 (1999)
  23. Magnetic properties of self-organized epitaxial cobalt structures
    M. Demand, M. Hehn, K. Ounadjela, J.-V. Kim, A.V. Vagov, and R. L. Stamps
    Journal of Applied Physics 85, 5498 (1999)